Junichirou Tanizaki x Clumsy!Reader

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The scent of several spring flowers reached Tanizaki's nostrils. He sighed heavily and sadly. It was this time of the year, he just hoped would end soon. He hated this season so much: spring, the time for couples in love. Everywhere you looked, you sensed feelings around couples and love filled the air. Tanizaki couldn't say if he was cursed or not, but despite his charm and handsome nature, he wasn't able to find a girlfriend. Though he had a slight suspicion – okay let's say the fact he KNEW the reason, he was always alone. "ONIII-SAN!" People watched as Naomi threw herself at her brother and almost broke his bones. "N..Naomi.. Th..That hurts.." he mumbled and tried to push her away. "But I missed you sooo much." she chirped and cuddled against him. As much as he loved her, he felt overwhelmed sometimes by her behavior. "We saw each other in the Agency an hour earlier?!" Tanizaki said, scratching the back of his head. "I know. But you disappeared suddenly and so I went to look for you." Naomi nodded enthusiastically and let her hands stroke his sides. "S..Stop that.. we are in the public." Tanizaki sighed and pulled away from her. "You are so mean. Aww you have to make it up to me by buying ice cream!" Tanizaki let out a heavy sigh and gave her his wallet. "Fine. Go shopping or something." he gave up. "YAY! I am going to buy a new night gown for Onii-san to feel good!" she screamed in delight and ran off. Now Tanizaki was relieved but also more depressed than before. "Maybe I just gave up in finding true love. Love will never stumble on me." "AAAAAAAAAAAH~" A female voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Before he realised what was going on, you fell right into his arms. "Ouch.." you mumbled with a pout without noticing that your fall was stopped. Tanizaki blinked and sat you on a bench behind him. "Is everything alright?" he asked, looked you all over. Your eyes met and for a brief moment he blushed, turning his head away to hide his embarrassment. "Yes, I am fine. I tend to be clumsy at times and got used to get bruises and such.. Thanks anyway for the rescue. Uhm.." "Tanizaki, Tanizaki Junichirou." Tanizaki smiled and bowed lightly. You blushed a bit because he was so polite and charming. When you regained your composure you stood up and bowed as well to introduce yourself. "[L/n], [f/n]. Pleased to meet you, Tanizaki-san." He smiled at you and sat beside you. It was too long since he had such a relaxed conversation with another woman without his sister tearing him away hysterically. "So, it happens often to you, to trip over nothing and fall into people?" he asked with a slightly teasing voice, making you blush again. "For the first part I cannot say it is wrong but usually I don't run into people! ..especially when they are charming.." you spoke. When you realized your words, you put your hand against your mouth in utter shock and now it was Tanizaki's turn to go bright red. "Y..You think I'm charming..?" he asked in disbelief. His blushing cheeks made him much cuter than he was before. "Y..Yeah.. is this a bad thing?" you asked, being much more flushed than he was. Tanizaki chuckled and smiled his brightest smile to you. "No, I am just not used to get compliments. Thank you very much. You are very charming and sympathetic yourself." he told you. For a few moments, there was a comfortable silence while you looked deep into each other's eyes, smiling like idiots. Was this 'love at first sight'? You never believed in this kind of love, neither did Tanizaki, but this fateful meeting told you otherwise. "Can I buy you a coffee or something to make up my fall?" you suggested. Tanizaki smiled and shook his head. "I can't accept this from a girl. I am man after all. I'll buy you a drink." he said, making you feel uncomfortable. "No way! I'll buy you a drink! And I don't accept a 'No.'" your persistance made him chuckle. He took a liking in you and loved being around you already. "Alright, but only this time." he smiled. Celebrating your victory, you took your wallet but your face fell when you saw only a few yens left, that weren't enough for an ice cream nor anything else. "Dammit." you sighed. "Oh, it seems I am in charge then since the lady is poor right now~" Tanizaki teased you, earning a glare from you. "Fine." To say you two got along would be an understatement. You talked a lot during your break in the coffee shop, laughed every now and then, just simpatico. Time went by fast and it got dark quickly. "Yokohama is dangerous at night. I'll get you home safely. And don't even try to say 'no'." Tanizaki told you and accompanied you to your apartment. There was a comfortable silence between you during the walk and you felt slightly sullen. You wanted to spend more time with him, but how to tell him without sounding like a strange person? He was a stranger for you after all. "Well, I guess it's time to say good bye." he murmured and scratched the back of his head in a helpless manner. He wanted to say so much more things and see you again. But somehow he hadn't the guts to ask you. "Yes, thank you Tanizaki-san. Take care on your way back." you told him and went into your house. Tanizaki watched your disappearing form before