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I knew who he was instantly, He was on the other side of the parking lot and I could tell. There had to be about forty girls around him asking for autographs.

I think to myself " how stupid can they be?" Then I realize how stupid they can be cause my friend Trisha runs up to me and screams, " OMG, Sam have you seen? Jamie Campbell Bowler is here!!!! What can he be doing at our school fundraiser?" I reply in a very annoyed tone " I don't know? maybe he found some warmth in that big conceited heart to donate to our little school here."

Trisha obviously didn't recognize the annoyed tone i was using with her because, against my protest she dragged me straight in his direction. 

I didn't particularly like Jamie. He was one of the stars who had a girl for everyday of the week, and I don't really find that attractive in a guy. He's a movie star but a player and I'd have a hard time fangirling over someone like that.

I stood there looking bored, as Trisha tried to push her way through the sea of girls to get near him.

I suddenly feel someone's gaze upon me, and I look up and it's his. He staring right at me with a huge dazzling smile.

Any girl obsessed with him would have fainted on the spot but, I only found it irritating and walked away.

I find myself walking towards the bathroom when someone cuts me off. I look up, and again there is Jamie. He has a huge grin on his face and he says to me in a very attractive british accent " You know love, you're not quite like your friend back there, you're not swooning over my good looks or my dazzling smile."

" Arrogant much?" I reply coolly. 

It looked like I caught him by surprise and he said " Wow you are most definitely not like your friend."

" Is it that you don't know who I am? Let me introduce myself then, I'm Jamie Campbell Bowler, actor singer, Super star. " he says with dramatic arm movements. 

" Yeah I know who you are... I just don't care" I said looking him straight in the eyes. 

" Well, darn I thought you would be easy but, I'm up for the challenge." he says while laughing. 

 " What's your name darling?" 

 Samantha Blackwell.

"Well aren't you a cute one. Care to dance ? " he asks while extending his hand towards me. 

 "Thanks but, I'll pass" I reply, while taking a step back from him

. He says " just you wait, you're gonna dance with me and trust me you'll love it." 

"I doubt it"  I said as I side stepped him and continued on my way. 

Later that night;

In order to raise money for our performing arts program we were having a date auction, where the boys of our school and other schools could bid money for a date with one of the girls from the drama club.  I was wholeheartedly against the objectification but unfortunately I was one of those girls.

Our drama teacher Ms. Turbine said " which one of you boys would like to bid for a date with one of these lovely ladies".

As she said this ten of us walked on stage.

She slowly went down the line of girls up for auction. The highest bid so for was for Amy the prettiest girl in the drama club. Some guy named Edgar bid $600 for her. Poor Amy had been trying to avoid a date with him forever.

Then I'm up. As I look into the crowd I see a mess of blonde hair. I see his devilish smirk that would win any girl over and he mouths " I told you " I was praying someone would outbid him. Some guy said "100" another said "300" and some other guy said " 1000". 

 Wow looks like I'm popular.

Then all of a sudden I hear a British voice say " 5,000 and i'll pay 10,000 if she'll dance with me tonight.

" ten thousand going once, ten thousand going twice, sold!" 

I could totally see the look of satisfaction on his face.

Ms. Turbine asked him to come onto the stage to escort me to the dance floor.

I had no choice but, to continue smiling because, it was for the good of the club.

As he took my hand I got mean glares from other girls around me.

He said " I told you, you would dance with me sometime tonight."

" but you said I would like it ! "

" you will, you'll see. I'm a great dancer."

Don't get so cocky pretty boy.

" so you do think I'm attractive I thought something was wrong with you."

" there's no saying you not attractive, but, it doesn't mean you're attractive on the inside."

" wow, that was deep"

Yup but, your about as shallow as a kiddie pool.

" You know I don't know why you don't like me?"

Really you can't tell?

"Nope !"

Your seen with a new girl every night of the week ! How can I take anyone seriously if they can't even make a commitment?

" Oh you mean that, it was only a few times ! Plus the magazines blew it out of proportion.  So that's why you won't fall for me? Because, you think I'm a player? "

I nodded. 

"What if I can show you I'm not a player?"

I laughed at this while we danced, I didn't even realize we were dancing infront of everyone.

" ha, you think you can show me that? I'd like to see you try. 

" I can and I will" he said looking me straight in the eye with his cocky smirk plastered on his face. 

" And if you can't ?" i question. 

" then I'll do anything you want"

" I think I can agree to that" I replied. 

"I'll show you tomorrow during our date!"

"Oh I completely forgot about that" I said

" Is it because you were lost in my eyes ?" He asked with an obnoxious grin. 

" Nope it's because I was trying to forget about it". 

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