The Beach fight

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It's been a week since my date with Jamie. 

It was actually  kind of fun. 

Wait!!!! I can't associate anything happy with him, I can't do that because, associating him with happiness  can lead to having feelings for him, and I swore to myself I would never have feelings for  anyone like that, again especially after what happened with Peter. I shuddered at the thought of him, of what he did to me.

After our date, Jamie got my phone number from Trisha. We text everyday and it's fun, I mean like not because I like him, it's because it's fun texting someone other than Trisha. Last night Jamie called me and invited me to go to a beach party, supposedly it was a fundraiser for children with cancer. Well I said " yes" because, honestly who could say no to children? He said he would pick me up at 4. It's 2 right now and Trisha once again wanted to prepare me for my date. 

Once again I was ordered to go into the shower. She did my hair. She gave me some beautiful beachy waves, that I loved! I changed into my black bikini. Trisha gave me a white summer dress she had. She then did my make up. She was saying that I needed a sun kissed look, so she put some  BB cream, bronzer, and some other stuff on me. When she was finally satisfied with my appearance she left me alone to go find some food in the kitchen. I decided to pack a bag just in case anything happened and I needed something. In the bag I put a makeup kit, towel, extra clothes ( that Trisha chose for me), and some shoes.

 Then the doorbell rang, Trisha beat me to the door. She opened it giving me a grand introduction saying that I looked fabulous because of her. Who am I to discredit my best friend's hard work?

I was walking down the stairs when I tripped on the dress that was a little long. I was getting ready for the impact of the floor when I feel strong arms  around me. I opened my eyes to see that Jamie had me in his arms. He said with his swooning grin on his face " don't worry love, whenever you fall I'll be there to catch you." I was taken aback a little, and my heart skipped a beat. But, then I remembered my promise to myself and said " thanks but I don't need saving".

  This time we were in a different car. It was vintage and beautiful and I didn't know the brand but, I loved the car! " Jamie! What brand of car is this ? It's beautiful !" He began to laugh and said " Sorry it's my brother's, I have no idea what brand it is but, I do know he brought it over from Europe. After I stopped obsessing over the car we finally left for the party. 

Jamie's POV 

When I saw her walk down the stairs the sudden urge to take her in my arms and kiss her came back to me. But, I controlled myself. She looked so sexy in her dress and well everything about this girl is so sexy! She loved my brother's car I borrowed. I borrowed it on purpose because I know how much she loves cars. The  whole ride to the beach she was asking me who was gonna be there and how those people were like. What I found was extremely cute and Innocent of her was when she asked me how she should act around celebrities. 

I just smiled and told her " exactly like yourself love. Your personality will surely win over Oprah." 

Then she started freaking out that I told her Oprah was going to be there. When she calmed down I told her I was just messing with her, and she punched me in the arm.  We both broke out laughing. I love how down to earth she is, she's not like those other fake girls I've dated she's real and I like that about her. 

When we got to the beach, a valet took the car and we walked towards the crowd. She resulted to clinging onto my arm because, she was nervous. We talked with some people like Taylor Swift, Johnny Depp and Christina Aguilera. We danced and ate. Then the DJ told everyone to go into the water. And that  was when we had some real fun.

Sam's POV  

I was having a lot of fun! I met some really cool famous people, ate some amazing food, danced with Jamie, and like he said he was a really good dancer. Some camera guy took a picture of me and Jamie and we both smiled. 

I knew it would turn up the next morning on every magazine in Los Angeles. I could see the headlines now " Jamie takes his New Girlfriend to the Charity Beach Party" but, honestly i didn't care. When the DJ told everyone to go down by the water I got a little self conscience because, there were so many beautiful celebrities around with rockin bodies and I have an average one. Jamie took off his shirt and I stayed there gawking at his six pack. Then shyly I slid off my beach dress and I was only in my black bikini, I felt a little exposed but I got over it. I looked up to see Jamie and few other guys staring at me, probably judging my average body. When Jamie saw the other guys looking at me he turned me around, put his arm around my waist and walked me down to the water. He was trying to direct their attentions away from me which I was grateful for. 

Jamie's POV 

When Sam slid off her dress I was left staring at her body she was so beautiful, and once again I wanted to grab her and kiss her. When I came out of my trance I saw Kevin Zeeger, Zac Efron and even Josh Hutcherson checking her out. I don't know what came over me but, I didn't like them looking at her. So out of impulse I put my arm around her waist and walked her out of their views. I felt electricity when I touched her, it felt amazing like no one could ever take her away from me. 

Sam's POV 

We all played some games in the water and had a lot of fun. I saw Jamie's playful side. And surprisingly Liked it. When we got cold we went to get our clothes. Jamie walked me to the dressing area that was set up for the party and I went I to change. they even had showers. So I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I walked out feeling refreshed and ready for the rest of the night I couldn't see Jamie. I waited by the dressing room for about three minutes before a guy walks up to me. He's attractive but, not as attractive as Jamie. He says " Hey you're hot , what's your name?" as he pins me against the wall of the dressing room. I try to move back but can't and say" Samantha" in sheepish voice. He says " I'm Brad are you from around here? You seem out of your element. I could show you around sometime. We could start our tour with my bedroom" he says. This really bothers me. I try to duck under his arms but, it's like he has me in a cage. He sees me trying to escape the prison he has me in and whispers in my ear " what's wrong babe? I just want to have a good time with you." Then he starts trying to kiss me. As he fails to kiss my mouth he resorts to my neck. As he does this I scream but, the only word I could scream was "Jamie!" 


Hi guys! Sorry for any typos and the cliffhanger let me know what you think. What should Sam's and Jamie's ship name be ? Love all my wonderful readers I'm gonna try to update tomorrow i'm gonna start writing the next chapter right now. Love u all !!! Thanks 

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