Chuuya Nakahara x Kuudere!Reader

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Ougai browsed through a file with interest, reading your information. "[L/n], [F/n].. age [y/a], height 168 cm, weight [y/w].. profession assassin and spy. She is portrayed to be rather cold and calm. Hmm, she could be useful for Port Mafia." he chuckled darkly, turning to his executives Chuuya and Ozaki.
"I don't see why we need another assassin. Don't we have plenty good ones?" Ozaki asked, clearly not interested. "We have, Ozaki-onee-san. But this girl has a useful ability. She can summon water and can sense through rain any intruders in a wide range." Chuuya added, making Ougai grin. "That's right. I think she'll a good acquisition for Port Mafia. Chuuya, you take Higuchi with you to ..convince her to join." Ougai said. Chuuya bowed, he didn't even dare to question this mission.
When they approached your hiding spot, you were alerted. "How the fuck did you find me?!" you asked, raising your gun to the strangers. Higuchi sighed, holding her hands up in defense. "We won't harm you in any form, miss. But we have.. business to discuss with you." she explained. Your cold stare made Higuchi gulp and she turned to Chuuya. "Well, she is right but if you insist on fighting, feel free to choose death." he smirked, pulling out his knife. "Stop it, Chuuya-san. The boss said we need her." Higuchi intervened. "Port Mafia need me?" you asked with a raised brow but still in fighting stance. "So you heard about us." Chuuya chuckled. "Then you may know not to mess with us." he spoke.
You emitted a dry laugh. "Everyone has heard of Yokohama's most dangerous monopoly. But your negotiation skills are so poor just like your clothing style. What are you? Their fucking butler?" you spit out with amusement, making Chuuya angry. "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" he yelled, trying to punch you. You chuckled, activated your Ability and a prison of water surrounded both, Higuchi and Chuuya. "You think water will stop me? Tch." Chuuya hissed, trying to get through. However he got stuck when the water turned into ice. "Well, that escalated quickly. Why should I join Port Mafia? I am pretty good on my own." you told them, walking closer to your captives.
"Idiot." Higuchi smirked. You blinked because Chuuya was gone. "Where is the small guy?" you demanded. "I AM NOT SMALL!" you heard his voice above you. "Shit!" you cursed when he jumped behind you, touching your shoulders and using his Gravity Manipulation to make you heavy as fuck. You fell to the ground, unable to move. "Damn.." you sighed while Chuuya had the upper hand. "Free Higuchi, now." he ordered.
"..." You had no choice. With a deep sigh you set Higuchi free and looked up. "Now let me go too." you said with a cold voice. "Only if you join Port Mafia. Otherwise we have to kill you for attacking us." he chuckled darkly. Your brows furrowed in anger. This guy had some nerve. "..Fine."
Well that was not how Higuchi and Chuuya intended to convince you, but it worked.
Working for the Port Mafia made you sick. You had to deal with other people and that was something you absolutely hated. Most of all, your partner was Chuuya. The little prick that provoked you back then. And the bastard seemed amused by this fact. To be honest he never met a tough woman like you, and that fascinated him. He was amazed by your attitude. You were a little like Akutagawa, cold, distant and didn't try to get closer with anyone in the Mafia. He wondered why you were that withdrawn.
One evening as Chuuya strolled through the corridors of the Port Mafia hideout, he felt drained from the mission he came back from and needed some rest. He sighed deeply and tiredly as he was almost forced to use Corruption.. When he paused by a wall, his ears heard soft tunes from the music room. Someone was playing the piano Ougai owned. But it was not Ougai himself because the tune was too soft for his kind of music taste. Chuuya went to the music room, looking through the half opened door and blinked in surprise when he saw you at the piano.
He watched your graceful movements from how your fingers traced the piano keys to your closed eyes that hid your cold [e/c] orbs from the outside world, he felt a sense of amazement. You seemed completely different from how he knew you to be. Slowly, he went into the room and took a seat behind you, resting his arm on the table and smiling. Nobody knew this side of you and you didn't even notice that you weren't alone anymore. The tune got more melancholic when you remembered things of your past. The loss of your parents and being alone the whole time. A hot salty substance made it's way down your cheeks. Tears. Every time you played this melody, you felt like you wanted to cry and you did. Every fucking time.
