Chapter 6

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I shut my locker door, turning and seeing a familiar face hopping up to me. I turned to walk away but he had already caught up.

"Hi, d--Frankie!" Gerard chirped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion. "I just wanna know if you wanted to do something later."

"No," I denied as though the idea was ridiculous.

"Why not?" He pouted. "You're my boyfriend."

My eyes widened for a moment as I stared at him in shock, wondering if he was joking or not.

"No, you're most certainly not my boyfriend," I stated.

"B-but we kissed," Gee said, furrowing his eyebrows in bewilderment. "In the movies whenever the boy kisses the girl that means they're dating and they live happily ever after."

"Well news flash, Gee, life isn't a fucking fairytale," I spat. "Just because I got us off doesn't mean we're dating. I was just horny and you happened to be there, that's it. I don't date people. Hell, I have sex with a lot of people, doesn't mean I'm dating all of them."

"But..." Gerard trailed off. "But you said I was pretty."

"Yeah, it's easy to get into someone's pants when you compliment them," I stated.

"But you sounded so genuine," Gerard said. "I was told that people don't kiss people unless it means something."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the waist of some random girl who was walking past. I pressed my lips against hers, giving her a chaste kiss. I pulled away and she looked slightly dazed as she walked away. I turned to Gee, seeing his lip quivering and his eyes watering.


"But nothing," I interrupted. "You're just something to get off to. You don't really think you actually mean something, do you? You're not important to me, you're nothing."

Gerard cried, turning around and running away. I rolled my eyes, turning and walking towards my first hour. I sat at my seat in math class near the back, just wanting to leave again. I felt slightly guilty about Gerard but I pushed those thoughts aside and attempted to focus on the board in front of me. And soon pushing Gee away became easier. After all, I have a lot of practice with that.

I finished the class, heading down to the locker rooms. Brendon was already, taking off his shirt to change into his gym clothes. Luckily, the fields were still muddy from the rain so we didn't have to play sports outside. I didn't say anything as I opened the locker that was next to Brendon's.

"Dude, have you seen what Jamia is wearing today?" He asked. "That skirt is so short you can practically see her whole ass."

I pulled off my shirt, tossing it into the metal box and fiddling with my belt.

"What's wrong with you?" Brendon asked.

"You never picked me up on Saturday, I waited for you in the downpour outside but you never came so I had to walk all the way home," I stated.

"In my defense, I was on my way to grab you when I got a booty call," Brendon said. "Come on, you should be proud of me."

"You let me down," I muttered.

"Don't be such a wuss," he said.

I didn't say anything, changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The locker rooms were more filled by now as we all started to change. I noticed Gee nervously looking around, seeming to hesitate in taking off his clothes. I shut my locker after stuffing my clothes inside then sat on a bench as I waited for other people to finish.

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