Moving On Is Hard.

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We bought a blanket. 

A white one since we don't know the sex of the baby yet, so we chose to keep it neutral. 

The joy that a child can bring is unimaginable. Jamie and I have never been happier. We seem to be moving on. We seem to be forgetting more and more everyday. 

But then I remember.

 I remember that there is a chance that this baby could be Peter's. 

Today is our first doctor's appointment. I'm excited but nervous. If I'm being quite honest I'm terrified. Jamie is excited to go. I've been laughing all morning because I caught him reading a baby book in bed. 

" Hey Sam, are you ready to go?" 

" Yeah I'll be down right now" I yelled in response. 

I look in the mirror one last time before I walk out of the room. I see a bump starting to form. 

Since Harry's funeral the media has been throwing out headlines left and right. 

" Jamie Campbell Bower Expecting With Samantha Blackwell?" 

"Is Harry Styles The Father of Samantha's Baby?" and then there is my personal favorite.

" Samantha Blackwell Is Pregnant: Who is The Father?" 

Believe me when I say that I don't even know... 

" Hello Samantha, I am Dr. Clayton. I am going to examine you today and I am going to show your first ultrasound" the doctor said while smiling and shaking our hands.

" And you must be dad?" she asked Jamie

" Yes I am" he said with a proud smile. 

The doctor asked Jamie to leave the room while she examined me and promised she would invite him in again when it was time for the ultrasound when she saw his sad face. 

After she spent some time examining me she said " Samantha you and your child are doing just fine. Very very healthy the both of you. Do you have any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with me?" 

I hesitated for a moment while I looked down at my hands. Before I looked up at her and responded " Yes. Um... weeks before I was pregnant, I... I was raped. Jamie knows and he has been very supportive. But, I'm not sure if there is a possibility that this awful man could be the father". 

" Oh, I'm very sorry this happened to you, and I admire your strength. There is no way to tell right now who is the father but, we can perform a DNA test later on in the pregnancy but that could be dangerous to the fetus. If you are serious about knowing it can be arranged" She said after recovering from her shock. 

" No, I don't want my child put in any danger. I will wait and I will have to let Jamie know soon. But please do not tell Jamie yet. I must find the right moment." 

" Of course" 

She invited Jamie back in the room for the ultrasound. The first thing I heard was the heartbeat, and I couldn't stop the tears that rolled down my smiling face. I looked at my baby for the first time, and felt an indescribable feeling of love for a human I had not even met yet. I watched my baby for a long time before I turned and looked at Jamie. His eyes were glued to the screen and tears did fall down his face. 

" That has to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" he said while grabbing my hand and kissing it. " And I have the opportunity of witnessing it and being apart of the creation of the most wonderful being all because of you Sam" 

I kissed him, wishing with all my being that he is the father of this baby because I know that he will be the most incredible father. 

We got a copy of the picture and went on our way. I asked Jamie to stop at a diner so that we could eat. 

I ended up ordering a cheeseburger, onion rings, fries, and a Vanilla shake. Jamie smiled at me while I ate, and I couldn't but laughing because he never knew I could eat so much at a time.

Jamie wanted to go shopping for a bit, and I picked up a few pieces of maternity clothes. As we walked to the car, Jamie walked ahead of me carrying all the bags.

 He turned back to look at me with a smile on his face, with the sunlight shining  down on his beautiful face. 

I took a picture to commemorate the moment in which he looked so happy, so carefree, so beautiful. 

I wanted to remember most importantly in this moment, that all I could think about was how much I love him. 

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