Chapter 27

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Does anyone know any really good dd/lb phan stories with daddy!phil?


I walked into Gee's house a week later. He had left the backdoor unlocked for me. He had to take his neighbor's dog for a walk while they were out of town but said that he would be back by the time I got there. He said nobody would be home so it'd be okay.

As I stepped inside, it was empty and quiet. At first, that is. When I listened closer I could hear moans and whimpers. I frowned and walked towards where it was coming from, feeling myself become angry. Gee said nobody would be home until late, maybe he lied about walking his dog. The thoughts of him sleeping with someone else infuriated me.

At the top of the stairs was two shirts and a pair of jeans sprawled out, seeing from two people hurrying to a bedroom. I clenched myfists, frowning as I turned around the corner in the hallway. The sight before me made me freeze, and I wasn't sure if I should be angry or surprised.

Pete was shirtless, pressing Mikey up against the wall while he was only in a pair of dark blue boxers. Pete was kissing Mikey's neck, his head leaning back against the wall. My eyes wandered down to where Pete's hand was in Mikey's boxers.

"Oh my fucking god!" I exclaimed.

I turned around, covering my eyes to try to erase what I just saw.

"Fuck," I heard Pete muttered.

I felt him grab onto the collar of my shirt as I looked at his angry face.

"Don't you dare fucking tell anyone about this," he warned.

I could feel his hard on pressing against my thigh.

"I was never here," Pete said.

He let go, hurrying off down the hallway. A few moments later I heard the front door open and close as he left. I looked up at Mikey, who seemed to be a mix of angry and sad.

"You just made him fucking leave," he spat. "How could you do this? This could've been a shot at us actually being together."

I stared at him for a few minutes, blinking stupidly. "Wait...w-what just happened? What was that?"

Mikey groaned, walking passed me while I followed. He picked his clothes up off the ground and began slipping them on.

"Is he the guy you pushed away?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" Mikey grumbled, buttoning up his jeans.

"Gee told me how you and your therapist talked about a boy you liked that you pushed away because you were scared," I explained. "Was Pete that boy?"

He slipped on his shirt and looked at me. "Was Gee listening through the door again? Goddammit, I told him to stop fucking doing that. Anyways, he's got the story wrong. Pete's the one who pushed me away."

"When was this?" I asked. "Like how did you two meet and begin to like each other anyways."

"Why should I tell you?" Mikey replied. "You'll probably just use it against me to make fun of me in front of the whole school."

I held my hands up in defense.

"Dude, I haven't touched you in weeks, not since I started dating Gee," I said.

"You know Pete's family has that house on the lake, right?" Mikey asked and I nodded. "Well, my family has one just a few houses down from his. So, like, not last summer but the summer before that we were up there at the same time. That's the first time we met, actually. We spent the summer together dating until his dad thought we were too close for his liking. I was outside his house one night and I heard his dad yelling at him, I even heard someone get hit. Pete didn't talk to me after that. When school came and we found out we went to the same school I tried talking to him and he made my life hell."

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