he went back. At home he was grilled by Naomi for being away without telling her. He didn't tell her that he met you of course, because he didn't want Naomi to quarter you. Some time passed and you met Tanizaki almost every day since then. At first, it was merely coincidence after you met in the park. The days after Tanizaki went to that said park every day at the same time to see you. He told you much more about him – except his work in the Agency – and you liked him even more. He felt the same way about you, which was seen in his mood during his hated season. Of course it caught the Agency members' eyes, that Tanizaki was more cheerful than ever when he worked on the paperwork. Usually he was bored and sighed while he worked the piles. Atsushi opened the door to the Agency and expected to hear the silence that always lingered during missions. This time though, he heard happy hummings from Tanizaki's desk. "What's wrong? Why is he in such a good mood?" the man tiger asked Kunikida who currently worked on a report next to Ranpo. "I have no idea. He arrived with his good mood and can't stop grinning like an idiot." Kunikida explained, continuing his work. "Tanizaki's in love. Every idiot would be able to sense that~" Ranpo grinned while he ate a candy bar. "How about you stop being useless and do your work already?" Kunikida hissed, shaking his head. "I don't feel like it. But I want to know which woman is able to turn Tanizaki's head~ Must be a pretty awesome girl." Ranpo thought, crossing his arms. "What do you mean by that?" Atsushi asked. He didn't know the members for that long. "You already knew about the strange relationship between Naomi and him, didn't you?" Ranpo asked, while Atsushi nodded. "Tanizaki had never a girlfriend before nor he was in love. Naomi just took all of his time. No woman ever was able to get his attention. That's the first time we've seen him like that." Kunikida added. "That is so cute. I hope he found his Mrs. Right!" Atsushi smiled and went back to his work. "Good to see you, Atsushi-kun~ Could you bring these files to the cellar?" Dazai asked with a big grin and thrusted a big mountain of several files into the poor boy's arms. "I can't see a thing..!" he sighed and was pushed out of the office by Dazai. "Watch out for the stairs~" Dazai chirped and laid back down on the couch to do nothing. Atsushi sighed and tried to walk down the stairs slowly. RUMBLE "AAAAAH?!" Tanizaki got startled from the voice he was very familiar with by now. He rushed to the stairs and saw you lying over Atsushi. The files were scattered around and the poor boy blinked as he realized his head was between your breasts. "Atsushi-kun!! What the hell are you doing?" Tanizaki asked, clearly annoyed at the sight. Was he jealous?! Atsushi blushed and pulled away from you, helping you up. "That was my fault. I didn't see him." you told him and walked over to Tanizaki. "By the way.. how do you know where I work? If I remember correctly, I never told you." he asked. You smiled a bit nervously and reached into your pocket. You pulled out a tiny business card. "You lost this yesterday." you told him. "Y..You just came by to bring this back? We have like countless cartons of them." Tanizaki chuckled when you blushed more. "No, that was not the reason. I.. wanted to see you." you whispered, making Tanizaki blush ten shades of red. There was a short silence where you just locked eyes, though the gazes of the other members made you uncomfortable. After a while Tanizaki turned around to his friends. "Why are you staring like idiots?!" he asked annoyed and took your hand, pulling you away from the office outside the building. You were fine with it, since they looked really strange. "Alright, we are alone now. I am sorry, the Agency members are somehow crazy people. But you'll get used to it." he smiled and leaned against the wall. "So.. you wanted to see me?" he asked then and grinned a bit. You looked up at him and felt embarrassed. What does that handsome young man do to you? "Yes. Actually.. Tanizaki-kun, I wanted to ask.. if you want to go to the Hanami with me? Usually I never visit such places, because it's no fun alone. Plus my clumsiness would make it a disaster. But when you're by my side.. I.." you began and saw his smile widen. He laid his hand on top your head and nodded. "I'd love to go with you [Y/n]-chan." he smiled and you couldn't help but hug him tightly. "Thanks! You are the best!" you sang and kissed his cheek. After you realized what you'd done, you blushed even more and stuttered. "I..I am sorry.." you whispered because he went bright red after the kiss. Tanizaki blinked before he grinned. "You better be. Because you missed." he smirked and pulled you back into his arms, kissing you forcefully on your lips. "See ya tomorrow." he whispered against your lips leaving you dumbfounded. At least until you heard a loud whistle from above. Dazai hung from the window with a wide grin. "Tanizaki's got a girlfriend!! Hey, Kunikida-kun, let me go! That hurts! Kunikiiiida-kun!" Dazai whimpered as he was pulled back and you heard several punches and 'Ouch' sounds from the man before. -.-.-.-.-.-.