Chapter 23

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I stepped into the store, looking at the shelves full of different things. I nodded to the cash register worker, to which she returned with a smile. I grabbed a few things I wanted off the shelf and took it up to the register.

"Fun night you're gonna have?" She said with a smirk.

"Yeah, something like that," I said, looking at the array of sex toys.

She laughed, as I paid for the items and headed out of the store. Gee was in the passenger seat when I got into the car, sitting anxiously as I drove off. I smirked at him, heading down towards my house. I reached my hand over to his thigh, running it along the soft, chubby skin.

"Daddy, how much longer until we get home?" Gee asked.

"Just five more minutes, baby," I said.

Gee whimpered, leaning over to kiss at my neck.

"Daddy, I've been so bad," Gee whispered. "Your baby boy didn't listen to you."

We got into my neighborhood and parked in my driveway. Gee moved over, straddling my hips in the driver's seat. He rocked his hips down against mine, whining loudly. I felt my stomach turn and twist in pleasure. I held his hips, grinding my erection up against his.

I opened the door, carrying him out and into the house with the bag in my hand. I got to my bedroom, shutting the door behind us. I set him to the ground and pulled at the bottom of his dress. I dropped the grey fabric to the ground.

"Baby, I think you need a safe word first," I whispered.

"What should it be?" Gee asked.

"It's your choice," I said.

Gee bit his lip. "I-I don't know."

"How about this, we can use lights," I suggested. "Green means it's okay, yellow means to slow down, and red means that you wanna stop, okay, Princess?"

Gee nodded and I smiled. I grabbed his hips and pulled them against mine to hear his whimpers. I moved us to the bed, rolling my hips against his.

"Daddy, please," Gee whimpered.

I smirked down at him. I reached into the bag of things, pulling out what I wanted.

"On your knees, baby, put your back to me," I said.

Gee did as I said and I grabbed the handcuffs, cuffing his hands behind his back. Gee looked back at me in shock. I pushed his head down into the pillows. I grabbed his panties in my fist, pulling them down as he lifted himself up so I could toss them aside. I moved a hand forward to squeeze his ass, giving it a sharp slap. Gee whimpered when I did it again.

"You were a bad boy," I said quietly.

I kneeled on the bed behind him, reaching into the bag for the lube. I squirted it onto my fingers and pressed them against his hole. Gee let out a quiet whine while I pushed two in. I stretched him out, scissoring him and hearing his small moans. I pushed the digits in further, brushing against his prostate. Gee pushed back, rolling his hips in pleasure. I pulled my fingers away and Gee whined sadly.

I unbuckled my belt, pushing my jeans and boxers down around my thighs. I wrapped a hand around my erection, moaning softly as I stroked myself. I inched forward, pressing my tip against his entrance. I pushed in slowly to give him time to adjust. As soon as he was good, I picked up my pace. Soon enough, I was pounding into him.

"Daddy," gee moaned.

My left hand gripped onto the chain of his handcuffs behind his back, my right hand holding tight onto his hip. Gee was moaning, his face buried into the pillows.

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