Atsushi Nakajima x Jealous!Reader

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Your gaze was sour. Nobody dared to talked to you at moment. Even the director was dead silent when he arrived and sensed the deadly aura around you. A low growl left your throat while you watched your beloved boyfriend Atsushi with Kyouka from the window. They sat on a bench, laughing. The whole damn time; they hang around, snickering like a fresh couple. Sure, they got along pretty well, but that was a bit too close for your taste.
YOU were his girlfriend! This wasn't fair at all! Atsushi should be sitting and laughing with you instead of with Kyouka!
Ever since Kyouka joined the Agency, Atsushi seemed to become her bodyguard. He always said, you were the only one for him, the only one he truly loved. But to be honest you weren't that sure anymore...
"Since when do we have a cat or what is making those growling noises? .. [Y/n]? What's wrong?" the older woman asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You sighed and closed the curtains. "NOTHING." you hissed loudly and tried to fake smile. "Yeah sure.. and I am a lingerie model.." Yosano sighed, rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Hahahahahahaa... a lingerie model? YOU?! Seriously grow some boobs before you.." she cut Ranpo's snickering off when she threw her hatchet at him, missing him by nearly an inch. "Oh sorry, my hand slipped." she smiled, bitter-sweetly. After witnessing this scene, you had to laugh a bit. The Agency members were really idiots and chaotic. You loved them.
"We are back! I told Kyouka-chan about the new movie that's airing in the cinemas. Can you imagine that she never was in a cinema before..?" Atsushi asked and greeted you with an innocent kiss on your cheek. "I am sorry that we took so long. I'll make it up to you, promise." he smiled, apologizing. You simply cursed on the inside for your boyfriend being such a cute cinnamon roll. How are you supposed to be mad at him after he gave you THAT look?
"Tch, fine." you sulked, crossing your arms. "Come on, [Y/n]-chan.. Please don't give me such an angry look.." Atsushi mumbled, troubled before hugging you. "She doesn't have anyone else, does she?" he whispered in your ear. You looked over to Kyouka. Her head hung low. Then you looked back at Atsushi and sighed. "Well then take her to the cinema, since she never experienced it." you told him bluntly.
Atsushi blinked. "That's okay with you?" ...No of course it was not okay. But you weren't allowed to forbid him his time with Kyouka. "It is. Enjoy yourselves. I went undertime yesterday so I have to work extra hours today to offset it." you lied with a fake smile. Atsushi gave in because he already knew your fake smiles. He sighed and went back to his own work.
There was an uncomfortable silence between everyone. Even Dazai didn't make a funny comment to cheer you up. The air was just too chilly.
"You know.. If you really want Atsushi's attention back.." Ranpo began on the next day. Atsushi and Kyouka were out for their cinema day and your mood was incredibly bad because of that fact. "..then you have to make him jealous!" he black haired male suggested with a sly grin. You raised a brow and looked at Ranpo. "Why would I want that?" you asked him. Ranpos grin widened and he laid his arm around your shoulder. "That's pretty obvious [Y/n]-chan~ If you flirt with another man, Atsushi will think he will lose you if he doesn't fight for you. And to prevent you from leaving him, you'll get his attention until Kyouka is completely forgotten~"
"Yeah, or he'll break up with me to be with Kyouka." you sighed. "Mhm, that's the second case that may occur~" Ranpo mused. "Ranpo, stop putting a bug in [Y/n]'s ear. [Y/n], why don't you talk to him about how you feel? I am quite sure he'll understand your situation." Kunikida spoke. "I tried. I really did. He always wants to make me believe that they are only friends, but.. it pisses me off that they spent more time together than we have in our entire relationship."
"..Aren't you overreacting a bit? You clearly spent more time with him." Kunikida sighed. You were about to rant over him, but you saw that Atsushi and Kyouka were about to come back. So your mind went blank and you sat in Ranpo's lap without thinking. The older male looked confused at first, but your gaze told him 'Play along, please'. He merely grinned and leaned back as Atsushi and Kyouka opened the door.