- Tanizaki was on time when he arrived at your apartment. He greeted you with a gentle kiss on the lips before you linked your arms and walked to the Hanami location. It was loud and crowded but you didn't care at all. You just loved his presence as well as him and you enjoyed yourselves. You stopped at the fish pond with the Kois that had to be caught with hand nets. There was a little girl that cried, heartbroken. You bent over to her and asked why she cried. She explained, that she lost the fish catching game every time and failed to catch a fish for her sister. Tanizaki smiled as he watched you helping the little girl out. She cheered to you while you tried to catch a fish. "That one! The golden one over there!" the girl pointed out to a big fish in the pond. "Alright, leave it to me!" you smiled and ... ...your clumsiness took over. You tripped over nothing and fell into the fish pond, making the people laugh. You wanted to hide your face in embarrassment by covering it with your sleeve. Tanizaki took the haori he wore over his yukata and laid it around your shoulders, turning angrily to the people. "You think this is funny? Is it that funny, that a kindhearted human wanted to help out a little girl? You are so disgusting. All you can do is stand there and laugh, but I highly doubt that any of you had at least that much warmth in your whole depraved bodies like this beautiful woman in her pinkie." His words made you feel very special. You blushed like mad when the laughing stopped. A few men felt offended by Tanizaki's words and tried to punch him. Though this handsome young man seemed to was able to defend himself well enough. Within minutes the attackers laid on the ground, wincing in pain. Tanizaki stood before them, his usually peaceful and charming nature vanished completely by his deep disgust for the scum who had the nerve to laugh about you. "Oh? It's not funny anymore, huh?" he asked. "Tanizaki-kun, that's enough." Slowly your small arms reached around his body, making him stiff under the touch. He calmed down and sighed, before turning around to hug to tightly. "I'm sorry, but I HATE spiteful people. Especially when they harass someone I like.." he mumbled, stroking your cheek gently. "Seriously, never in my entire life I felt this way before for someone." he smiled and pressed you against his body, despite the fact you were drenched because of your accident. "S..Stop it, you'll get drenched too.." you told him quietly, trying to push him away. "I don't care. That makes us even in looking like a drowned rat, so what?" he smirked and kissed your lips ever so gently. "Tanizaki you are unbelievable. I.. love you." you finally confessed. Tanizaki's eyes shone with happiness and he buried his head into your neck. "I love you too, [Y/n]-chan." he kissed your neck while some people who didn't laugh before, cheered for your young love. Tanizaki felt blissful that he was about to explode. This moment was perfect, everything he ever wished for. At least the moment was perfect, until he heard something.. "ONII-SAN!" Seconds after you heard that loud voice, you were pushed from him and landed back into the fish pond. Tanizaki's eyes went wide in shock, but wasn't able to help you. Naomi cried theatrically while she crushed his bones. "How could you do this to me? I thought I'll be the only woman in your life!" she asked while you blinked and looked at both of them, slightly hurt. "N..Naomi, stop this!" "But I thought you LOVE ME!" "N..Naomi! Of course I love you, you are my sister after all. But you can't compare this love to the love between a man and a woman." Tanizaki explained and tried to free himself from her grip. "No! I won't allow her to get you! I don't want to lose you! Never!" Naomi cried, tightening her grip. You stood up and got their attention by clearing your throat. "Naomi-chan, right? There is a misunderstanding. I don't want to take away your brother from you nor to stand in your way at all. When.. you don't approve me to be the woman by his side, there is nothing I can do against it." you spoke, saddened. Tanizaki looked at you in despair. "[Y/n]-chan..?" "Tanizaki-kun, I would never stand between your sister and you. It would make you suffer the whole time. So I guess it would be in your interest for me to step aside. Naomi-chan, please take care of your brother. He is such a precious person that needs to be protected. Thank you so much for the great time." you smiled, bowing deeply. Tears fell to the ground while the siblings stared at you in disbelief. "Farewell." Naomi let go of her brother as she watched your disappearing form through the crowd. She felt kinda guilty now, she shouldn't have judged you so easily. You were as worried about Tanizaki as she was. "Are you satisfied now, Naomi? She was my greatest love." Tanizaki sighed and fell to the ground. "If that's true, why aren't you following her instead of giving up directly?" he heard a voice behind him. Both turned around to see Atsushi, Kunikida and Dazai who supposedly wanted to have some fun at the Hanami by themselves. Tanizaki looked at Kunikida and for his question, he hung his head low. "Because she's right. I can't expect her to fall between the cracks. As long as Naomi won't set me free, I'll never be able to manage a relationship." His words hurt Naomi, but she began to realize that it won't end up good if she continued to hide him forever from the outer world. "Onii-san.. Do