Chapter 9

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I was talking with Pete and Brendon, the three of us laughing at some joke Brendon had said.

"Okay, so you have to basically be their maid? Do they make you wear a frilly little slutty maids outfit?" Pete asked, laughing at me.

I couldn't help but laugh along as I hit his shoulder.

"Dude, I would die before you see me wearing a dress," I denied.

The two of them laughed at me.

"Now I just imagine you dressed like a maid in a porno," Brendon said.

"Stop!" I exclaimed, pushing him lightly.

The two just laughed harder, making remarks about what kind of heels they thought I would wear. And, as it just so happens, that was when we heard a pair of heels clicking up to us, stopping behind me. I expected to see Jamia or Lindsey, but oh no, standing in front of me was none other than Gee Way. He was wearing the new dress his dad had bought him with a smile on his face as he waved. I couldn't help but cringe slightly, praying that he would just walk away now. I really didn't want him to get hurt.

"Hi!" Gee chirped happily, far too energized for it being so early in the morning.

"Go away," Pete grumbled.

"Do you like my new dress?" Gee asked, holding the sides of it to fan out the skirt.

Brendon tipped his Starbucks coffee cup forward, spilling the drink over the light colored fabric. Gee gasped, stumbling backwards as tears filled his eyes.

"Looks better now," Brendon remarked.

Pete and Brendon both laughed, looking at the dark brown stain that soaked the front. Other people around us started to notice the commotion and laugh too. Gerard was crying freely, hands futilely trying to wipe at the stain. He looked around when he noticed people laughing, looking up at me. He hurried forward, wrapping his arms around me as he sobbed.

"What the fuck is he grabbing onto you for?" Pete asked.

"I don't know," I lied, pushing Gee's shoulders lightly.

"They ruined my new, pretty dress!" Gee cried.

"Gee, you need to let go," I whispered.

Gerard merely shook his head, holding me tighter.

"Gee," I warned.

He whimpered, shaking his head. I pushed him a little bit harder, which seemed to be too forceful as he fell down to the ground, looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Hey, what the fuck," Mikey said as he hurried over, helping Gee to his feet.

"Frankie hurt me," Gee accused, pointing at me.

"Wh--C'mon, it was barely anything," I defended.

"Don't you dare ever lay a goddamn finger on my baby brother," Mikey threatened, a confidence surging through him that I've never seen before.

I raised my eyebrows, looking at him and crossing my arms with a small smirk.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" I asked.

I saw Mikey's courage deflate slightly, but he looked at the crying Gee and then back to me with the returning anger.

"Don't touch him, ever," Mikey seethed.

Pete laughed at him, stepping forward.

"I think you should leave," Pete recommended.

"Come on, Gee, I'll walk you to class," Mikey said, all while still maintaining eye contact with Pete.

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