Planning A New Life

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As soon as that thought flew through my head, my tears became tears of sadness. There is a 50% chance that this baby is not Jamie's and that their father is a psychopath who is in prison. I look at Jamie who is currently calling his mom to give her the news. I can't tell him this right now. I can't take this joy from him. 

I sit there silently waiting for him to hang up. When he does he comes over and hugs me and kisses me. 

"My mum said that now more than ever she has to meet you. She was absolutely horrified that she hasn't met the mother of her grandchild, so she said that I have to take you on a babymoon" he said while laughing.  

I just smiled at him. He is going to make a wonderful father, all I can do is hope and pray that this baby is Jamie's. 

He continued to talk about baby things until the doctor discharged me and gave me my appointment time with the OB-GYN. Jamie was super careful with me, and insisted that he carry everything. 

When he got home, he said he wanted me to rest but then he decided that we had to figure out which bedroom the baby would have. We settled on a room with a view of the garden. 

" Nevermind, I think we'll just have to move" Jamie said resolutely. 

" Jamie. Why in the world would we have to move?" I asked

" Because, this house is not big enough" 

" It's a fucking estate!" 

" Don't say words like that! We don't want the baby to pick them up" he said as seriously as he could before breaking into a smile. 

I gave up because he was just so cute trying to be a father that I couldn't argue with him. If he wanted to move then we would move. I am not particular about those things. 

We spent the rest of the night talking about how we wanted to raise the baby, our future in these moments looked so bright, so happy, so perfect. 

" Are we going to want to have the baby in England or the U.S.?" 

" England definitely" he said firmly. 

" But but but.... what's wrong with LA" I asked 

" Well, there's more of a countryside here and not as much pollution I think and better food quality.. well not as much fast food. And there isn't as much pressure to fit in with the crowd..." 

he said trying to convince me. 

" Well.... I've always dreamed of my child having a British accent" I said with a smile

" I knew that's what attracted you to me!" he chuckled. 

" I mean the fact that I find it really sexy helped...." I joked. 

" Well then..." he said as he began to inch towards me. He began to kiss my neck and unbutton my shirt. I moaned as he kissed me. I pulled out of his reach and looked at him before I kissed his lips with a hungry passion. He began to lay me down and unbutton his pants as I unbuttoned mine. 

He stood looking down at me for a second before he joined me again. 

(Hours later) 

" I can't believe you just had sex with a pregnant woman" I said as I drew circles on his chest with my fingers. We both lay entangled in the sheets riding off the high we gave each other. 

" Well, it's not like we have to worry about you getting pregnant" he laughed. 

I fell asleep in Jamie's arms, and I spent the night dreaming of me, Jamie, and the baby and what a great family we would make. 


I'm pretty sure that the baby is the best thing that could have happened to us. She's positively glowing. I can't stop thinking about how happy we're going to be together! 

Now more than ever I want to propose, I want to be married to her before the baby comes, when our child comes into this world I don't want us to focus on anything else but them. 

My mum was absolutely ecstatic when I told her, and her excitement made me even more excited. Since Harry died our family has been really torn up but I guess the joy a baby bring can conquer the sadness. 

Today I asked Carina to come over to take Sam shopping so that I could plan the perfect night because to night is the night. Tonight is the night I was going to propose to Sam. I asked Kevin to meet me at the house early so that we had enough time to make everything perfect, nothing less than perfect would be good enough for Samantha Blackwell if I could help it. 


Hey Lovelies, 

It's been awhile since I've actually written a new chapter. It feels good to get my thoughts out on paper. I'll try my best to update weekly but, sometimes life happens and I won't be able to. Thank you for all the support and remember to vote and comment! 


Sophia <3

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