Ougai Mori x Petite!Reader

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"Elise..? Where are you? Don't do this to me." Ougai sighed and looked around. Elise was gone, again, while he was shopping with her. As much as he loved her, sometimes it drove him crazy. "Tachihara, call for help and observe the whole district." he ordered and sent away his other men.
While he walked through the crowds to look for his 'daughter' he noticed a small group of men that stood around someone. He walked closer and noticed a petite woman. One man had a painful grip on your slender arm, while one other traced your chin down. "You know, young miss, this is a dangerous place for a kid like you." he chuckled. "I am not a kid! I am [y/a]!" you mumbled in fear but didn't dare to fight them. "Don't lie brat. Your boobs are small and your body child-like. But to be honest I like that." the man smirked as his hand grabbed your breasts. "Stop it!" you yelled and closed your eyes in hopes that they'd end it soon.
"Gentlemen, you heard the lady. Stop it and let her go." Ougai's cold voice rang out through your ears and made you shiver. The men froze in shock as if they already knew him. However the man who grabbed your breasts seemed unimpressed. "That's none of your business grandpa. Leave before we handle you too." the man smirked and turned to Ougai. You couldn't even blink when Ougai had something metallic in his hand and held it against the man's throat. It looked kinda like a scalpel. "Don't make me repeat myself again. If you won't stop harassing her, you'll regret it." Ougai smiled and drew blood from the man's throat.
The man scowled before he threw you to the ground and escaped with the other men. You tried to understand what just happened, when you saw a hand before your eyes. Looking up, you saw this stranger smiling at you. "I hope you are not hurt, miss?" he asked, his cold tone vanished into a soft and alluring voice. You took his hand and let him help you up. "I am fine.. Thank you very much, mister.. uhm.." you said and looked down with slightly blushing cheeks. This guy was quite attractive. Ougai chuckled and bowed to introduce himself when he heard a familiar voice yell at him.
"Rintarou!" You turned to the voice and saw a little girl run to you. "Ah Elise. There you are. Where have you been?" the man you now knew as Rintarou chuckled and patted Elise's head fatherly. "So the name of my white knight is Rintarou-san?" you asked. Ougai looked at you and blinked, before he let out a small laugh. "White knight? I am flattered but yes, my name is Rintarou." he said, it would be better to use that fake name he thought. Elise looked at you and blinked. "Who's that?" she asked.
You smiled and stretched out your hand. "My name is [Y/n]. Pleased to meet you, Elise-chan." you said. Elise looked at your hand and smiled too. "[Y/n]? Cool name. I am Elise. Rintarou-san's daughter." she exclaimed proudly. Your heart fell at these words a bit. So he was already married. But he had no wedding ring. Maybe he was widower? Not that it was your business, you just wondered.. Ougai smiled, it seemed Elise took a liking in you. So he was more than happy that he might see you again. "Well, I am sad to end our nice conversation so soon, but I have several tasks to take care of. I hope we see each other again miss [Y/n]." Ougai said and bowed politely, before he left with Elise. You looked after him and smiled. He was so charming and good looking and Elise was cute too.
After that day, you couldn't forget 'Rintarou'. You always hoped to see him again, but even if you visited the town everyday, you weren't able to meet him again. Frustrated, you went to the Armed Detective Agency to look for him. While Kunikida asked you about his looks and how he moved, you started giggling because you remembered when you met Elise. "He has a daughter named 'Elise'" you said. Kunikida stopped writing and dropped his pen. "Excuse me? He has dark hair, is in his 40s and his daughter is named 'Elise'? Excuse me miss.." Kunikida said and stood up. You blinked in confusion when he went to a dark haired man who sat on the sofa and listened to music.
They talked a while before both men approached you. "Rintarou, you said, miss?" the dark haired male grinned. "Yes. You know him?" you asked with a glint of hope. Dazai chuckled and laid his arm around your petite shoulder. "I know him very well. To be honest I can get you to him." he said. Kunikida went pale. "You fucking serious Dazai? That is too dangerous!" the blonde man hissed. Dazai smirked. "No, he won't harm her. Trust me." he stated. "TRUST YOU?!" Kunikida yelled. You sighed and got startled when Dazai took your hand and ran away with you.
"What was that about?" you asked. Dazai chuckled. "Have you ever heard of Port Mafia?" he asked. You nodded. "They are Yokohama's most feared organization, but they protect townspeople so.. they are not as evil as everyone says, right?" you mumbled. Dazai said nothing, he just kept walking. "Is Rintarou-san part of Port Mafia?" you wanted to know. He stopped walking and looked at you. "What if he was?" he asked. You thought for a moment. "Would you be afraid of him? Or would you still want to see him again?" Dazai's voice was stern, yet somehow curious. "I.. would want to see him again of course. I don't care if he is a mafia member. He saved my life and I don't care what others say. I saw his personality and he was charming. So I have no reason to be scared because I don't have any grudge or something against the mafia."
"...I am glad to hear that, young miss [Y/n]-chan." Ougai's voice startled you at first and you blinked in surprise when he stood there completely different looking. His hair was glued backwards and he was a long black coat, suitable for a Mafia boss. "Rintarou-san!" you smiled, though you didn't expect to see him here. "Well Ougai-kun, I brought her. Now we're even. But I hope for your own safety that you won't harm her in any way~" Dazai sang and waved as a goodbye. "Ougai?" you asked, tilting your head. Ougai chuckled. "I would never harm such a lovely lady. Ah, excuse me miss. Rintarou was a nickname that Elise gave me. Now, I can introduce properly. Ougai, Mori."
