Slowly Coming Back to Life

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Song list for this chapter:

Misguided ghosts by: Paramore 

You and I by: One direction 

Everything has changed by: Taylor Swift 

Nightingale by: Demi Lavato 

Last Hope - Paramore 

JAMIE'S POV-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

She's making progress, it's a slow going process but she's coming back to me. She's scared, she doesn't like to be touched, she only talks when she has to, she hardly eats, and she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. 

I miss her, I miss my beautiful girl who was full of life. I miss her smile, I miss how her eyes would  light up when she talked, but I know with time she'll come back to me. 

She goes to therapy every few days, to help her coap. 

I'm not allowed to go in, according to the therapist she needs time to express herself. 

I haven't told her yet but, Harry's funeral is next friday, I don't think she needs more stress. Peter is in jail, awaiting a trial date, I know that sick psychopath is going to rot in hell. He broke her, but I'll put her back together. 

Everytime I look at her I see the sadness in her eyes. 

The night that I found her she ran to me, and hugged me, and I held her in my arms for the longest time. 

I was whispering to her how much I loved her, and that now, that I have her back I'm never letting her go. She slept in my arms that night, and I can't even begin to explain how much I missed having her in my arms, it felt so right. 

She's in a therapy session right now, I can only sit and wait until she comes back to life. I hope what the therapist recommended me to do will work.


" So how do you feel today Samantha?" Dr. Garcia asked me 

" okay I guess" 

" So today I wanted to talk to you about Jamie, I know you've been distant from him since what happened, but how do you feel your relationship with him is?"

" Um........ I don't know I guess I feel the same way. I still love him but, I'm scared I don't want him to touch me, cause I'm afraid of getting hit. I know he would never hurt me, but I'm just still afraid, and I feel bad that I'm putting him through this, but I can't change how I feel right now." 

I haven't talked about how I feel about Jamie to anyone. And I feel relieved in a bittersweet way. I mean I was able to open up about it, but not to Jamie. 

" I'm glad you were able to express that, okay so Jamie wrote you a letter expressing his feelings to you. But, he asked if you could read it when you're alone." he said while handing me an envelope with my name on it.

I took it without giving him a response examining the envelope. 

I wonder what it says.......


She came out with the envelope in her hand. Dr.Garcia told me  he wanted to see her again in two weeks. 

I mean that's a good sign right? It's not weekly.

She went to the window and made her appointment.

" Hey" I said in a low voice. She just nodded. 

We were on our way home and she asked " you wrote me a letter?" 

" Yes" 

" Why?" 

" I wanted to express my feelings to you." I said timidly. I had no idea how she would react. 

" Okay, I'll read it when we get home." 

 All I could say was " okay"


When we got home I went straight to my room, the room in which I never slept in until I was found. I closed the door and sat on the bed. 

Dear Sam, 

        My beautiful Sam, words cannot describe how bad I feel for everything I have caused you. If I just would have listened to you, if I hadn't said those mean things I said to hurt you. The " what if's" soar through my head when i'm laying in bed at night. I am the one who was supposed to make you feel safe, I was supposed to keep you safe and I failed. My beautiful girl I understand if you don't love me anymore, if you hate me. I mean what can I say? I don't blame you. But let me tell you this, I will never stop loving you Samantha Blackwell. My love for you is eternal. I will love you until the day I die, and hopefully even after that.

        Sam, I understand what happened to you broke you but,let me put your heart back together.  I know you need time, take your time. Take as long as you need. I'll wait, I'll wait days, weeks, months, even years for you. As long as there's hope that I'll get my beautiful girl back, I'll wait forever. Sam I need you, there will never be another girl for me. Your the only one who has my heart, and it's your's for as long as you want it. Just please come back to me my beautiful girl. 




Dear lovelies, 

I hope you guys like this chapter. Poor Sam, hopefully Jamie's letter will help her. Um... I worked really hard on this and please vote and comment!!!! I know there aren't a lot of you out there. (Those of you who vote & comment thank you very much) You guys are the reason I keep writing so please let me know your there. Please listen to the song list for this chapter I listened to these songs while writing it. K... Talk to you guys later.

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