Chuuya Nakahara x Reader FLUFF with a kitten <3

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You were lost in your thoughts while your fingers drew circles around a half empty cocktail glass. Chuuya sat beside you, drinking his fifth glass now. On any other day he would get drunk very easily, but this time the alcohol didn't seem to have any effect on him. Maybe because the mood was too gloomy.
Maybe I should begin from the start. You were a member of the Armed Detective Agency while Chuuya was a Port Mafia executive member. You were supposed to be enemies. So, why were you sitting in a bar together being frustrated? ... You liked each other.
A few months ago, you met Chuuya for the first time in a karaoke bar. You noticed each other through your passion for music. At this special bar you were currently sitting in, you talked for the first time. In an instant you took a liking in each other and you talked for hours, singing a few songs and forgetting the time. Since this day you met daily and a solid friendship was built rather quickly. It didn't take long to fall for him and now you were here, loving each other in secret but nobody had the guts to tell each other. Then you were confronted with being in enemy organizations.
At first, the decision was clear: You had to end your friendship and not see each other again. However both of you were drawn to each other, not wanting it to end. So you decided to meet in secret and stay close friends. This worked out quite well for some time, until Chuuya felt as if he was being watched. Port Mafia seemed to be suspecting him for something because he was acting strange. For your safety, Chuuya made this final decision even if it killed him: 'We have to say farewell. Forever.'
You weren't happy about this but you understood his situation. It was risky, after all, to meet with a Port Mafia executive member. So this was supposed to be your last night spending time together.
"Crap. This is fucking shit." you sighed, your forehead hitting the counter from the bar. Chuuya looked at you and sighed. "It's for the best. Maybe we never even had to meet at all." he murmured, cursing the deep feelings he had for you. "You regret that we met? Thanks." you spoke, clearly hurt and stood up. "[Y/n], I didn't mean it that w-" you cut him off and threw 10,000 Yen at the counter, mumbling a brief 'Farewell' before you left. Chuuya growled in frustration, throwing his cocktail glass against a wall. "Women.."
Weeks passed and Chuuya didn't even call you once. You sat in your apartment, being totally lovelorn. This love just wouldn't stop and you didn't even know why.
It was late night, the lights of the lanterns were the only light that illuminated the streets. You turned off the television you stared blankly at it for the past few hours, ready to go to bed. At least he forgot some shirts when he visited you, so you felt a bit better when you wore his clothing. It smelled so strongly like him. Suddenly someone knocked at your door. "Who could that be at this time? I swear, if Dazai is visiting me again to 'cheer me up', I'll kick his butt until he.." you cursed, walking to the door and opened it. However your ranting came to a sudden end when you saw Chuuya there with an apologetic smile. Something was odd, he wasn't wearing his hat, instead he held it in his hand, upside down. "What.. do you want?" you asked, a bit unsure.
Chuuya cleared his throat with a slight blush when he saw you in his white shirt and pushed the hat into your hands.
"Why are you giving me your ha.."
You stopped your sentence, looking into the hat. There was a little black kitten, 3 months old at most. It's big green eyes watched you with curiosity.
"...I wanted to apologize. That really wasn't meant that way -- that I regretted to meeting you. I would never. It's just.. too complicated. So.. I brought you this kitten so you're not that lonely.. and because I knew you love cats, so.." he mumbled, still blushing. You watched him, silently. He was too cute right now, being embarrassed and blushing despite his cool nature he attempted to keep up when he was with you.
"...You needed 5 weeks to tell me this?" you asked, raising a brow. Chuuya sighed and turned his head away. "Kittens aren't allowed to be given away until they're at least 10 weeks old. And back then this guy was 6 weeks old, kay?" he responded in a grumpy voice, crossing his arms with a cute pout.
If he didn't stop being so cute, you swore that you would kiss him right now. You chuckled and patted the kitten over it's head. "It's so cute, thanks Chuuya-kun. Wanna come in?" you asked. "I'd prefer not to. I know I shouldn't even be here, but.. I wanted to see you one last time." he admitted. Now it was your turn to blush and to stop your knees from getting weak, you took the kitten from his hat, giving it back to it's owner.
"Very well..." Chuuya began, putting back his hat. The second after he did so, his face fell with a hint of disgust. You blinked, tilting your head in confusion. "That little critter piddled in my hat.." he hissed. You stood there, unmoved. Then you burst out laughing, clutching your stomach, making Chuuya angrier than he already was. "That's not funny!" he sighed and gave your new kitten a death glare. "It was your own fault for not checking the hat before you put it back on. Now you have to come in. Shower and in the meantime I can clean your precious hat." you teased him. "Tch.." he rolled his eyes in annoyance, following you into your apartment.
While Chuuya was showering, you took his clothing to wash them. Until then you washed his hat and threw everything in the washer. Since everything was working on it's own you had time for the kitten. Chuuya brought some pet food as well and you gave the kitten some in a bowl with milk. The kitten hesitated, still not familiar with the new surroundings. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." you smiled, kneeling in front of the small animal, stretching your arm out.
As the kitten walked to you in a cautious way, the bathroom door slammed open, frightening the kitten so that it hid under your wardrobe. "Where is my clothing?" Chuuya asked. You looked up, blushing ten shades of red. He was your crush after all and now he was only covered in a towel around his hips. Water drops fell from his brown hair, falling over his muscled torso while his blue eyes had a mesmerizing glint in the artificial light. "I..I washed them. Don't worry, they'll dry in about a hour." you stuttered, trying not to stare at his sinful body. Chuuya growled in frustration when he tugged the towel, revealing something traitorous behind that fabric. Now you were nose-bleeding. "If you had at least neutral towels.. but.. HELLO KITTY?! Seriously?" he sighed.
