Plan B

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Carina's POV 

I drove as fast as the speed limit permitted, which meant I drove like a Grandma. 

I told Peter I was going to buy more clothes for Samantha. In reality I was going to find Jamie. 

I felt so bad for her, she's been through hell. I don't even want to imagine how broken she must be right now. 

I drove up to Jamie's estate and buzzed open the gate. 

Yes, I have my own key.  Jamie, Harry, and I grew up together. Harry was always the popular one. Then when Harry and Jamie came back from boarding school Jamie changed. The roles were reversed. 

Jamie came back a man, who was in a huge movie, and having dinner with Johnny Depp. As opposed to Harry who was spending all his time partying and getting stoned. They are complete opposites. 

I'm making my way up the steps, I'm nervous,  he's going to be furious at me. 

"  Oh Hi Carina, how are you ?" he asked me.

He looked like a train wreck. I've never seen Jamie lower. 

 " Okay,I guess how are you?" I asked.

" Well, my girlfriend was kidnapped by this psycho who is hell bent on hurting her so I'm doing great.  thank you." he said sarcastically

" That's the thing Jamie.... I know where she is." I said and the room fell silent. 


I'm scared.  

It's almost ten. And he hasn't come in. I'm really scared.

The doorknob jiggled and someone stumbled in. Actually it was two people. 

They were laughing really loud. It was Peter and Harry. 

I froze. 

They're both drunk, and they both apparently love me. This looks like it's going to be a dreadful night. 

" Here's my beauty. As ravishing as ever." Peter slurred. 

" Have you seen her naked Harry? She's absolutely stunning." he said while creepily smiling at me. 

" I don't think I have Peter, though the last time I tried to you threw me across the room." 

I'm analyzing the situation and have concluded that they're threats. 

" Here's the plan." I think to myself " Distract them and run to the bathroom.

Peter just walked into the bathroom to puke. 

" Great! Here comes Plan B. Reason with Harry." 

" Well here goes nothing." 

 " Harry?' 

" Yes, baby?" he slurred 

" You know I want to be with you right not with Peter. I've never loved him, I've always loved you." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. 

" Oh yeah? if you really loved me why did you call him into the room when we were two seconds from making love?" he asked 

I had to scramble up an answer fast. For a drunk guy he was still with it. 

" I wanted our first time to be special just you and me not with a guard standing outside and in a hotel room." I said in the most seductive voice I could manage while playing with the hem of his shirt, drawing circles in his skin.

His breathe hitched and I knew it was working but, I had to do this fast if it was gonna work. 

" Why don't we get out of here ? Go somewhere quite, somewhere we could be alone." I said quietly into his hear. 

"  Okay." he said grinning like an idiot. 

He got off the bed and walked towards the door, let's go then my lady he said while bowing. He almost fell over while doing this. 

I got up and walked out. 

I was free of that place, but now I have new challenges like keeping Harry at bay and finding a way to reach Jamie. 

Why does my life have to be a living hell? Heaven better be good with the crap I'm putting up with now. 


Dear lovelies, 

I'm sorry I'm a terrible author. I have a lot on my plate right now. But, the summer is coming so I'll start updating more often. We're almost at 2k please keep it up. And please comment ?!! 

                                                                                   Love, '

                                                                                               Sophie <3

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