Finding my Love

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Jamie's POV 

My heart stopped, she knew where she was. 

" Harry introduced me to this guy and he asked me if I wanted to work for him. I asked him what would my job be and he said to make sure his girl looked pretty. Harry told me what they were planning to do to Sam and that, if I didn't help them Peter would make sure I was dead." Carina let it all tumble out of her mouth all at once. 

I squeezed the bridge of my nose." I'm so disappointed in her how could she do this to me? I thought she was my friend. Didn't she care about Sam?" I thought to myself, my brain was on overload.

How was I supposed to react? With happiness, sadness, forgiveness?

So I reacted with the only emotion that broke through the surface. Anger

I grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the wall.

" HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? " I screamed

" HOW COULD YOU GO ALONG WITH MY UNDOING? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! YOU WERE LIKE A SISTER TO ME."  I raged even louder, every time slamming her back into the wall a little harder. 

" Believe me, once I heard what they were planning I agreed to do it to help her,  to tell you like I am right now." Carina stammered still gasping for air. 

" Did he touch her ?"  I asked. I didn't even recognize my own voice. It was sad, full of anger, the voice of the devil. 

She avoided eye contact with me, and began to sniffle. 

" I'm sorry, I wasn't there." was all she said as I released her from my grasp. She sat on the floor clawing at her throat. 

I was angry. I was destroyed. I screamed until my throat felt raw and no sound escaped. 

I punched the wall, I knocked over a table, I threw a lamp. I destroyed the living room. 

I felt nothing but loss. 

They had won, they had taken her from me. The only person that mattered to me in this world. 

The only thought I could hang on to was that they didn't hold her heart.  

They will never take her heart, that was forever mine. 

" Where are they?" I asked her

" They're at the Premier Inn." she squeaked 

" Get up, we're going." I said while walking to the bedroom. I went to the closet and removed the bottom. I never thought I'd have to use this. My father gave it to me when I was 15. 


" Jamie, the world is a terrible place that has terrible people in it. These people are cruel, if you can't protect yourself you won't last." my father said before handing me a handgun.

The metal bit into my hand, it was cold and felt like death objectified. 

My father spent the rest of the day teaching me how to shoot it, that day was the first time I felt strong. I was not a weakling Harry could step all over. I was strong, never to be messed with again. 


" I'm coming for you Sam" I said before walking out the door. 

She gave me directions to the hotel. I stormed into the lobby. 

" Excuse me, is Peter Taylor staying here?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

" I'm sorry Sir, I can't give you that information." she said politely. 

" Lady, listen to me. Peter Taylor has kidnapped my girlfirend. I need to find her. I swear if you don't give me the room number right now, I will shoot you." I said harshly.

" Room 245" she said with a horrified look on her face.

" Now that's more like it. Now be a dear and call the police." I said, like I was rewarding a dog. 

I made my way briskly to the elevator. I pressed the button and I was off to meet my girlfriend's kidnapper. 

It took me two minutes to find the room. I grabbed the gun that was in my back pocket and kicked open the door. 

I cautiously made my way into the room, slowly turning every corner. I was not in the mood for surprises. 

Finally I reached the bedroom, and lying there on the bed was Sam's torn dress, a lacey bra, and a pair of underwear. There was a note lying on top of it. 

" SHE WAS GOOD - PETER." was written on it. I sank to my knees and began to cry. I slipped the gun in my back pocket. 

 I started ransacking the place, working through my tears. Nothing, nothing but what he left me. Sam was gone. 

He raped her. 

I was going to kill him, i swear I'm going to strangle the life out of him. 

Once again I sank to my knees and began to cry. 

She was gone. 


Dear Lovelies,

What did you think ? Was it dramatic enough? I spent a lot of time writing it. So please comment and vote. And the official ship name for Jamie and Samantha is ( drum roll) SAMIE!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for everything and keep reading cause something really bad is going to happen. 


                                                                                                                             Sophie <3

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