Chapter 18

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More super great fanart by unofficialmcr !!<3

I feel like I update too much

But this chapter takes a drastic fucking change


"We can save your punishment for another time, baby boy, let's just get you cleaned up," I said.

"There's an outer bathroom for when we have pool parties because mama doesn't like it when people tread water through the house," Gee said.

He pointed over to the side to the little building. I carried him over into under the big archway where there were more lounges and tables and chairs. A big stone fireplace was sat near the side. Gee pointed to a door and I opened it to the bathroom. The room was completely white tile, with a sink, a toilet, and a shower that was blocked off by a curtain.

I set Gee onto the closed toilet lid, turning to the sink. I grabbed a cloth from the towel rack and rinsed under warm water before turning back. I gently wiped off his face and he smiled up at me when it was finished. I smiled back, running a hand through his hair and resting it on his cheek.

"Beautiful," I muttered.

He giggled, his cheeks dusting red.

"No offense, daddy, but your come doesn't taste very good," Gee remarked, making a face of disgust.

I chuckled. "Here, Princess, let's go get you something to drink."

He nodded and held my hand to stand up. We went to our clothes and put them back on. I retied my red tie around my neck while Gee's wet panties hung from the tip of his finger. I laughed as he tossed them at me but I dodged it.

"C'mon, let's go get you so dry panties," I said.

The two of us headed inside together. Gee went upstairs to get new panties while I went into the kitchen. Neither of us have eaten yet so I decided I might as well make something for us. I looked through the fridge and pantry when I heard Gee coming in.

"Are you making food, daddy?" Gee asked.

I nodded as he sat at one of the stools at the island. I grabbed a glass, filled it with some juice and handed it to him.

"Daddy?" Gee asked.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Why do you still play with your friends if they're meanie heads?" Gee asked.

"Because they're still my friends, Gee, I've known them for years," I stated.

"Sometimes I like to listen to Mikey when he's talking to his therapist when she comes over through the door," Gee said.

"Why does Mikey have a therapist?" I asked.

"Because people beat him up a lot and that makes him really sad," Gee said. "Anyways, sometimes she says that he closes himself off and that he'd rather take the torment he gets now then let it get worse."

I stopped my search for food to look at him in question as I raised my eyebrows.

"He met this boy at school that he liked and the boy liked him back," Gee explained. "But Mikey decided it was better to push him away because he knew if he started dating the boy then the tormenting from the other kids would only get worse."

"Okay, why are you telling me that?" I asked.

"Daddy, is that why you're scared to hold my hand and hug me and stuff? Is it because you're scared of being made fun of?" He asked.

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