Chapter 21

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"Hi, mamma," I greeted over the phone. "I'm sorry I can't visit you, I have a cold."

I was wrapped up in a blanket on the bed, some time on this Monday afternoon. I felt so sick, luckily I was suspended so I don't have to call in anyways.

"It's okay, sweetheart, it's good so I won't get sick," my mom said.

"I guess I'll be able to see you in a week then," I said.

"How have you been?" My mom asked.

"Things have been going good," I said.

"Yeah? What kind of things?" My mom asked, hearing the tone in my voice I hoped she wouldn't notice.

"Well, I, um, I have a boyfriend," I muttered, feeling my cheeks warm.

My mother gasped on the other end of the line. "I need to meet him."

"I mean, we haven't even been dating for long, it's literally only been three days since he's asked me out," I said.

"Awe he asked you out, that's so cute," my mom cooed.

I frowned even though she couldn't see.

"As soon as you're feeling well again, you need to come here and bring him along," she stated. "What's he like?"

"Mamma," I complained.

"C'mon, this is the most excitement I've had since they let me eat that chocolate pudding two months ago," she said.

I laughed, but that ended in a cough.

"You need to get some rest," my mom suggested. "Get better soon so I can meet your boyfriend."

"Mm, yeah, okay," I muttered. "I'll talk to you later. Love you, mamma."

"Love you too, Frankie," she said.

We hung up and I set my phone aside. I wrapped myself up in the blanket, laying down onto my bed.

A few hours later and I woke up from a nightmare. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, feeling sick to my stomach. I hurried up to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet as the contents of my stomach escaped my mouth. I gagged, wiping my mouth on toilet paper before dropping it into the toilet bowl and flushing it all.

My doorbell rang, making me groan as I dragged myself down the stairs. I opened the door, seeing Gee smiling happily on my doorstep. He had a black skirt with a dark blue sweater, black thigh highs and black high heels.

"What's with the dark clothes, Princess?" I asked, my voice weird from being stuffy.

"I was just sad I wouldn't see you today at school," Gee said. "I was just dressing to my mood."

I stepped aside and Gee walked in while I shut the door behind him.

"You look like you're gonna die," Gee remarked.

I smiled, sniffling quietly. "'M not gonna die, baby."

"Go lay down, daddy," Gee said.

I went over to the couch, laying down on it and sighing contently. Gee covered me with a blanket and smiled.

"Are you feeling okay, daddy?" Gee asked.

I shook my head.

"Do you want something? Medicine? Soup? Anything?" Gee asked worriedly.

"Just some medicine, sugar," I said.

He nodded, heading over to the kitchen. Gee came back a minute later with medicine and a glass of water. I swallowed the pills, gulping half the water before setting it onto coffee table.

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