You blinked. Twice. OUGAI MORI?! Port Mafia's boss in person? Your mouth was agape and you eyed the chuckling man when he straighten himself up. "Rintarou, you shocked her." Elise giggled when she appeared behind Ougai. You regained composure pretty quick and shook your head. "No, I just.. was kind of surprised. But in a good way." you smiled. Ougai approached you slowly and observed your reactions. "So now that you are aware of my identity.. what now?" he asked, slightly amused. "Dazai-san said something about you being even now.. What did he mean by that?" you shot a question right back at him.
Ougai sighed. "To be honest, I wanted to see you too. But, since I am a mafia boss I can't roam freely around the town everyday. So I asked my old .. friend Dazai, to look after you." he explained. You blushed slightly and turned your head away. "You wanted to see me..?" you mumbled. Ougai chuckled and laid his hand on top of your head to make you look up. "Elise asked for you too. I know, that's a strange offer from me, but.. Would you consider to join Port Mafia as Elise's nanny?" he asked. Your eyes widened in shock. Elise giggled and grabbed your arm. "Why don't you let her choose Rintarou? I want her as my nanny so she has to!" the girl said and clinging on your arm. "Well.. maybe you think it's weird for a stranger to accept this offer and you may not trust me, but.. I am more than happy to be Elise's nanny. If that means I can see you more often then too Rinta.. I mean Ougai-kun." you smiled.
"Rintarou is going to rape you if you don't stop being so cute, [Y/n]-san." Elise sighed and looked at Ougai who was now blushing. A pretty rare view. Almost as rare as Akutagawa with a smile. "Actually it's not rape if I enjoy it." you chuckled and noticed what you just said. "I mean.." you stuttered and looked at Ougai. You both stared in each other eyes before you both emitted a laugh. "Welcome to Port Mafia, then."
It's been a few months, since you got to be Elise's nanny and you got along with the other mafia members as well. Ozaki was like a big sister, while Chuuya always acted polite around you and asked if you needed something (at Ougai's order of course.). Sometimes you thought, you were sort of like an executive member because everyone treated you like a queen, because Ougai said so.
"You know.." Elise started as you brushed her hair from behind. "Rintarou really likes you." she giggled and turned her head playfully around. You smiled, already fallen for him too. "I like him too. He is so kind to us." you said and sighed longingly. Elise began to grin and got an idea how to get you closer to him~
"Elise, you had your birthday already. Why should we throw another party?" Ougai asked, confused. "Because [Y/n]-chan wasn't here when I had my birthday! I want my second party! Rintarou, make another party!" she begged. Chuuya and Ozaki snickered, they knew Ougai was not able to say 'No' to Elise. He sighed in defeat. "Alright.." he gave in. "YAY! You're the best!"
On that evening, the party was held, you looked into the mirror. Elise suggested you to wear a black gothic lolita costume. "Are you sure about this Elise-chan?" you asked and fiddled with your cleavage. It was a bit too revealing for your taste. Elise giggled. "You look good. Come on, I want you to introduce you to my friends!" she exclaimed and tugged your hand. Elise really liked you and vice versa, she was like a daughter for you. "Seishiro-kun, Meiko-chan! This is [Y/n]!" Elise shouted to her friends. "Oh, that is your young mother?" Meiko asked curiously. You blushed madly at this. "M..Mother? She told you I am her.." you stuttered when Elise grinned. "Of course she is. She is Elise's mother and my beautiful wife." Ougai chuckled as he appeared behind you. You took a step forward in shock and looked between both. "W..What?" you asked, perplexed.
Ougai grinned and pulled you close, his lips near your ear. "Play along please. Her friends believe in this and don't let Elise appear as a liar." he breathed in your ear. You shuddered at his tone and nodded. So that was why. "Uhm yes, I am her mother and I am pleased to meet you." you smiled at the kids. "She is so beautiful!" Seishiro said. "Yes!" Meiko nodded. "Well kids, now if you would excuse my wife and me. We have some parental business to take care of. Elise, why don't you show them your new puppets?" Ougai suggested. "Excellent idea Rintarou!" the girl giggled and dragged her friends to their room.
After you were alone with Ougai, you let out a sigh. "Why is she telling them that I am her mother?" you asked. Ougai chuckled. "She loves you. Don't you like her?" he asked in a serious tone. "Of course I do! I love her like my own daughter." you responded, looking deep into his red eyes. "That's good." Ougai spoke before he raised your chin. "Because I would be very sad to fall for a person who doesn't like Elise." he told you and kissed your lips in a slow and caressing manner. Your eyes went wide and you held your breath in shock while he massaged your lips in a soothing manner.
When he pulled away he chuckled more. "Breathe." he ordered, amused. You exhaled and went blushing red. "I..I'm sorry.. that was unexpected." you smiled shyly and closed your eyes in relief. "And I thought my love was one-sided." you giggled. Ougai smirked and pulled you into a gentle hug. He was always so polite and loving around you. That's why you fell for him in the first place. "So, Elise's story about her 'mother' is not a complete lie anymore?" you asked and looked up at him. "That's completely up to you my dear [Y/n]. As for me, you are my lovely lolita bride." he teased you about the dress. You pouted and snuggled up against him. "Well, at least I can pretend to be your daughter too if you tease me in public." you warned him. Ougai smiled. "I can live with that."
Elise watched from afar and made a victory pose. That went just as she wanted~

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