Chapter 25

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Gee and I were cuddled on his bed, watching the tv in front of us as we were home alone. It was some romantic comedy that Gee wanted to watch and I let him.

"Daddy, why don't we ever go on dates like those people in the movies?" Gee asked. "And people at school talk about going on dates but we don't."

"Don't you like my cuddles and kisses?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," Gee said. "But can't we even just go to the park or when they have those free outdoor movie screenings?"

I thought about all those people there, the more people that could give us dirty looks and say rude comments.

"Maybe," I said, looking back at the screen.

"Okay," gee muttered, resting his head back on my chest.

He got up from my arms and I looked at him curiously.

"I wanna show you something," he said.

He went into his closet, shutting the door behind him. Five minutes later he came back out, wearing only his red plaid skirt, white thigh highs, and what I could tell was a white garter belt from the straps connected to the thigh highs. Gee came over and straddled my hips.

"I wanna play a game, daddy," Gee said.

"What game, Princess?" I asked, resting my hands on his hips.

Gee pulled my hands off and smirked.

"No touching, daddy," he said.

I raised my eyebrows as Gee got up. He stood at the end of the bed, his back turned towards me. I felt my heart skip a beat as he bunched up the back of the skirt. The turning of my stomach started when I saw his pale ass in the white panties with the garter belt. I swallowed thickly, watching him intensely. He turned to face me, kneeling onto the bed and crawling towards me. Gee pulled at my belt, undoing it as I lifted myself up to help him pull my jeans down around my thighs. His hand ran over the bulge in my boxers and I groaned.

"Fuck, Princess," I muttered.

He leaned forward, kissing my neck as his finger teasingly ran around my erection. He pulled my boxers down, licking the tip of my erection. Gee kissed around the base, completely ignoring where I needed him most.

"Don't tease, baby boy," I warned.

"Will you please go on a date with me?" Gee asked innocently.

His tongue ran along my underside and I moaned.

"Fuck, baby, we can do whatever you want, just fucking use your mouth the way daddy likes it," I agreed.

I saw Gee smile before wrapping his lips around my erection. I tangled my fingers into his dark locks, pushing him down farther as I moaned. His tongue pressed against the sensitive skin, making the hot burning of my stomach pull and twist. I rutted my hips up, hearing the obscene slurping sounds from his mouth. He pulled off slightly, running his tongue around the tip and licking over the slit.

"Holy shit," I gasped.

Gee tightened his lips around the tip, making my head spin slightly. He pulled off, spit dribbling down his chin as he looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. His small hand reached up, wrapping around my erection. Gee's hand moved quickly, pumping me while I moaned. My one had held a tight fist in the blankets and the other was still tangled in his hair. My head leaned back against the headboard, my heart racing and my skin hot.

"Fucking hell, baby, 'm gonna come," I groaned.

Gee looked up at me, his lips going around my tip as he swirled his tongue, his hand jerking off what wasn't in his mouth. I could feel the tightening in my stomach, making my mouth drop open as I came. My hands instinctively tightened their grip, a deep groan falling from my lips. Gee pulled away a smile on his face as he wiped his mouth. I reached forward, caressing his cheek gently and affectionately. Gee leaned forward, kissing my cheek happily.

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