Osamu Dazai x Reader Part 1

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I just finished translating that part into english and it is NOT beta readed. So if it's bad.. I apologize. But I hope you enjoy this first part, since I really hope I didn't messed up Dazai's personality xD
It was not that easy to write him, but I hope it's not that bad! But enough talk, here is your first part of BSD's very first Reader Insert..~

The afternoon sun relentlessly beat down on the battered bodies of all people, who had to work during this heat wave. Atsushi and you were not spared.

Once again, you two were sent for errands to help everyone in the Armed Detective Company. "Doesn't it annoy you, always being the fool for everyone?" you asked, catching Atsushi off guard, because he stopped and looked at you, blinking. "Why should it annoy me [Y/N] -chan? I am happy when I am useful and repay what I owe them. " the man tiger smiled.

You sighed, because you expected that sort of answer. "Well, at least you are not as weird as the others." you told him as joke. Of course you loved everyone from the Agency. Especially one certain suicide maniac..

Atsushi chuckled lightly as you both continued your way. "Thanks. But the others are not that bad, you know. I guess you just have to get used to.."


You stopped in your tracks, when you heard a woman's screaming. Atsushi looked at you, before you nodded and head in the direction of the sound.

As you arrived, your faces fell and Atsushi facepalmed in embarrasment. "Not again.."

Osamu Dazai, the one and only suicide maniac in person, was holding hands of a stranger and instistingly staring into her eyes, caused her to scream in fear. "No need to be afraid my fair lady. I just wanted to ask.. Do you honor me and kill yourself with me? A romantic double suicide like Romeo and Juliet!" Dazai spoke proudly with his deep voice.

This poor woman was totally all at sea and tried to free herself from his grip.

Suddenly a shoe went flying and hit Dazai's head. He growled and loose his grip, before he bent to the shoe and turned to you. "That is not very nice to throw shoes at people [Name]-chan. Could it be.. that you are jealous because I didn't asked you~?" he asked with is usual smile. You blushed before you turned your head away from him. "Surely not. But you are supposed to work and not harassing women." you told him.

Meanwhile, Atsushi was beside the woman and bowed. "Sumimasen miss. This man just escaped from a psychiatric hospital. We just bring him back now."

"Oi? What do you mean by psychia..mhmpf!" You stopped Dazai's objections by putting your other shoe in his mouth. "Shut up now and apologize!"

"Mhmpfrry" (I am sorry)

After the woman was calmed down, Atsushi turned to Dazai and you. He already sensed some strong feelings between you. But the good guy he was, he totally didn't intervened. Eventually he got a bit nervous after an uncomfortable silence. "Well.." Atsushi began and scratched the back of his head. "I don't need help with the errands that are left. So would you please take care of Dazai-kun? Or should I say.. would you protect the female population from him?" Atsushi said and chuckled as Dazai shot him a death glare.

You smiled. "Of course. See you at the Agency then." You bid him farewell before you turned once more to Dazai. "Well about you, mister. Behave yourself. The Agency inundated with complaints from women because of you."

Dazai blinked innocently and tilted his head. "Aw, don't give me such a taunting look [Y/n]-chan. You know me, don't you?" he chuckled and patted your head.

"That's the point.. that I know you." you sighed and began to walk beside him.

The river could be seen during your walk and you noticed the sun was already begin to set. You couldn't believe how fast the day just went without noticing.

There was a uncomfortable silence between both of you. You wanted to say so much things, but were somehow unable to find the right words. Dazai watched you from the corner of his eye. He was just a mysterious enigma and even the dumbest should be aware, that Dazai is much more serious than he tried to be. But that only was one of the many things you were infatuated when you were with him.

"You want to ask me something, don't you?" Dazai spoke. You froze as you felt his arm around your back. He usually wasn't that intimate, not that you minded he was actually.

"Uhm.. Dazai-kun.. I just wonder.. Why are you so obsessed with your own death..? Don't you have a bit joy of living?" you timidly asked him.

Dazai chuckled before he burst into laughter. "Oh, [Y/n]-chan you just sound like Atsushi-kun right now. I always dreamed of a perfect suicide, but actually.. I have no single clue why. I guess I am just some weirdo you shouldn't be involved with~" he teased while he still watched your reactions.

You didn't even tried to understand him, because you knew too well, that nobody was able to see through him. Not even Ranpo.

After a few minutes of silence, you stopped again. Dazai, still with his arm around you, stopped walking as well and wondered. "What's the matter?" he asked lightly confused. Your eyes became an ominous shine as you stared in Dazai's serious face.

"I just have got an idea~" you murmured before you took Dazai's hand and pulled him with you.

"[Y/n]-chan you'll rip off my hand! Besides.. that is not the way to the Agency! Where are we going? Hey, are you listening? What are you up to?" Dazai asked puzzled. Sometimes you were just a mystery by yourself.

You stopped in your tracks and turned to him, smiling. „You will see..."

To be continued~

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