Chapter 12

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I pulled at my shirt, tugging it over my head. I stripped myself of the rest of my sweaty clothes and stepped under the cold stream of the showers that I was used to. There were a bunch of wolf whistles suddenly and I turned to see them all directed at Gee.

He stood under the showers, water beginning to soak his hair. I could see what everyone else was laughing about. Hickeys covered his neck, trailing down his chest and stomach and covering his inner thighs.

"Did you have fun with your boy toy last night?" Brendon teased.

Gee looked down at his body nervously, glancing at me before turning away.

"Looks like little Gee got some dick in his ass," someone else mocked.

Others laughed along, all beginning to get into the showers.

"Who would wanna fuck you?" Brendon asked.

Gee looked up sadly before turning away again. I finished up my showering quickly and wrapped a towel around my waist. Others streamed out too, Gee wrapping it around his chest like last time. Brendon, who was clad in only a pair of black boxers, tugged on Gee's towel, pulling it away from him and into his hand. The small boy cried out, trying to cover himself up. Brendon snapped a photo of the poor shaking boy. People around were laughing at him.

"Hm, I'm sure some 40 year old man on the internet would like this," Brendon remarked.

"Hey! What's going on out here?" Coach Carlson asked, stepping out of his office.

"Nothing at all, sir," Brendon said, tossing Gee his towel back.

He quickly wrapped himself up again and turned towards the locker, wiping away some tears. Coach looked around at us before heading back into his office.

"Looks like Frank got some action too," someone remarked.

I looked behind me, slightly seeing some of the scratches on my back in the corner of my eye.

"You with Jamia?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah," I lied.

I got dressed quickly, grabbing my backpack and gym bag. Gee dressed into a simple lavender colored dress with white thigh highs.

"Yo, dickero," Brendon called.

I looked over at him in question.

"Going to Bob's house later tonight, you wanna come?" He asked.

"Can't, I'm busy," I stated.

"Since when has the Frank Iero ever been busy on a Friday night?" Brendon teased.

I rolled my eyes as the bell rang. The two of us headed off to our next class.

"Can I borrow your phone for a minute?" I asked.

"Why?" Brendon replied.

"Because I need to text Jamia really quick but I forgot my phone at home," I stated.

He handed me his phone, looking around at people as we walked down the hall. I opened the photos app, deleting the photo of Gee before closing it again. I handed it back to him, a small smirk on my face as I went to class.


Usually my Friday's were spent partying and drinking with friends. Maybe making out and sleeping with girls. But today I did something I never thought I would on a perfectly good Friday night.

I drove to the Way house.

Gee excitedly opened the door for me when I knocked. I smiled at him, ruffling his hair and walking passed him into the house.

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