Run Away with Me

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Samantha's POV

The next morning I felt tired, like I could sleep another 12 hours. My hair was still hard from the salt water involved in yesterday's events, and It seems that I was even too exhausted to change out of my bathing suit, leaving me completely covered in sand. I forgave myself for this uncomfortable situation being that last night was incredibly stressful and overwhelming. 

When I finally got out of bed Trisha was sitting there watching me, which I found more endearing than creepy being that she is my best friend constituting the only person I had in the world. 

Yes, I said "had" because now there's a new addition to my small group, Jamie.

  She handed me a cup of tea which I gladly accepted it. 

Then she said " Morning Sleeping Beauty, I thought you might want to take a bath instead of a shower so I started running your bath, oh, and Jamie will be here at 2, he says here really needs to talk to you."

 The amount of gratitude I owe this girl is unfathomable, she is the only person who has stuck by me this long in life. We've been friends forever, she was there for me through it all, through my family problems, through my depression, through Peter.

Just thinking of him, recalling his name, sent chills down my spine.

I walked into the bathroom stripped out of my sandy clothes and sat in the bath tub. The water felt amazing on my cold skin. I got my shampoo and started scrubbing my scalp trying to get all the sand out of my hair. I went under the water and rubbed the soap out of my hair.

 I liked being under the water. I felt at peace.I don't remember who told me this but, I remember being told that being in water is like flying in the sky, but with no air. I would trade every breath I've ever taken to always feel this peace, but my sacrifice has never been accepted. 

  When I finished, I washed my body. Feeling satisfied that I had no more sand on my body I got out of the bath. I combed my hair. I honestly don't like blow drying my hair unless it's to style my bangs. Then I put on some make up and changed into some shorts and a tank top. It is summer after all, and I do live in L.A.

I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by a smirking Jamie who was sitting on my bed.

 " you were taking so long I thought I would have to go in to get you" he said with a mischievous look in his eyes.  

" Haha very funny. Wouldn't you like to help me take a bath?" I said rolling my eyes. 

" Why yes I would love too." He said chuckling but I caught a glimpse of an emotion in eyes,I could be wrong but I swear It was lust.

He patted the spot on my bed next to him indicating for me to sit. I did as he indicated and sat beside him as he took my hands into his own. His hands were much larger than mine but, I loved the way they fit together so well. What the heck, Sam ? How can you be thinking that? Remember your promise!

He looked into my eyes and said " Sam, Trisha told me about what happened with that guy and we both thought it would be better if you went away for a while. Trisha is going to stay here to watch the house, and I'm gonna take you anywhere you want love, as long it's far far away. We both care about you too much for anything to happen to you."

I was lost in his eyes and his hands were still giving me little shocks. I truly contemplated the pros and cons to this but I ultimately decided that it was probably for the best . 

So I said, " ok Jamie, come back tonight and I'll be ready." 

Then he said " that won't be necessary love, Trisha already packed for you, she got everything you need. We can leave right now." 

He wasn't thinking about it rationally. He was just endearingly concerned about my safety but I had to bring him back to reality. 

 "Jamie, one of Peter's guys could be watching the house. It'll be better if we leave when it's dark." He had a look in his eyes that meant he knew I was right, even though it took him sometime to admit it.

" ok love, we'll leave tonight but, I'm not leaving because I don't want you to run away from me" he said with a smirk.

" Aww man... how'd you know what I was planning ?" I said while laughing.

We spent the rest of that hour lying on my bed watching T.V. Then Camelot came on and I saw Jamie's face was on the T.V. 

He looked really funny with his big puffy clothes and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Stop for goodness sakes!! It's just the character's bloody clothes!" He said scowling. This made it even more funny, so I couldn't stop laughing and he eventually started laughing too. I got hungry so I decided to make some food we could eat and some snacks we could take on the trip. 

I grabbed Jamie's hands and pulled him downstairs to the kitchen. We ended up making pancakes and cupcakes, we ate the pancakes and frosted the cupcakes. It was fun. He dropped frosting in my hair because, he was licking the spatula, and since he was over me, due to his unfair height, it fell straight into my hair. I then grabbed another spatula and wiped the frosting on his face. He had his face covered with pink frosting. We both laughed and then I began to clean up and like a gentlemen he helped me clean up. 

Peter never helped me clean up. He would just kiss me goodbye and went home leaving me there to clean the kitchen myself. Why are you thinking this Sam? First you call him a gentlemen and now you're thinking about your abusive ex-boyfriend who almost raped you? Awesome train of thought!

He went to go wash off his face. I went to the other bathroom and washed the frosting out my hair. When I came out he was waiting there at the door. That lustful look in his eyes from earlier returned as he began to walk toward me. He continued toward me until I was pinned up against the shower door. All I wanted to look at were his lips. I wanted to feel his strong arms around me, the way they felt last night. The only place in the entire world that I actually felt safe, a way I haven't felt in a very long time. 

What was I thinking I couldn't do this ? I realized too late that we had gotten into a sticky situation that could result in a kiss, a kiss I forbade myself from having. So naturally  I opened the shower door, and fell back into the tub because my mind was too distracted by the handsome man in front of me to think of another logical way of evading his wonderful looking lips. 

When I fell down he fell on top of me. We looked at each other in the eyes for two intense moments but, then we just laughed. The moment was gone, and I'm glad it left, but the fall still created a tension that for those fleeting moments was agonizing. 


OOOO... Let's see what happens. Also, thank you for all the reads and please vote. I'll update probably friday because I just have a lot of homework right now sorry. 

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