Chuuya noticed your sobs and stood up, going to your side and brushing your tears away. You looked at him in utter shock with your mouth agape. He smirked and patted your head. "It's nice to see you have a soft side. Don't hide this side. It makes you so much cuter." he told you, making you blush slightly. However you turned away. "..Who allowed you to listen to me? I..I was just bored." you murmured, trying to play it cool. The brown haired male chuckled. He didn't know why, but he thought it was adorable how you acted cool despite your blushing cheeks. "Very well. I hope you had at least asked Ougai to use his precious piano. It's one-off production and worth more than you would imagine." Chuuya grinned, making your blush disappear in a pale frown. "No.." you mumbled. Chuuya smirked and ruffled your hair. "Don't worry. I won't tell him." he told you. "Thanks, mister Fancy hat.." you rolled your eyes but were grateful. "No really, thank you." you whispered and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
It was an impulse, your body reacted on its own. Chuuya's blushing cheeks made you realize what you'd just done. "..Don't get me wrong, I still don't like you, jerk." you stuttered and ran away so that he didn't see your own heated blush. Chuuya looked after you and shook his head in disbelief. "Don't lie to yourself." he chuckled and closed the door before he went to his room for rest.
After that evening, you avoided Chuuya as long as it was possible. You hid when you saw him and he didn't even know what he did wrong. Well, what he did wrong was being such a cute bastard. It took him a mere grin to make you head over heels for him and you hated him for making you fall in love with him. Your cold demeanor wasn't even that strong to push him away, so you have to avoid him. After a long solo mission, you relaxed in one of the private living rooms with a fine bottle of wine you 'stole' from your enemies. Sure, they were little pricks but their wine tasted splendid. You never told anyone, but you loved wine and could name almost every good drop from the whole world. The wine that you drank was quite expensive.
You heard footsteps approaching and your brow twitched when a familiar after-shave scent filled your nostrils. This.. intoxicating scent that made your mind dizzy and your heart flutter. Damn. It was HIM. "Oh long time no see, partner." Chuuya chuckled and sat beside you. His eyes fell on the wine bottle and he whistled in amazement. "Ah, Chateau Le Pin Pomerol from 1999. The black cherry flavor goes down like an angel's kiss." he said, tracing his gloved finger around your wineglass. You chuckled, not knowing that he was a wine lover too. "I prefer the mocha taste more. Black cherry makes the wine kind of bittersweet. I don't like that." you sighed, slapping his fingers away to take a sip. "Oh? Is that so? I had guessed you love bittersweet wine since your soul is bittersweet too." he chuckled. "Hey!" you sulked, turning away from him. Chuuya smirked and turned your head to him while he grabbed your hair. He was gentle and didn't hurt you in any way. "I wonder if your lips taste just as bittersweet." he said and without warning, his lips crashed on yours. Your eyes widened in shock, but you didn't push him away.
Chuuya sat you in his lap, deepening the kiss. His passion for you took over the moment and he held you tightly. You pulled away from the kiss and panted. "You.. are a jerk. At least ask if you can kiss me!" you hissed, making Chuuya smile. "..Well, may I kiss the woman I love one more time?" he asked, tracing his tongue over your lips. A shiver ran down your spine and his confession caught you completely off guard. "I.. .. uh.. Damn it, kiss me already and shut up." you gave up, putting your hands around his neck and pulling him close for a second kiss. His hands roamed your sides while his tongue explored your wet cavern, making you gasp and moan in no time.
"Oi, get a room." Tachihara's disgusted voice rang through your ears. Chuuya pulled away and grinned. "You have no reason to be jealous, Tachihara." Chuuya chuckled, making you sigh. Oh right, Tachihara had a soft spot for you, but you guessed it was because you were hard to get.
.. wait. Hard to get? And Chuuya, this bastard, had no problems to make you his! .. oh well, not that you minded at all. "I am not. But the boss would not be pleased when his expensive velvet-furniture gets sticky with you-know-what-I-mean." he sighed. Now you both were blushing like mad and you took the wine bottle to throw it at Tachihara. You hit his head, making him wince in pain and leave. Chuuya blinked. "Hey, that wine was expensive." he sulked. "Whatever, it was worth it to hit that idiot." you said, making him smirk and pull you back for a kiss. "That's MY woman."
.."Hmpf.." you blushed but kissed him back. Never in your entire life you were that happy. Who would have thought that being part of a mafia would mean you would find your true love~?

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