Chapter 11

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Tbh I hate the word mingle or any variation of it


I stuffed the list into my pocket as the Donna and Donald left for a business dinner. Mikey and Gee were out, leaving me alone, with barely any trust from Donald. I stood in front of the sink, washing the dishes with a sponge. I heard the door open and Gee walked in, looking around nervously before spotting me.

"Is my dad home?" He whispered.

"He's out at a business dinner," I said.

He nodded and I looked over his black eye. Gee started walking to his room but I stopped him.

"Here, let me help you with that shiner, sugar," I offered.

He nervously walked over with a blush on his cheeks, stopping in front of me as I shut off the tap and dried my hands. I held onto his hips, making his face turn into one of shock. I lifted him up, sitting him up onto the counter.

"Better view, you're a bit taller now," I said.

I gently ran my fingers over the purple bruise, feeling Gee flinch slightly.

"It's not bad, it's not too swollen," I said. "Pete's never had a solid right hook."

Gee giggled slightly and I smiled. I opened the freezer, taking out an ice pack and gently pressing it against his face.

"Hold this here for a little bit, it'll help," I advised.

He nodded and I turned back to the dishes. Gee sat on the counter, humming quietly while I washed the objects.

"Daddy?" Gee asked.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face, feeling happy that I had someone to call me that. The way it sounded so fragile and special rolling off Gerard's tongue.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I thought your friends didn't like gay people," he said. "But I saw those two girls kiss at lunch but nobody cared."

"Sometimes boys can be kind of like animals," I explained. "They think two girls together is more like a porno than an actual relationship. They like girls together but not boys together because they think that it's hot."

"I think two boys together are hot though, so then why isn't that okay?" He asked.

"It is perfectly okay, Gee," I said.

I turned off the water after loading the dishwasher, turning it on and drying my hands. I walked to gee, resting a hand on his knee reassuringly.

"Liking boys is perfectly okay don't worry about other people," I said.

"But they make fun of me," he whined.

I raised my other hand, stroking his cheek softly. I leaned forward, gently pressing my lips against his. I pulled away, hearing his quiet giggles. He set the ice pack down onto the counter. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. My lips were connected with his again, a spark between us that I felt like I could get high off of.

His hands ran through my hair, moving to wrap his arms around my neck. I placed my hands under his thighs, stepping back and lifting him up, letting him wrap his legs around my waist. I carried him up to his bedroom, laying him down on the bed. Luckily my soreness had left from earlier today.

"So fucking pretty," I whispered, moving to attach my lips to his neck.

Gee whined, his small hands fisting at my shirt. My hands ran over his sides, going up under his shirt and over his chest. I pulled away for a moment, pulling his shirt over his head. Gee's face was red and he giggled nervously.

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