Chapter 20

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Holy shit school is finally over. Now I can go from being part time trash to full time trash


"Daddy," a voice whined.

I yawned, looking through bleary eyes at the mop of black hair. Gee had his face buried in the crook of my neck as he whimpered quietly.

"Daddy, my head hurts," Gee complained.

"You hungover, baby?" I asked, my voice gravelly from sleep.

Gee nodded and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, kissing the top of his head.

"C'mon, sugar, let's go get you some medicine and I'll make us breakfast," I said.

He nodded again, but made no move to get up. I chuckled, sitting up and hearing his disappointment. I helped him to his feet and down the hall. His thigh highs had managed to roll down to his knees and his shirt was bunched up around his waist while he was sleeping. He slumped down into a stool at the counter, resting his head on the granite. I poured him Apple juice and Gee gulped it down quickly along with some medicine.

I opened the fridge, seeing the scarce amount of food. There was milk, Apple juice, eggs, two half rotted apples, and leftover taco bell. I grabbed the eggs, going over the stove to cook them.

"Do you want sunny side up or scrambled, baby?" I asked.

"Scrambled," Gee muttered painfully.

I took some medicine for my own hangover, although it clearly wasn't as bad as Gee's. He had drank more than me, after all. I began cooking the eggs, adding some pepper as I poured it into the pan. Soon enough, I put the cooked food onto two plates, handing him one with a fork.

"Daddy, I think I'm gonna die," Gee grumbled.

"You'll be fine, Princess," I reassured.

And an hour later while we were sitting on the couch, he really was fine. Both our headaches gone as we watched Saturday morning cartoons. Gee's phone started ringing and he held it out to show me Mikey was calling.

"I'm gonna be in so much trouble!" Gee exclaimed.

He looked so scared, his eyes wide and beginning to water.

"My parents are gonna be so mad at me," Gee worried.

"Here, put it on speaker and we'll see what happens," I suggested.

He nodded, pressing the answer button then putting it on speaker.

"Where the fuck are you?!" Mikey exclaimed.

Gee whimpered, burying his face into my chest as my arms wrapped around him.

"Gee, mom and dad are so fucking pissed! They're freaking out!" Mikey yelled. "Why the hell did you sneak out last night?! Where'd you go?! Where the fuck are you?!"

"D-don't yell at me, please," Gee squeaked.

In the background behind Mikey we could hear two people arguing.

"Gee, you can't sneak out," Mikey said, sounding frustrated.

"I'm sorry," Gee cried. "P-please stop yelling at me."

I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head.

"Where are you?" Mikey asked. "I'll come pick you up."

"But I don't want to leave," Gee said quietly.

"Gee, you have to come home," Mikey stated.

"I want to stay with--" gee cut himself off.

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