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basically guild members x you but someone.. it's more slightly/strong!Poe x you <.<

Step 1: Christmas shopping with the girls and Lovecraft!

You felt slightly exhausted already. Lucy and Mitchell were discussing for ages now and Alcott and you had to hold both women back from scratching eachs eyes out. "You totally suck at fashion Lucy! We need elegant dresses for the dance event at christmas! We can't look like sluts." Mitchell sighed and ran a hand through her hair, troubled. Lucy gave her a pout and sticked out her tongue. "This clothing store isn't for sluts! You're so lame Margaret! We need something convienent and good looking for the boys!" Lucy complained. "Uhm.. girls?" you tried to intervene. A bad idea since you froze when their gazes fell on you. "Uhm how about everyone is wearing what she want to wear and we look through both boutiques then?" you suggested.

Both women blinked and it seemed they were overthinking your idea. Alcott felt really nervous, so she tried to hid behind Lovecraft who was forced to help you shopping (because.. let's face the truth, his tentacle hands are made for carrying much clothing bags!) when she trembled at Lucy calling for her. "Louisa what do you think about this?"

"EEEEEH? Me..?" Alcott stuttered and peeked around Lovecraft, all of your gazes laid upon her and she felt really intimidated. "I..I think [Y/n]s idea is the best solution.." she mumbled and adjusted her glasses. "Ha, told you. So stop complaining about clothing and let's look for every boutique out here!" you smiled and dragged Lucy and Alcott on their hands with you while Margaret just pouted but followed suit with Lovecraft.

"Ooooh would look so cute on you, [Y/n]!" Lucy squealed and shoved the white frilled short dress in your hands. "Shameless! That reveals too much skin!! Try on, [Y/n]!!" Mitchell threw away the clothing Lucy gave you a long and black dress. Both women blinked at each other and were about to fight when you turned quickly to Lovecraft. "What do you think Howard? Which one should I buy?" you asked him. Lovecraft blinked and tilted his head, his expressions blank like always. "Wear that one that feels more comfortable I guess." he shrugged then.

Actually that was a good idea so you went into the changing cabin and tried both ones. In the end you decided for [dress] to wear and after the other ones were satisfied with their outfits too, Lovecraft was drowned in bags. He simply sighed and used his many tentacles to carry the bags while you made your way back to the hideout. Lucy and Mitchell still arguing and Alcott seemed so quiet and small as if she didn't were with you at all. But you had to admit that it was fun to go shopping with them.

Step 2: Getting a christmas tree with Steinbeck & Twain!

Now that you girls had your dresses, christmas decorations for the hideout should got next! Especially a christmas tree, you really wanted a traditional christmas you were familiar with while you lived in america. Fitzgerald agreed to this and now you were on your way to get a christmas tree. Steinbeck and Twain were sent to accompany you on this task. "Ne, Twain, Don't you think it's a bit too cold to still wear your shirt open like this?" you asked and pointed at the male. His bare chest was showing and the mere look at this made you shudder from the cold since it was deepest winter.

Twain shrugged and crossed his arms behind his back. "I don't mind the cold weather. But if you would want to warm me up, I won't say no, [Y/n]~" he purred seductively and put one arm around your shoulder. You chuckled and slapped his arm away. "No, if you need to warm up, put some more clothes on." you spoke calmly. Steinbeck remained silent and just watched the two of you teasing each other. "You're acting like a married couple." he suddenly said. "Aww, John are you jealous we are so close?" Twain snickered. "No. I pity [Y/n] for falling this lame tricks." Steinbeck shrugged, making Twain pout and you blinked before you burst into soft laughter. You knew Steinback was not serious and even Twain just loved to tease you a bit. The Guild was your family after all.

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