"How was the movie?" you asked and cuddled yourself into Ranpo's chest. "Uh.... What is the meaning of THIS?" Atsushi asked, a bit hurt by seeing you with another man. "Oh we just made ourselves a bit comfortable." you purred and drew circles with your hand on Ranpo's top. "What do you think Atsushi? [Y/n] was tired of being the fifth wheel. So she wanted me instead. Well, I can't say I can't understand her choice. I mean.. Hey, I am a much better choice than you~" Ranpo grinned and got an unnoticed kick on his leg from you for his sentence.
Atsushis face fell and he looked helplessly around, trying to figure out if it was only a bad joke. "I.." he began, but his voice gave up. "Atsushi-kun.. You need to tell her." Kyouka spoke calmly. "But.." he muttered. Kyouka smiled and nodded. You looked up, a bit angry. Were they about to tell you of their secret relationship?!
Atsushi looked at his pocket, his fist clenching something before he closed his eyes. "No.. it doesn't matter anymore. I wish you both the best of luck and happiness." he said in a pained voice, dropping a little velvet casket before his emotions got the best of him and tears streamed down his face. He was hurt. To see you that close with Ranpo, touching him in a way you only did with Atsushi before... The pain was too much for Atsushi to bear. Kyouka looked in the direction he went after he ran away.
You stood up from Ranpo's lap, to say you were shocked would be a total understatement. That was absolutely not the result you'd hoped for. Ranpo just chuckled, amused. "Better than any soap opera~" he grinned. You slapped his cheek. "You knew he would react this way, didn't you?" you asked. His grin widened. "Of course. I am the best detective after all."
Kyouka rushed before you when you were about to slap Ranpo again. She was holding the casket and remained silent. You took the casket and opened it.. revealing a bright [f/g] ring. In the inside of the gem, both your names and the time and place you met each other were engraved. Your mouth was agape and you looked desperately at Kyouka. "I..wasn't allowed to tell you, but.. Atsushi-kun needed my help.. Because he wasn't brave enough to ask you or how to ask you at all. Akiko-san and Naomi-san weren't a help so he asked me.. though I didn't have any experience either. We had.. thought for endless hours which proposal ideas you would like the most and where he should take you out. Even the right time. This man is so hopelessly in love with you.. Anyway.. Lately you argued alot because of me, and Atsushi never asked you because he thought you would reject him. So, we had to think of other ways to bring the harmony back in your relationship. Then.. he told me of a movie in the cinema, where a couple was in the exact same situation as you two. And.. Atsushi hoped to get hints of what he should do.. and then.. when he finally had enough courage to propose to you.. he saw you with Ranpo-san."
Your eyes were wide in shock during Kyouka's explanation. You even dropped the casket. Seriously, you expected almost everything, but this..! On the other hand.. that surely sounded like your Atsushi-kun. "I.. I am so sorry.." you murmured, your head hung low. "I'm not the person you should apologize to. Go to Atsushi-kun. It's not too late, you know." Kyouka smiled and pushed you in the direction where Atsushi ran off. "But.. I don't know where he could be.." you mumbled. "I do. He's at the place where he planned to propose to you.. Go to the place where you first kissed." That was all Kyouka said before she nodded to you. "Thank you.."
You went to that place, where your relationship began. Your first date and your very first innocent kiss after you had to reassure him -- that it was okay for you to kiss him.. Yes, you remembered that place very well.
It was the center of the park with the gigantic fountain in the middle and an elegant wooden arch. Many weddings where held under that arch because of the romantic vibe it gave off and the many flowers that reached the sides of the path.
Atsushi sat under the arch and looked to the sky, saddened. He just couldn't get that picture of you and Ranpo out of his mind. "To be honest.. it's my fault that she seek happiness in another person. It.. surely looked weird that Kyouka-chan and I were together the whole time.." He always thought the fault was on his side. Such a sweetheart.. First he didn't even notice you approaching, as you stepped closer to him slowly. When he noticed your presence, he wiped his tears away. You never saw him crying and Atsushi didn't even want you to see him like this. "[Y/n]-chan.. I.."
