Chapter 33

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was regret.

The second thing I felt was my migraine.

I sat up from where I had passed out on the couch. I stumbled into the kitchen, feeling a sharp pain in my foot as I did. I looked down to where the glass from the broken picture frame had scratched me and made me bleed.

"Fuck," I muttered.

I took some pills for my hangover and put a bandage on my foot. As I walked back into the kitchen to look for my phone, I saw Flopsy sitting onto the table. The things I had said and done yesterday made me want to throw up. I couldn't believe what I had done, how horrible they were. Gee was just trying to help and I treated him so badly. The thought of me hitting him made me blanch. The sharp, horrid sound playing repeat in my head that made my stomach twist and heart hurt.

I know I don't ever deserve it, but I need to try to make this up to Gee. I'm still devastated about my mother but right now I need to try and focus on Gee. The thought of losing him, especially like this, was a million times worse than losing my mom. I just need to try and make things right between us.

I grabbed flopsy and headed outside to my car. However, I didn't have my car because it was still sitting on the side of the road from when I ran out of gas. I didn't have a bike or anything so I had no other choice. I started running, going as fast my legs could carry me. The mid-afternoon sun shone down on me. It was a weekday so it wasn't very busy at all.

It took me a while to get to his house. By the time I was there, my legs collapsed under me and I thought I would cough up a lung. I groaned, dragging myself up and knocking on his door. I wasn't sure if anyone was home at all. I grabbed a ladder that was sitting outside his garage and dragged it around the house. I climbed up onto his balcony and tried opening his locked door. I knocked gently.

"Babydoll, are you in there?" I called.

It was quiet and I almost gave up.

"Go away," I heard a soft voice mutter.

I knocked again and rattled the doorknob.

"Princess, open up please," I said.

"No," Gee denied. "Go away."

I sat down with my back against the door, resting my pained legs and holding Flopsy to my chest.

"You have every right to be mad at me," I said. "I'm so, so sorry, princess, I didn't mean any of it."

It was still quiet as he ignored me.

"I have Flopsy," I offered.

There was a small rustling.

"I want Flopsy but I don't want you to come in," he said, his voice right on the other side of the door.

"Okay, just take him and I'll stay out here, okay?" I suggested.

I heard the lock turn as he quickly opened the door, grabbing Flopsy before shutting it again. I didn't even get a chance to see him it was so fast. I sighed and leaned back against the door again.

"I fucked up, baby, I fucked up real bad," I admitted. "Words can't even describe how sorry I am. I was drunk and sad, I couldn't think straight. Please, let me in so I can talk to you."

I could hear him crying and sniffling quietly, letting me know he had his back resting against the door on the other side.

"Please, baby, I need you," I whispered. "I can't lose you too."

It was quiet and I could imagine him cuddling Flopsy tight.

"Please," I said.

"Y-you hit me," Gee whispered.

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