Chapter 35

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We can leave this world, leave it all behind

We can steal this car if your folks don't mind

We can live forever if you've got the time

You can run away with me anytime you want


I got to Gee's house and heard yelling from inside. I got out of my car and hurried up to the front door. Luckily, they must've forgotten to lock it with all the chaos. I stepped inside and followed the sounds of the voices.

"You are leaving for boarding school first thing tomorrow morning and that's final!" Donald yelled.

"No! I won't go!" Gee screamed.

"Well you certainly aren't staying here with that punk boy, nothing but bad things has happened since he came around," Donald said. "And you are far too young to be with a boy like him. He is reckless and bad, you could find a boy who is so much better."

I ran into Gee's room, seeing Gee sitting on his bed while his parents packed his clothes into a suitcase. He was still wearing his red plaid skirt with a black sweater and black thigh highs with black ankle boots. His makeup was smeared and hair all messy.

"Frankie!" Gee exclaimed.

He jumped up and hugged me, holding me tight to him as he sobbed.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Mr. Way shouted.

Gee looked at him and held my hand. He pulled me to leave but Mr. Way grabbed his other arm.

"You are not leaving this house," he said.

"I wanna be with Frankie, I love him," Gee cried.

"You are not going with him," his dad stated.

Gee tugged his arm but Mr. Way wouldn't let go. Gee cried, letting go of my hand and shoving his dad. Mr. Way let go and stumbled back, looking at his son in shock.

"I-I'm sorry, I love you," Gee whispered to his parents.

He took my hand and started running again, grabbing his backpack on the way. We ran out to my car, getting in and driving to my house quickly. As soon as we pulled into my driveway, we were inside my house as fast as possible. I went to my room, shoving clothes and other necessities into a bag. I went to the kitchen, throwing some food into another bag frantically. I saw Gee standing there, his arms wrapped around his middle as he cried. I stopped what I was doing and stepped over to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, baby boy?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"I-I hurt my dad," he whimpered.

"Oh baby," I sighed, kissing his forehead. "You didn't really hurt him, it was just a little push. If you hadn't done that then we wouldn't have been able to get out and we won't be able to run away, okay?"

Gee sniffled and nodded.

I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Come on, princess, let's go."

I grabbed my bags and looked at Gee still standing there, looking at me hesitantly.

"What's wrong now, sweetheart?" I asked.

"I-I'm just a little nervous," Gee said, his voice sounding a little shaky.

"How about I go put the bags into my car and we can cuddle," I suggested. "We can leave anytime you're ready."

Gee nodded and I stepped outside of the house. I shoved the bags into the trunk, along with Gee's bags before heading back inside. I held onto his hand, leading him to the couch. I laid down and he laid on top of me, face buried into the crook of my neck. I heard my phone chime as I picked it up, seeing I had a new email. It was from my doctor, saying I was clean of an STD.

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