The Paparazzi

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Jamie's POV

The Paparazzi found us. 

I bet that hostess tipped them off. Uh.. first the stupid waiter starts flirting with Samantha, and now the desperate hostess tipped off the paparazzi. I am going to tell the owner what unprofessional people he has working for him. 

I tell Sam to stay behind me and to hold my hands so she doesn't get lost in the sea of people with cameras. They all start yelling at once asking " Hey Jamie, another one wow aren't you a busy boy!" and another guy said " your standards keep getting lower and lower." 

This time I turned around and said" You say anything like that again, and I promise me you'll regret it." The paparazzi have no boundaries. We pushed our way to the car. Once we were safe inside I look over at Samantha. She gives me a scowling look and said " I swear Jamie, If I see my face on a magazine tomorrow introducing me to the world as your girlfriend you're gonna get it !" 

I tried to pull out of the parking lot but, the stupid Paparazzi wouldn't move. I resorted to honking the horn and that still didn't  work. I said " Sam, I have to call for help. We can't even get out of the parking lot." So i got on the phone and called Peter. " Hey Peter, I need help I'm on a date and the Paparazzi were tipped off bring the team and get us out of here." When I hung up Sam looked at me with a worried face and said " who is Peter ?" "He's my bodyguard" I responded. And I told him to bring the police cars we have to scare them off.

We sat there for about twenty minutes talking and laughing, and of course listening to music. She knew all my songs from my C.D but, she didn't know I was the one singing them. 

Samantha's POV

I couldn't believe the amount of Paparazzi that showed up! At first I had thought that Jamie planned this that he wanted them to see me with him but, when one of the Paps said something rude about me, he exploded. 

 I can't do this to myself  and fall in love again not after what happened last time.  I can't like Jamie, Jamie and we can never ever be together. And that's final.

After waiting for about twenty minutes a van rolls up and a bunch of cop cars with flashing lights. The Paparazzi scattered leaving the parking lot empty except for us, the van, and the cop cars. A man got out of the van laughing. He came to Jamie's window and said " It's safe you can come out now". Jamie hopped out of the car gave the man who i'm guessing is Peter a bro hug and came to open my door. He said  " Sam This is Peter, Peter this is Sam." We both shook hands and gave  each other a hello before he began to talk with Jamie. 

I got a text from Trisha saying " Sam! What are you doing? Your picture with Jamie is everywhere!"  


 Hey guys I'm ridiculously excited because I met Jamie three weeks ago.

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