Chapter 14

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It was late on a Saturday. I was wasted and horny as fuck. I groaned, laying on my bed as I reached down to palm myself through my jeans. My stomach twisted and I felt my heart skip a beat. I reached over and grabbed my phone, calling the number I wanted and pressing it against my ear.

"Hello?" The person asked.

"Can you come over, baby?" I asked. "I'm hard and I really wanna fuck you."

"Sorry, Frankie," Jamia said with a giggle. "As much as I would love to be there, and I really would, I can't right now. Maybe next time."

"Okay," I muttered.

I called lindsey next.

"Lindsey, can you come over?" I asked. "I'm really horny."

"Can't, I'm with Jamia," she replied.

I heard Jamia laughing in the background.

"Threesome?" I asked.

"We totally would but we just got our nails done and we don't want to ruin them," she said. "How about later this week maybe we can?"

We bid our goodbyes and I hung up. God, just the thought made me even harder. I considered just getting onto my computer and watching porn, but I didn't really want to do that. Instead, I found myself making my way to my car and driving down the street.

I pulled up to the house, making sure to be quiet as I snuck around the side of the house. I searched around on the ground until I found some little pebbles and began tossing them at the window. The balcony door opened and the person stepped out.

"Daddy? What are you doing here?" Gee whispered tiredly. "It's the middle of the night."

"Baby, I missed you," I said. "Can I come up?"

"I-I'll come down and unlock the door for you," he said.

A minute later on of the side doors opened. I hurried inside, the two of us sneaking quietly upstairs to his bedroom. He wore a pastel purple onesie with white polka dots on it. His hair was messy from sleeping, sticking up in some places and matted down in others. Once we made it up to his room, I shut the door and pressed him against it, kissing at his neck.

"I thought you were mad at me," he said.

"Of course not, Princess," I denied. "I was just jealous is all."

"You were jealous?" Gee asked in shock.

"Mhmm," I hummed against the skin of his neck. "I want you all to myself."

My lips moved up, ghosting over his skin and connecting with his. Our lips moved together until I slowly pulled apart.

"Daddy, have you need drinking?" Gee asked.

I smirked, resting a thigh in between his legs. Gee gasped at the sudden pressure, biting his lip and looking up at me.

"You're so pretty, sweetheart," I whispered, running my hand through his hair.

I rubbed my thigh against him gently, hearing his quiet whimpers. His hands held a firm grip on my shoulders as he rutted his hips against my leg.

"Is my little boy all horny now?" I teased.

Gee nodded quickly, connecting our lips again. He moaned into the kiss as I ground against him, our hips moving together. My hand went up to the zipper of his onesie, pulling it down. Gee stepped out of the fuzzy fabric, standing in just a pair of white silk panties.

I pressed him against the wall again, a hand going down to cup the bulge in his panties. Gee whined but I shushed him and he bit his lip. I kissed along his neck, sucking on a spot right below his ear that I learned drove him crazy.

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