"Let me talk first, please, Atsushi-kun." you cut off his stuttered sentence and he nodded. You took a seat beside him and looked at your hands on your lap. "Listen.. I am so.. deeply sorry. Ranpo and I.. there is nothing between us. He.. he just said it would be a good idea to make you jealous.. Because.. if you get jealous you may pay more attention to me. I..never approved of your time with Kyouka at all. I felt lonely, abandoned by you..but I couldn't tell you. It's your life you know. I won't lecture how you spend your time." while you tried to explain the situation, you felt his trembling hand covering yours in a cautious manner and squeezing it gently. You stopped and looked at him a bit shocked. " sorry.." he mumbled and let go of your hand. "It's fine.." you told him quietly and took his hand in yours, lacing your fingers.
"Believe me please. Ranpo made this stupid suggestion and I didn't know what to do.. This bastard just knew your reaction beforehand instead of my hope that you realize how much I need you. I am just so deeply sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, Atsushi-kun. I love you too much.."
There was a short silence as Atsushi hesitated to speak. "No..I am the one who has to apologize. I spent so much time with Kyouka-chan and never realized how much it hurt you. Ranpo.. has always taunted me, when you were gone. He said.. he'd take you away from me if I don't pay attention. Also he said.. I didn't even deserve such an awesome woman like you... And.. when I saw you both in such an intimate situation I thought I lost you to him.." he said, hugging you tightly.
You were almost at the edge of crying – and to make a mental notice to kill that black haired bastard. "That.. explained your hurt face and your escape without waiting for an explanation.. Because Ranpo said things like that to you earlier?" you asked and realized now how the whole situation was able to escalate that much. "Exactly. I could never love another woman. In my entire life. That's why.. I wanted to ask you to marry me." he whispered with flushed cheeks.
"I know.. Kyouka told me everything.. Oh Atsushi-kun.. can you forgive me..?" you asked him and leaned against his shoulder. "No." he answered in a serious tone. You pulled back and looked at him, saddened. His serious face turned into a faint smile before he tucked a strand of hair behind your ears. "Because there is nothing to forgive, silly." he said and kissed you on the lips. For the first time in your entire relationship, Atsushi initiated the kiss by himself, and he was so forceful. You kissed back with all your feelings for him, putting your arms around his neck.
"I suppose that reaction means a 'Yes' to my proposal, huh?" he asked with a big smile and rubbed his nose against yours. "Idiot, of course I want to marry you~"
"Dammit, Naomi. You activated the release switch too soon!" you heard Tanizaki curse. Both of you turned to a bush where your friends were in a shitty huddle. Dazai, Kunikida, Tanizaki, Naomi, Kenji, Yosano.. even Yukichi was present. "What's your problem? I captured the moment where she said 'Yes' and both their eyes shone in bliss!" Naomi nodded, satisfied. "How long were you here?" Atsushi asked puzzled and embarrassed. "Oh.. a very long time Atsushi-kun~ By the way.. may I be your groomsman?" Dazai asked with a grin.
„NO WAY!" you both rejected him.
There were moments like this where you asked yourself, how the hell did you become a member in this idiotic Agency. But on the other hand you were grateful for such good friends.


It was Kunikida's birthday party and everyone sat around a large table to give him his presents. Yosano gave a silver pen with his initials graved. Ranpo didn't know what he could like, so he gave him sweets. Tanizaki gave him a new notebook while Naomi gave a whole writing set.
"Now now, open our present!" you smiled and Atsushi gave your gift. Dazai smirked. "Oh? Because you are married now, we only get one present instead of two?" he asked in a teasing tone. "...I got a KISS from you on my last birthday.." Atsushi answered, shaking his head. "...Disgusting~" Ranpo commented while the others chuckled. "Detective Agency? I would rather say mental asylum." you sighed but chuckled too.

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