you can promise me one thing?" she asked in a serious tone. "Hm?" Tanizaki turned to her. "Never forget me even you become happy with her?" she smiled sadly. Dazai grinned and Atsushi smiled, while Tanizaki hugged his sister tightly. "What are you thinking of me, idiot? You are my sister and always stay in my heart. But.. my heart is big enough for two women in my life, you know." he chuckled, watching Naomi wiping a few tears and hitting his head. "What are you waiting for then? Go ahead and get her." she said. "Are you sure?" Tanizaki asked, unsure. "Move your ass mister, before someone else takes her away from you." Naomi said, pushing her brother in the direction you escaped. But why did you gave up on Tanizaki that easily at all? Did you get the feeling, there was no place for you in his life after seeing his sister possessive over him? You were only sure of one thing. You loved him with all your heart and never wanted it to end. Why you ended up saying those things and running away.. you didn't know either. Maybe you thought that would be the best of both of you. Besides that, why should such an amazing man like Tanizaki deserve such a clumsy catastrophe like you? However you didn't even made it far in your escape, because the geta shoes weren't made for running. You lost one of the shoes and tripped over a branch in the near forest. Your tears streamed down your face now, and your kimono was dirty from the drenched and dirt. You stood up and tried to clean off the kimono a bit. As you were about to continue your running, you felt two strong arms around your shoulders. "Please wait." ..Tanizaki's gentle voice. "T..Tanizaki-kun..?" you mumbled. He laid his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes. "Do you.. have any idea of how an amazing woman you are? My sister's feelings were above your own while you would endure suffering only that I can live in peace right? So.. what do you say if I told you, that your good bye would destroy me completely?" he asked, making you stiffen in fear. "I..would never forgive myself.. But.. Naomi would never let us be alone at all. I.. don't want you to argue with her because of me." you told him, leaning your head against his. "Nonsense. Onii-san would never argue with me." Naomi?! "You followed me again?" Tanizaki asked dumbfounded, letting go of you in shock. Naomi put her hands on her hips and grinned. "I have to. Because Onii-san is not capable of winning his lover back! Listen.. uh.. [Y/n], right?" she asked, seeing your nod in response. "[Y/n]-chan, my brother made it clear how much he loves you and that I could never bring him to forget you. As long as you don't have any problems with my visits and driving you crazy, you can have him~" You didn't know if you could believe what you heard. After all the stories you heard about their relationship, Naomi entrusted her beloved brother to you? "Of course it's fine Naomi-chan. I hope you get to know you better and we get along well." you told her smiling, seeing Naomi's face in shock. "Did.. I say something wrong?" you asked, turning to Tanizaki. Seconds later you couldn't breathe anymore, because Naomi hugged you so tightly. "Naomi, let go of her!" Tanizaki said worried and tried to push her off you. "But.. she is so damn cute! I can totally understand why you love her!" she sobbed theatrically when she let you go. "Thank you so much. I look forward our time together.. As long as you don't disturb us while we are doing.. couple acitivies." you said blushing, making Tanizaki almost nosebleed. Naomi blinked and grinned slyly, before she slid her hand beneath your kimono. "Then we could make a threesome~" "NO WAY!" both you and Tanizaki yelled in shock, before you looked at each other and touched your hands. He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. You smiled and leaned against him. There was nothing in the way anymore for a happy and harmonic relationship, right? "Oh! We could try a love triangle!" "NAOMI, STOP!" END~ Extended Ending Writing a marriage vow was far more difficult than you had thought. Tanizaki and you had problems to bringing out the right words, but somehow you managed. Now your friends were about to read them, as long as they didn't read out them loud. Naomi, Yosano and Kyouka read your vow and made some noise like a dreamy 'Oh..' every now and then. On the men's side with Tanizaki were Dazai, Kunikida and Kenji. However instead of being dreamy, they began to laugh every now and then. "Aww, that's so cute [Y/n]-chan~ please marry me instead my brother!" Naomi told you and hugged you. Shortly after that Dazai burst out in laughter while holding his stomach. "Dude, that's so damn funny!" he grinned and pointed at Tanizaki's letter. "JUN-CHAN!" you yelled at him. Tanizaki looked at you and smiled. "Don't worry darling. We make yours funny too~" .... Later, the boys were alone now and read another note from Tanizaki. "What do you think?" Tanizaki asked, smiling. The boys wiped their tears away and gave him a thumbs up. "It's beautiful.. How did you managed to write something like that?" Kunikida asked. "I stole hers and switched the names." "...You can't do something like that!" ← Atsushi "He sure can, since he's the first one to vow~" ← Dazai

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