Chapter 13

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I was shutting my locker, heading to where Bob was waiting.

"Hey," he said.

I nodded at him, leaning against the wall. I ran a hand through my hair before fixing it again into the little swoop.

"What's up, losers?" Pete asked, Brendon by his side.

"How much longer until school's over?" Brendon asked.

"One hour left," I replied tiredly.

I noticed Gee walking down the hall, oblivious to us standing here.

"Hey, come here," I said.

"Why?" Pete asked.

"Because I said so, that's why," I stated.

I lead them around the corner, away from Ge before they noticed him.

"Alright, why are we here?" Bob asked.

"That hall had a draft and I didn't like it," I lied.

Pete rolled his eyes. "God, you're such a whiner. You always have been ever since we were kids."

"I am not!" I exclaimed, hitting his arm.

"Whatever," Pete muttered. "Anyways, the bell is about to ring so we should head to class."

"Pete going to class, that's a first," Brendon teased. "Why do you wanna go anyways?"

"No reason," Pete said. "Just don't feel like hanging out with you losers."

We laughed as he walked to his class which was nearby. When he opened the door, I noticed Mikey already sitting in the classroom before he stepped in and shut it behind him.

"Alright, fine, I guess I'll go too," I said.

I headed off towards my journalism class, which was my last hour of the day. This class was an easy A which is the only reason I took it. Gee was sitting in his seat when I got into the room. I sat in the back, ignoring his wave.

"We have a new assignment for this weekend for the school's soccer game," the teacher said. "We need a photographer and a writer."

Gee's hand went up, a blush on his cheeks. "C-can I please be the photographer, sir?"

"Of course," Mr. Ackerson said. "Who wants to work with Gee?"

Nobody raised their hands and Gee looked sad. Clearly, people would work on the assignment but nobody wanted to be with Gee.

"C'mon, people," Mr. Ackerson urged.

Gee looked over at me pleadingly but I ignored him. Someone else raised their hand.

"I'll do it with him," Bert offered.

"Great, I'll talk to you more later after I finish speaking," the teacher said.

Gee gave Bert a grateful smile, one that Bert returned.

"Alright, it's a Friday so let's take this all at ease," Mr. Ackerson said. "Just finish the projects you were working on and that's all. Gee and Bert, come speak to me."

I went over to one of the computers on the wall, signing in and going to the thing I had been writing. I read over it, editing mistakes. I saw Bert and Gee sit down next to each other, talking about who knows what.

"Hey, you got a pencil I can borrow?" The girl next to me asked.

"No," I replied honestly.

She turned to ask someone else and I looked back at the two. Bert was leaning in, saying something that made Gee giggle and blush. I scowled at them and turned back to the screen. Soon enough, class ended. I got up, walking past them.

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