Chapter 34

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I saw Gee look at the text and burst into tears again. I tossed my phone aside and held him, caressing his cheek and kissing the top of his head.

"Shush, shh, it's okay, Princess," I whispered soothingly.

He shook his head and I frowned. I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss. I felt furious, at Brendon for doing this. I ran downstairs and could hear Gee following me as I ran. Brendon didn't live far and he should be home from school by now.

I got to his house and pounded on the front door. He opened the door, smirking when he saw me and looking passed me to Gee. I grabbed the front of his shirt and glared at him.

"How could you fucking do this?" I growled. "I deleted the picture, how'd you get it?"

"There's something called a recently deleted," Brendon reminded me. "I was just bored, I guess. Have you been crying? What are you, a fucking baby or something?"

"You're such a fucking ass," I spat.

"Hey, if he hadn't come along then you would be just like me, doing the exact same thing," Brendon said. "Why's he got the bruise? I haven't punched him recently. Is he still your punching bag like how he was before you were dating?"

I pulled him out of his house, throwing him down onto the grass.

"You're fucking sick!" I shouted.

I kicked him and heard Gee gasp. He held onto my hand as he cried quietly.

"Please don't," he whispered. "I don't like angry Frankie."

I glared at Brendon once more before walking away with Gee.


I walked down the hallway, finding Gee with Mikey. I hurried over to him and hugged him.

"Hey, you can't be here," Mikey stated.

"Mikey, please," Gee whimpered, his hands clinging to my shirt.

I pulled away and held his hand as we walked down a more crowded hallway. People stared at Gee as we went towards his class. Some started laughing, which resorted into everyone laughing. Gee's head hung in shame and I scowled.

"Why don't you keep your fucking eyes elsewhere before I make you regret looking at him," I warned loudly to the people staring.

Some people turned away, intimidated by me. Most people just laughed harder, letting out cat calls and wolf whistles. Mikey stood on Gee's other side as we tried to get him to class.

"What a whore!" Someone exclaimed.

"I didn't even know she--or he?--had a dick up her skirt!" Someone else added.

"Come over to my house and I can rock your fucking world," another person said.

"Oh my god, he looks so innocent I didn't know he was such a slut," another voice spoke up from the crowd.

Gee's eyes were tearing up at all the comments being thrown at him. We got to his class and stepped inside, where it was less crowded. I kissed his forehead quickly as he looked up at me.

"I'll be back here after class to get you, okay?" I asked and he nodded sadly. "Don't cry, baby. Just remember, soon you won't have to be with these people anymore."

Mikey nodded in agreement, although he probably thought it was because he was going back to boarding school soon. However, Gee and I had made plans to run away after school today. His backpack was full, but nothing inside it had to do with school. He'd emptied it out yesterday and filled it up with clothes, Flopsy, makeup, and anything else he'd need. Obviously, he brought lots of money because we'd have to buy a lot of stuff we can't carry with us. I have another one of his bags of stuff in my car that I took with me when I left his house.

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