A Living Paradox

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Sorry Guys! I couldn't update because, my teachers have been giving me so many projects. And my internet on my computer won't let me upload! But I haven't forgotten ! I swear I had this written a week ago !


" Are you ready Sam?"

" No Jamie ! A girl needs her time to get ready!"

 " For heaven's sake women! We're just going to the airport not a freaking party !"

" Whatever Jamie! I have no idea how I'm gonna stand you for the entire trip. Just remember if I kill you, you and your childish ways brought it upon yourself!" 

I'm not really arguing with Jamie. I'm just getting frustrated with him because every five seconds he is asking "are you ready love? Please be ready. Come on love hurry up!" He is acting like an impatient child.

When I was finally ready Jamie grabbed my bags. " what do you have in here Sam? It's like you have a ton of bricks in here." he said in a complaining tone.

I laughed and said" oh be quiet. it's just everything I need to survive" Jamie looked at my bags and then back at me and said " well, it looks like your very low maintenance" We both broke out laughing.

It was time to go, so Trisha gave me some sunglasses and a big hat saying

" If Peter has someone watching the house they won't know which one of us is leaving and Jamie got his windows tinted really dark so they can't see you guys in the car."

" And I've got MY Peter escorting us to the airport." He put a lot of stress on "My Peter" because, his body guard is named Peter just like my abusive ex-boyfriend. The name doesn't bother me but it is sweet how he's trying to be considerate of me. 

So we said goodbye to Trisha and drove off to the airport as fast as the speed limit permitted it because as predicted we were late for check in.

" You see this is what you get when you take too long doing your makeup." he said with an annoyed look on his face. " whatever Jamie, the important thing is that I look good."

" Well at least there's one thing we both agree on" he said with a devilish look on his face. I started blushing. The only thing to do now is to change the subject.

" So are you gonna tell me where we are going ?"

" If you must know we're going to London. I have a house there and we can stay there for a while." he said

" OMG, I've always wanted to go to London." I said freaking out

" aw... I thought you were going to say you've always wanted to go to England with me " he said with a pouty face.

Once we were checked in, and  boarded the plane, Jamie asked the flight attendant for a mini bottle of wine. She brought it and Jamie paid an obscene amount of money for the tiny bottle. He poured me a glass and one for himself . we both drank our wine and began talking. After talking for awhile I asked him to sing me to sleep because quite frankly the alcohol was putting me to sleep. He chuckled a little and began sleeping me " The A team" and before I knew it I was asleep.

When I woke up the Captain was talking on the intercom " Good morning passengers I just wanted to say that we will be landing in London shortly." 

When I looked over to my right I saw an arm around me, a little confused as to who's arm this was,  I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Jamie. My head was nestled in the crook of his neck and for the first time in a long time I felt safe. I felt like I could fall asleep peacefully and never worry about the dangers that faced me in LA. 

Here up in the air with Jamie by my side I didn't think about Peter, school, or even about the stupid paparazzi. Here and now I can just be. It's like a dream a dream I hope I never wake up from. I'm on a first class flight to London and I'm with a freaking movie star. What more could I want? 

But when you really think about it the motive for this trip could be considered a nightmare. I'm fleeing my home, leaving my friends and family, leaving everything I've ever known behind because my obsessive ex boyfriend is trying to find me. 

I guess my existence is one big paradox that will never make sense but this moment, this moment does make sense to me because, I'm up in the air, out of harm's way for the time being, with a man who is doing everything possible to protect me. I might as well try to enjoy this trip  right? 

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