New Beginnings.

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Sam's POV 

He didn't react, he just stayed there staring at me. 

" I know you probably don't want to take care of someone else's baby, especially if it's someone who is a monster. Therefore, I think it's best if we don't get engaged. Maybe it's even best if we end things here. I don't want you to live your life resenting my child and the memory that will be associated with them. I don't want to live my life regretting not giving you the chance to find someone else, someone without this much damage" I said as tears stream down my face. 

" And what if it is my child? You're going to disappear from my life? Leaving me without the only woman I have ever loved? Without the child that was born out of our love?" he asked holding onto my hands desperately, as if I was leaving him right now. 

" I don't know what to do! I just know I can't ruin your life!" I said frustratedly. 

" The thing is Sam, you could never ruin my life! You made my life so much better the moment you became a part of it. The moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me. You were the good I desperately needed. And yeah, lets say it is Peter's baby, he may be the biological father of this child, but this child was conceived in our love. So I will be this child's father and I will love them as my own because, I love you, and I love this family we are building together. I don't care if 50% of this child's DNA is Peter's because, 50% of it is yours and you are perfectly good and kind and beautiful in every possible way. We will raise our child to be happy and to know us as their parents because that's what we are. WE are their parents, and no DNA test can change that"  and as he said that he got back down on one knee. 

" And knowing all this, that this may not be my child, that your past is shadowed with darkness, that you didn't even like me to begin with, I am going to ask you again Samantha Blackwell. Will you marry me Samantha? Because I can't even fathom spending my life with anyone else but you". 

In that moment I knew this man was the only one for me. Accepting me with all my damage, with my child, I couldn't say anything but "yes". 

He slid the ring on my finger, and picked me up and spun me around. He kissed me deeply and passionately, but this kiss was different. It was a kiss of an ending and a beginning. The beginning of a new life in which I would be called Mrs. Campbell Bower. 

Three days later....     

" Ladies and Gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. Please do so and prepare for our descent. We will be landing in Los Angeles in about 20 minutes" The flight attendant said over the radio. 

" Did you tell Trisha we were coming love?" Jamie asked me in the seat next me. 

" Yes, I told her we were coming, she couldn't stop screaming for like 5 minutes" I said remembering the phone call in which I told my best friend we were returning home. 

"So, when are you going to see him" Jamie asked me nervously.

" I want to go today actually, I need to know. I need to look him in the eyes and know that he is no longer a threat to me" I replied. 

" Can I at least go with you? I still don't feel safe with you going alone. Even if he is in a maximum security prison" I implored. 

" You can go with me, but I need to meet with him on my own" 

We flew back to Los Angeles so that I could go to the prison Peter was in, and look the son of a bitch in his new home in the Los Angeles County Jail.  

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Lovelies,

Life has been pretty hectic lately, so I haven't been able to write. But I am so excited that we are coming to the end of this book. Don't get me wrong, I love this story, but it's been four years in the making and I am ready to move on and write other stories. I am already working on one, and I am so excited for you all to read it. So remember to vote and comment! 



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