Edgar Allan Poe x Reader

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Karl, that little pet raccoon of your boyfriend Poe, sat in your lap and took a nap. You petted the small animal and sighed, clearly bored. Your dear boyfriend was pretty busy lately with writing countless novels to defeat Ranpo Edogawa this time. He rarely had any time for you and you felt unloved by him. Karl yawned and stretched before he jumped from your lap walking up to the door that lead to Poe's working area. "You want me to follow you?" you asked, standing up.
You made your way to his room, watching his back while he was totally focused on his paper. „Take a break Edgar. Don't overwork yourself." you sighed, walking up to him and putting your hands on his shoulders. "See? Your shoulders are already stiff." you said, massaging his shoulders. Poe purred lowly while he closed his eyes. "I am fine, [Y/n]. Just this chapter okay?" he gave you a tired smile. "You always say 'just one chapter' and then you write the whole night without sleep." you sighed, laying your head on his shoulder. Poe chuckled tiredly with a slight blush. "You are cute [Y/n]. Alright. Would you do me a favor and buy me some Taiyaki? Then I can take a break, yes?" he asked and you cursed yourself for not able to say 'No' to him. "You really love Taiyaki since that event with Ranpo-san, don't you?" you chuckled, making Poe slightly blush. He made a fool out of himself and he met you that day..
6 years ago during the crime solving competition, Poe met Ranpo Edogawa. He was a young and talented detective, but that was not was caught his eye. His eyes fell on a large bag, Ranpo was hovering over it like it was a treasure. It was filled with sweets, mostly Japanese, the american detective never saw before. It looked so tasty...
So when Ranpo went to toilet, he wanted to take the bag with him, but the security forbade him, so he left the bag unattended. That was his chance! He walked up to the bag and stole a baked fish, Taiyaki. He ate it and purred in pure bliss. That was tasty!
"Excuse me?" he heard a female voice and turned around. He saw a young girl around [6yb!y/a], with [h/c] hair, [e/c] eyes and a beautiful smile. "Can I get some too? I bet he won't even notice some missing.." you smiled shyly. Poe chewed on the baked fish and handed you another piece silently from the sweets bag. You squealed and took it. "Thank you!" you said giving him a thankful smile. Poe smiled back, but then he saw Ranpo stomping back. "THOSE ARE MY SWEETS!" Ranpo yelled, shaking Poe's shoulders. "Stop it!" Poe growled, slapping away the other male. "You buy me a new one! After the competion where I'll defeat you!" Ranpo pouted. "You bet!" Poe hissed, accepting this invitation.
After he lost, he was depressed but he won something different that had more worth than his pride. He won your heart.
[Flashback End]
"Well then, I get you some taiyaki. But don't write anything and rest. You know what happened last time when you wrote me wearing a coconut top and a leaf skirt during an important business meeting." you said sternly. Sometimes your Ability drove you nuts because it was perfectly suited with Poe's. Whenever he involved you in his writings, it became real. So, you preferred him not mentioning you anywhere, especially when you're in public. "I knooow." he grinned and scratched the back of his head. "I'll head out." you finally spoke, ready to go. "Wait." he stopped you, turning fully around to you. "You know I won't let you leave without this one thing." he demanded, motioning to come closer.
You chuckled, already knowing what he meant. "How could I forget?" you said, pulling him into a hug and giving him a loving kiss on his lips. Even though he was busy, he never let you go anywhere without showing you his undying love. "Hurry, love." he said, petting Karl who jumped in his lap. You smiled and waved before you left the shared apartment to buy your boyfriend some Japanese sweets.
While you were gone, Poe chuckled to himself, being happy to have such a cute girlfriend like you. His hand took a pen, to write your name on an empty paper, drawing hearts around it. He grinned, but got distracted when his phone rang. It was Ranpo. "What's up Edogawa? My new novel isn't finished yet." Poe mumbled, continuing to draw little hearts around your name. That was harmless and couldn't get real at all. However Ranpo distracted him completely by a story that he solved a case with a naked runner at a football stadium. Poe didn't even listen, but he made a mistake.. Instead of drawing a heart next to your name, he wrote 'naked'.
You left the sweets shop and just then, you noticed that your clothes were gone. Everyone stared at you, some people took pictures with their cellphones while you were frozen in shock. This time you're going to castrate your boyfriend!
Poe was already aware of what he did and looked after you. When he spotted you, he laid a jacket around your naked form. Before you could ready your fist to slam into his beautiful face, he bowed deeply. "I am so sorry! Sorry, sorry! Please forgive me love.. Ranpo distracted me and.. he confused me by talking about how he solved a naked runner case while I drew absent-mindedly on a paper with your name and hearts.." he explained. You blinked. To be honest that was quite cute and he didn't let it happen on purpose. Maybe you should forgive him.
"Forgiven. But if this happens again.. I am going to castrate Karl." you smirked. Poe shot up in panic. "NOOOO, not Karl!" he whined. "Alright, then I'll castrate you instead." you chuckled, Poe went pale. "Bye Karl's balls then.." he mumbled and you burst out into laughter. He was such a cutie pie. You hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead. "Let's go home and eat some snacks." you said and stroking his cheek. "You are not angry anymore?" he asked, confused. "Silly, I wasn't angry in the first place. You are really not the smartest huh?" you teased. Poe made a cute pout, when he carried you bridal style back. "I aaaam." he whined while he walked. "And now you sound like Ranpo." you giggled. "Don't compare me to that idiot!" he sulked and walked you home.
Oh well, being Edgar Allan Poe's girlfriend was not a bad thing. He was so cute most of the time.

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