When you didn't respond, he looked up. "You okay? You look pale." he said. You gulped, covering your nose with your hand. "Everything's alright." you lied and took a step back when he approached you slowly. He could always see through your lies. Suddenly he began to grin and caged you between a wall and your dresser. "What's wrong? Like what you see?" he asked in a low voice, nearing your face inch by inch.
You were already used by his flirtatious behavior, however you were not used on being so close in an intimate way to him. "C..Chuuya.. I.." you stuttered, not being able to make a full sentence anymore when you felt your breath against your skin. "Yes?" he asked, rubbing his nose up your neck.
You tried to calm down as an unbearable heat rose to your cheeks and when your gaze went down to his towel again.. that made you yield to your fate. A big bulge was seen from his towel before your vision went black. You lost consciousness. However before you dropped to the ground, Chuuya caught your form and sighed. "Good grief." he chuckled and laid you on the sofa.
The kitten watched from it's hiding spot when Chuuya put a strand of [h/c] hair out of your face and stared at you. "Don't make it so hard for me to go." he said. His slender finger danced across your cheek as if we was unable to stop touching you. The thought of not seeing you again, never hearing your voice again made him angrier than he ever was. He wanted to scream, he wanted to demolish everything he saw, yet he was sitting here and asking himself why he felt this strong love for you.
He snapped from his thoughts when he felt your hand covering his. Blinking, he looked at your face, your eyes were open. Chuuya grinned. "Finally awake? What was this all about? It's not like you faint that easily you know." he teased you. You felt slightly dizzy when you sat up. Instead of answering, you pointed at his bulge.
Chuuya's gaze fell down and he blushed, but chuckled. "That is a natural reaction, idiot." he grinned, his hand stroking your knee almost automatically. You shivered from his touch. Normally he was drunk before he turned into such an affectionate man. Probably this termination of contact pained him more than it pained you. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not experienced in male anatomy at all." you admitted and sighed. Chuuya was silent before a malicious grin washed over his face and he let his hand travel up. "Wanna get some experience then?" he asked in a low and sexy voice. Now he took a liking in embarrassing you because your flushed cheeks made his heart flutter. "Chuuya.. what is wrong with you? Are you intoxicated?" you asked.
There was a silence for a moment before he hugged you tightly without warning. "If I am intoxicated with something, I'm intoxicated with love. Damn it, because of you I begin to question my loyalty to Port Mafia.." he grumbled in your ear. You needed a moment to register what he just said. "Chuuya.. do you even understand what you said? Are you serious?" you asked and looked up. His resolved stare made you gulp and shiver. "Never in my entire life was I this serious about something." he answered, pulling you into an aggressive kiss. Chuuya was dominant and not so good with words. So he'd rather let actions speak for him. Despite the fact that he was almost naked, he pressed you flush against his body, devouring your lips in a heat of passion.
After he had enough, he pulled away, leaving you breathless and panting. "Chuuya.." you stuttered before he shut you up with a second kiss. This time he used his tongue, prodding your lips apart to get access to your wet cavern. You knew better than anyone to obey Chuuya, so you didn't fight this battle. He made you moan into his mouth in no time when he sucked your tongue. This kiss ended far later than the first and now even Chuuya was panting. He leaned his forehead against yours, smiling softly and blushing. "Something you'd better understand is that.. I'll never let you go now.." you chuckled and took his hand to lace your fingers with his.
Chuuya grinned, rubbing his nose against yours. "Who said I want to go? I don't give a fucking shit of what the Port Mafia and the Agency would say about us." he told you. You smiled, shaking your head. "That's crazy." you said. "The whole world is crazy. That means we can be crazy too." he grinned, ruffling your hair.
"By the way.. my clothing should be dry now? If I stay naked any longer, then something may happen~" he chuckled, amused as your cheeks burned with embarrassment again. "They should.. Let me check." you said, wanting to stood up. However Chuuya took your hand, yanking you back. "I'll check. You wait here." he ordered, smirking. You obeyed and watched him leave with a smile.
Your new kitten jumped in your lap after Chuuya left the room. It purred and fell asleep. You smiled, patting it slowly and sighing in content. "You are so cute." you giggled to the cat. "...I barely just left you and you already replaced me?" Chuuyas voice made you chuckle. You turned to him and smiled. Now he was back in his usual attire with his fancy hat on top. He hold his jacket loosely around his shoulder and grinned. "Sorry, love. But this little kitten has a bonus in cuteness." you teased him.

Chuuya chuckled and sat beside you. He raised your chin, looking perfidy at you. "I don't have a bonus?" he breathed and his lips came closer. Before you could close the distance in a longing kiss, he pulled away, grinning as punishment. You pouted. "But she is smaller than you!" you sulked, making Chuuya both chuckle and growl before he pulled you back in his arms. He was careful not to smash the kitten between your bodies. "It seems I have to discipline you then~" he smirked, kissing your lips lovingly before he rested his head on your shoulder. You smiled and laid your head against his, enjoying the moment. It was so joyful, just perfect.
"Chuuya..?" you asked after a while. "Hm?" he asked, his hands stroking your arm. "..The cat piddled on your jacket."
..It seems Chuuya had to stay longer...

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