Chapter 7

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I had just left the hospital after visiting my mom. They said she's not doing much better, probably only doing worse, actually. I tried to ignore all of that as I got into my car, driving myself to the Way residence in a boat of pity. The house loomed over me as I drove up, parking and sadly stepping out. I rang the doorbell, waiting until Mrs. Way opened the door.

"There's some dishes you can start with," she said. "You can leave your shoes there, it'll be easier when you mop."

I nodded, pulling off my shoes and walking into the kitchen. Gee was sitting at the counter with a little bowl of goldfish crackers and a juice box. He looked up when he saw me, scrunching up his nose.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Working off your window," I said.

"I think I'm gonna finish my snack somewhere else," he said, turning his nose up. He took the bowl and juice box, walking out of the room and calling out, "Mikey! Let's play a game!"

I stood in front of the sick that was littered with dishes. I started scrubbing them, putting my earbuds in to listen to music. After I had rinsed them all, I put them into the dishwasher and started it up. I wiped my hands off on a paper towel, tossing it into the trash. I looked around, taking in their house for the first time. The only other times I've been here I was either wasted or hungover.

The inside was even nicer than the outside. With pristine marble floors and chandeliers in every other room. There were thick white and gold curtains--well, apparently they were drapes, but I didn't know there was a difference. Fancy statues were placed around the house that I'm pretty sure are worth more than me. There were more expensive things, many things that would never be seen around my house. Unless I were to have stolen them, of course.

"Mrs. Way?" I called.

I heard footsteps and she came over.

"Okay, well, you--"

She was cut off when the door opened.

"I'm home!" He called, but there was no response. "I have presents!"

"Hey, dad!" Gee shouted.

Mr. Way walked into the room with Mikey and Gee following. Gerard was smiling wide, bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.

"Can I have it now?" Gee asked enthusiastically, holding his hands out.

"Hold on, just give me a second," Mr. Way said with a chuckle.

I shrunk back farther into the corner, seeming to have been forgotten about. I watched with slightly envy as Donald gave Donna a kiss, ruffling both the boys' hair and having Gee complain and try to fix it again. It really was like a perfect family, something that mine has never experienced.

"Presents," Gee whined eagerly.

"Okay, okay, Gee," Mr. Way said with a laugh, holding up his hands.

Gee giggled, bouncing up and down as he clapped his hands together.

"Well first one is for my beautiful wife," Donald said. "Reservation for two at Restaurant Latour tomorrow night."

I nearly felt myself throw up. That's one of the most expensive restaurants in all of New Jersey. I'm sure one restaurant bill could outweigh all my mom's medical bills combined. Okay maybe not, but I can only dream of ever going to a place like that.

"And for my two precious boys," Mr. Way continued, pinching both their cheeks.

Mikey made a noise of embarrassment, batting his hand away while Gee smiled proudly.

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