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Sam's POV

I walked through the doors of the meeting room and felt a chill go through my body. 

He was sitting there in an orange jumpsuit. With shackles on his wrist and ankles. He looked contained, he looked harmless, he looked defeated. The devil lost his throne, and now he had nothing but his angelic face. 

I sat down and stayed there looking at him for a long time. He just stared at the table the whole time. We didn't talk, we just sat there analyzing our new circumstances. The kidnapped seeing her captor in captivity. It was a beautiful thing. Knowing that he could no longer hurt me, gave me an incredibly powerful feeling. 

" Isn't beautiful how life comes back and bites you in the ass?" I asked without an expression  on my face. 

" It sure does bite hard" was all he said looking down at the table. Refusing to look me in the eye. 

" You know the least you can do is look me in the eye" I tell him. 

After a long time all he said was " I can't".

" What do you mean you can't? DAMN IT! PETER AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME! DON'T YOU THINK THAT THERE IS SOME PART OF YOU THAT OWES ME SOMETHING?" I yelled standing up and banging my hands on the table. 

He flinched a bit and slowly looked up at me.

" Oh this is rich, you flinching away from me? Where is the man who used to knock me unconscious? Where is the man who used to love pain?" I scoffed. 

" Do you have any concept of how much hurt you caused?" I question. 

But he doesn't answer me. " Do you have anything at all to say for yourself?" 

He stares at me incredulously. " Sam... you're pregnant?" he asked choking out his words. 

I realize that he is seeing my stomach for the first time. 

" Yes, I am and that is why I am here. I wanted you to know that there is a 50% chance that this baby is yours, and a 50% chance it's Jamie's. But Jamie will be this baby's father no matter what. You will never know them and they will never know of you. They will never know a monster in their lifetime like you. They will know love and kindness.  I wanted to be able to live my life, get married, have my child, with you knowing that you didn't win. That I did. I want you to live the rest of your life never knowing if this child is yours. And if it is I want you to spend every minute of everyday wondering what they are like and who they will become, and that another man, a real man is raising your child because you are completely incapable of doing so" I said with tears streaming down my face. 

" Sam,  I don't think there is anyway I could ever make up for what I did to you. But if I could do anything to, just know I would. I would give my life to turn back the time and stop myself from ever hurting you" he said watching me cry. 

" I've been seeing a therapist here, and I've been taking the medication they gave me. I'm bipolar, and that is no excuse for what I did to you but things make sense now. I understand why I was so angry. I know why I hurt all those people. But I should have never hurt you. You are sweet and kind and wonderful in every possible way. You were my angel, and you save everyone you touch" he said reaching out for my hand. 

I flinched from his touch. " But I am broken Peter. Don't you get it? My mom, my dad, my step brother and you. You all broke me beyond repair" I admit. 

" No one can be saved by me if I'm always the one being saved. I'm damaged and I'm violated and I'm angry. I don't know if this anger will ever fade but, I am trying my best to let it be consumed by love I have for Jamie and this baby" I say. 

" So if the baby were mine, you'd still love them? You wouldn't hate them like any other rape victim would?" he questioned with a confused look on his face.

" Of course I would love them. No matter what the circumstances they are apart of me." I reply. 

" Sam, don't you see? You are able to love people and be kind to people in ways I never thought possible.  You fill everyone around you with love, you make them good again" he tried to convince me. 

" Then why couldn't I save you? Tell me that Peter. If I can save everyone I touch how could I not have stopped you from raping me? Nothing was enough to stop that" I sobbed harder. 

" That's something I need to talk to you about Sam. I wanted you to wake up thinking you were raped. I wanted you to feel the pain I felt at the time, of having something taken away from you. I wanted you to feel like your freedom was taken away. It's sick and evil I know, but Sam you need to know, I didn't rape you that night. There was some part of me that couldn't do it. Maybe it was the small part of me that you were able to save in time. But, that baby can't possibly be mine. It's Jamie's" he said breaking into tears himself. 

After sitting there for several minutes, taking in his words, I blurt out " I forgive you". 

" What?" he asks looking at me through his tears.

"After everything you have done. After all the pain that you have caused. I forgive you because deep down I know you have good in you. I know you are trying to be good. And I am not going to be the one who impedes your efforts. I forgive you Peter, for everything" I said drying my tears and flipping the page on the darkest chapter of my life titled Peter. 

" Thank you Sam. You continue to impart your goodness on me even after everything. You have given me what I thought I could never get, forgiveness. I know you will be happy with Jamie. He can take care of you and your child. I wish you the best possible life you can have Samantha Blackwell. You deserve nothing less than absolute happiness". 

" Thank you Peter. Goodbye" and with that I left my dark past in that jail, and walked into the light of the warm Los Angeles sunshine as a huge smile broke across my face. 

Free! Free at last!

As soon as I saw jamie waiting for me, I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. I began to laugh and cry at the same time. An overwhelming amount of emotions engulfed me in that moment. 

He didn't say anything just held me in his arms, where I belonged. 

" Jamie, you are the father! Peter never did what he said he did. He found peace Jamie. And so did I!" 

Consumed in our happiness we kissed passionately in that parking lot, not thinking about anything else in the world but us, and our happiness. 

This was my story, filled with anger, trauma, sadness, hope. But this was also our story, full of healing, brightness, and love. 

This was the story of how he caught me. 

And I hope to God he never lets go. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Lovelies, 

So this is the end. It has taken me 4 years to finish this book. I started it as a little 7th grader and here I am a Junior in high school. My writing has improved ( at least I hope). I have grown as a person and also as a creator. This book is very special to me because it is the first of many to come. I can't help but feel sad to see this end. But this ends and a new story begins. Those of you who have made it to the end, thank you with all my heart. I appreciate you immensely. Please vote and comment for this is the last of Jamie and Sam's story. 


          Sophia <3

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