Chapter 3

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Sunglasses blocked out the sun, helping slightly with the migraine in my head. I laid across the bleachers, having written a fake doctors note so I didn't have to participate in gym. I groaned when a shadow loomed over me.

"You look like shit," Brendon stated.

"Thanks, dickhead," I replied. "Now go away."

He chuckled, taking a soccer ball out of some kids hands and dribbling it up the field. I shut my eyes, taking a few deep breaths. At least it wasn't very hot out, it wasn't cold out either. My birthday having been a week ago and now it was the first week of November, according to the school that's still nice enough to have outdoor sports.

"I-I was switched into this class," I heard a soft voice say tentatively.

I cracked an eye open and saw Gerard handing a note to the coach.

"Well you certainly can't play soccer in that," coach said.

I looked at Gerard's attire of a white shirt, pastel purple skirt, and white high heels that sunk into the grass slightly.

"Sit sidelines today and bring proper attire tomorrow," coach said.

Gee nodded, sitting on the bench. He noticed me, looking slightly fearful and scooting away a bit.

"Don't worry, I feel too much like shit to hurt you today," I muttered.

He didn't say anything, just looked me over and glanced away with a slight blush.

"Like what you see?" I asked.

He blushed even harder, looking down at his lap.

"Where are you from, anyways?" I asked. "Why the hell would you move to a place like Bellville?"

"I've lived here my whole life," Gerard said.

"Then where have you been?" I asked.

"I've been at a boarding school in Oregon," Gerard replied.

"Ooh, rich boy goes to a boarding school," I teased. "Why'd you leave, did they run out of sushi at the five star buffet?"

Gee scrunched up his nose, seeming to not notice the bitterness in my tone.

"I don't like sushi," he said. "And I didn't quit, I was expelled."

"No," I said in honest disbelief, looking up at him in shock. "What could someone like you possibly do to get expelled?"

Gee blushed again, shrugging his shoulders. He blushed a lot, it's cute.

"Just some disagreements with the staff," he replied.

"And they couldn't have just stuck with you until the year is over and you graduate?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm not a senior, I'm a junior," he said.

I nodded, looking up at him. His inky black hair framed his round, chubby face beautifully. His hands fiddled with the hem of his skirt nervously. I wonder what he was so nervous about. The medicine I had taken when I left for school seemed to be kicking in as I felt the migraine fade slowly.

"Hey, douchebag!" I heard Brendon call.

He walked over again, ignoring Gee.

"You know who I got to come to the party tonight?" He asked and I looked at him expectantly.

"Hayley Williams," he said.

"Shit, how'd you manage that?" I asked. "She usually hates going to these parties."

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