Chapter 10

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Jamia panted, hands running through my hair. I smirked, setting her down onto the ground. I pulled up my pants and boxers, which had previously been around my thighs, and buttoning them up. Jamia grabbed her skinny jeans and panties, putting them on and buttoning up the denim. We went over to the mirror on the wall, fixing our hair.

"You probably should've used a condom," Jamia said in slight disgust as she wiped at the wet spot on her shirt with a paper towel.

Luckily it was a white shirt.

"I didn't realize I ran out, Brendon must've took them again without telling me, I'll get more," I said. "Besides, I pulled out."

"Yeah but you got it on my shirt," she complained.

"You gonna head back to class?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I think so," she said.

I sighed, making sure my eyeliner wasn't too smudged.

"I should probably get changed into my gym clothes then," I said.

I went over to my gym locker, the rest of the locker room empty other than Jamia. I got changed into a pair of black basketball shorts and a dark grey t-shirt. I ran a hand through my hair, my teeth pressing against my lip ring.

"Alright, I'll call you later," I said.

She smiled, giving me a small kiss. Jamia walked out of the locker rooms and I walked into the gym after putting on a pair of sneakers.

"Nice of you to join us, Iero," Coach Carlson said as the locked door slammed shut behind me.

I saluted at him, smirking and going to stand beside Brendon.

"You missed half the class," he said.

"You should've seen what I was doing in the locker room," I said with a smirk.

Brendon laughed, shaking his head. "You better get off the court before the next game starts."

I went to go sit at the sidelines. They were playing basketball again. Gee was standing to the side of the court, looking nervous. I watched the game play out, seeing someone pass the ball to Gee. He looked at it in his hands in shock as other people shouted at him. Gee looked around, chucking it at a teammate. Although, Gerard doesn't have very good aim. In the end it ended up hitting some poor kid in the arm.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Gee squeaked.

I chuckled at his rosy red cheeks. Other people were also laughing. Except, unlike me, they were laughing at him instead of with him.

"Alright, let's go," Coach said, blowing his whistle to calm everyone.

The people got into positions again.

"Oh yeah, and Iero," Coach called.

I looked over at him.

"Thirty laps," he ordered.

I groaned, getting up from the bench. I began my laps, running around where the other kids were playing ball. I watched with only half interest as they played twice more, switching up who was on court before starting again. My legs were beginning to feel like rubber, the familiar side stitches causing me pain. Sweat matted my hair down to my forehead in a sticky string of black. At this point I was almost fearing the dyed red sides of my hair to wash out from sweat.

It's been about a mile and a half now and my feet were killing me. My shirt was wet around the collar, my legs feeling like they were going to collapse. I feel like throwing up. Is throwing up normal while running? Oh god, four more laps. My feet were dragging slightly and I groaned.

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