You're Right About One Thing.

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Sam's POV

There are a million ideas and scenarios going through my head. 

The world is spinning.

Does he think I'm cheating on him?

Has he found out about Harry?

There's nothing going on between me and Harry. We're just friends and nothing more. But, he is so insistent, he won't get it through his head that I'm not interested .

We're just meeting for dinner as friends. Nothing wrong with that. But, I don't understand why Jamie is sitting there with my phone in one hand and flowers in the other.

Jamie got up, walked to the trashcan and threw the flowers away.

" How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through. You cheat with me with Harry of all people? " he said practically screaming.

" I mean him of all people, I wish I had a bloody time machine so that I could go back and make sure I never took you to that stupid One direction concert. You know,  I thought maybe you needed to get out more, I didn't want you to think i was keeping you cooped up."

" I didn't take you to the bloody concert so you could fall in love with some popstar " He said furiously.

"Jamie, calm down, you don't understand." I said

" I'd never cheat on you, I love you." I said soothingly

But boy, did that not work.

" I've  had  girls cheat on me before, I have learned to deal with it. But, I thought you were different.  But, shame on me for being the optimistic  I should've expected that from a girl like you." He said with tears prickling in the corners of his eyes.

" A girl like me? Fine, tell me how girls like me act Jamie." I said screaming while trying to keep back the tears.

" You've had the perfect life, you had the perfect family but, you weren't happy with it so you looked for a guy like Peter. And figured out that he's not what you wanted when it was too late. You played me. You got bored and now you're done with me. You think you're wounded and say you can never love again. You make it hard for anyone to love you. You shut people out but, that's just your game right?  To Play the victim all the time." He yelled at me. 

" You think you have me all figured out don't you? " I said with tears streaming down my face. He broke my wall. The wall that had kept my past cooped up for so many years. 


" When I was four years old, my dad died from a heroin overdose. My mom got  depressed after that and turned to drinking. She's an alcoholic now. She remarried another man who is also an alcoholic who spends all their money on liquor. Oh, and the best part about it is he has a 20 year old son who's would come in my room and molested me me every night. So yes, I've had the perfect life Jamie. The police took me when I was 16 and put me in the foster system and I had 13 different foster families because I was never good enough for any of them and obviously I'm not good enough for you. " I managed to choke out through my sobs. 

"And the only reason I was meeting Harry tonight was to tell him to stop bothering me because, I had a boyfriend but, no point right cause I don't have a boyfriend anymore." I said not even comprehending what was coming out of my mouth.

Before I walked away I turned around and said with a smile " Well at least you were right about one thing right Jamie? I am done with you" I said with a chuckle. 

I ran up stairs grabbed my suitcase and ran out the door making sure it slammed.

I saw a black Range Rover down the driveway. It was kinda in the shadows so I knew that it was Harry. 

I ran to the car and saw Harry getting out of the car. He came and engulfed me in a hug. I cried into his chest and he said "Why are you crying, love? " 

" I just broke up with him." I said through my crying. 

" It'll be ok love, but please don't cry on my shirt it's really expensive." he said unraveling his arms around me and stepping back. 

Well that wasn't insensitive at all. If it were Jamie he'd let me cry and cry until I felt better. I shouldn't be thinking of jamie. He made me cry, he made my heart break into a million pieces. I want him to hurt, I want to show him how bad he messed up. I want him to miss me. I want him to be sorry... And I think I know how.


Authors notes

Hey lovelies, I'm sorry that this chapter had to come... Don't worry it'll get better. 1k reads wow.. thanks to everyone who reads my book. I love you all. 

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