Dazai x Reader: Dangerous mission

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Note: Minako & Saeko are my OCs.

"Come on, director..~ Couldn't you stop Kunikida-kun from pushing through with that minister case? I need him for this mission." Dazai whined while he sat in Yukichi's office. His partner Kunikida had to take care of some political business. At the same time, a new underground organization had made their first moves. Though their goals weren't revealed, one thing was for sure: The organization consisted of only women with abilities. Yukichi's file-name for them was 'Ability Amazons'. Dazai was ordered to spy on them together with you, but he was against this since nothing is known about the enemy.

"Kunikida has important work to do, Dazai. The ability users should be no problem for you, so why are you afraid?" Yukichi asked, clearly confused by Dazai's behavior. He rarely was in Yukichi's office to discuss these kinds of matters. "But [Y/n]-chan doesn't have an ability at all. What if I can't keep her safe?" he asked, crossing his arms as he was sulking. "Don't underestimate her Dazai. [Y/n]-chan used to be a good spy of the Port Mafia, you know her better than anyone else. And yet you don't have faith in her?" Yukichi asked, his gaze stern as always. Dazai sighed heavily. Yeah, you both were part of the Port Mafia once, but that doesn't mean you were invicible. Back then, Odasaku and Dazai were like your bodyguards, they kept you safe no matter what the mission result was. Now, that you both were in the Agency things were different.
"As long as you take care of your own safety, nothing will happen. She is a member of the Agency after all and she can protect herself." Yukichi spoke, ending the discussion and releasing Dazai. The dark haired male sighed in annoyance. Sometimes he wanted to punch his boss in the face. He didn't know why he was so sure about this, but he had a bad feeling about the mission and the new enemy.
During your mission, Dazai didn't leave your side for a single moment. He even insisted to keep you company when you had to go to toilet.. As much as you liked him, you hit him before you walked alone. "Seriously Dazai-kun, do you think I am that weak?" you asked during a break. Dazai looked at you before he shot you a genuine smile. "No. I am just worried about your well-being. Is anything wrong with that [Y/n]-chan?" he asked and your cheeks heated up a bit. Dazai was so charming, yet you never knew what he was thinking. Was he taunting you?
"No, of course not. But if you would trust in my abilities you wouldn't be that worried." you mumbled, trying to keep yourself warm. The cold weather was really annoying lately and you forgot to take a blanket with you. Dazai noticed your shivering form before he removed his trench coat, to put it around your shoulders. "See? You can't even help yourself from freezing to death." he chuckled. "That's not true! What did you think when you were told that you had to go with me? Keeping me warm is one thing you're good at after all." you responded, making his grin widen. Not many women dared to tease him and you exactly knew what happens to those who challenge him.
"Maybe I should warm you up with my body's warmth instead~?" he grinned, pulling you closer to him. You smiled, loving the closeness between you two. Since your days back in the Mafia you kinda fell for this man. He was charming, good looking and protected you with all his might. Though he drove you crazy with his suicide attempts. Nonetheless, you loved him from the bottom of your heart. His actions sometimes made you believe, he loved you back, but most of the time, he just ruined such moments. "Well, I think I can handle your body more than your smelly trench coat. You should wash it every now and then." you said, making Dazai chuckle even more. "You sure are cocky today, aren't you?" he asked, burying his nose in your hair to inhale your sweet scent. "I learned from the master." you teased him. Dazai smiled and closed his eyes. "That can't be denied then." he spoke and you two shared a comfortable silence during the night.
The next morning when you woke up, you found yourself covered with his trench coat. Dazai himself was nowhere to be found. "Dazai?!" you called after him without getting any response. You had a kind of bad feeling and went to look for him.
Dazai was standing in a back alley, his hands in his pockets and his face was serious, yet he grinned. "Pretty rude for ladies to not introduce themselves and attack without warning." he smiled, looking at the two women. One had blond hair with a red streak, her weapons being Tessens (metallic fans), while the other had blue hair, wielding a scythe. "Rude?" the blond haired woman chuckled, looking behind Dazai when she saw you running up to him. "Oh, you weren't alone Agency scum? Now that's interesting." the blue haired woman smirked, moving to an offensive position. "Patience Saeko. Our Abilities might not work. This is the great Dazai after all. We should take care of the useless girl first, though." the blond haired woman snickered. "Minako.. don't you dare give me orders. I don't care who this little fucker is, I kill him and his little companion." Saeko hissed.
Now Dazai was about to lose his calm demeanor. If they dare lay a single finger on you, they were going to see his dark side. "[Y/n]-chan, leave them to me. Hide yourself and don't come out until I say so." he mumbled. Somehow he felt that he shouldn't underestimate these women. Especially Saeko since she emitted a deadly aura that could be rivaled Akutagawa. "You think I'll let you handle them alone? No way. I am your partner now and I'll help you as much as I can." you spoke, aiming your pistols at the women. They seemed unimpressed though. "Cute." Minako chuckled and swung her tessen. Invisible wind knocked your hands and you dropped your guns. "Saeko you take care of Dazai!" Minako shouted and jumped into the air.
Before Dazai could react he had to block Saeko's scythe. His calm facade vanished completely and he had problems with blocking the attacks without a defense weapon. You tried to help him, but in no time Minako was before you, pressing the length of her tessen around your neck. "Don't move." she murmured and you had no other choice than to obey. The blond haired woman stared at you as she looked you over. "Humph, the Agency underestimates us seeing as they would send someone without an Ability and a guy who keeps trying to kill himself." she mused, pressing the sharp edge of her tessen firmly against your neck until blood dropped to the ground. You began to grin. "You seem very well informed, but you don't seem to know that I was a Mafia member." you explained. "So?" Minako asked, raising a brow. Your grin widened. "So I know a few dirty tricks to handle the likes of you." you spoke and raised your knee.
Minako tried to block your kick, but you used this opportunity to hit her neck with your hand. Ougai taught you the vital spots of your enemies. Minako stumbled back and tried to attack. Saeko watched you before she growled in annoyance. "Useless scum." she said before she attacked Dazai with several blows of her scythe. Dazai was able to avoid most of her movements, but eventually, he was cornered. Saeko licked her lips when she raised her scythe. Dazai tried to block the impact, but he was not able to fight against such a weapon. "Dazai!"
His eyes widened in utter shock when the scythe cut into your back. You threw yourself before the man you loved, taking the entire blow. Your blood sprayed in Saeko's face as she smirked. "Sacrifice yourself for your lover? How pathetic." she laughed, moving her scythe in your flesh. You cried out in pain, your vision blurring as you felt strong arms holding you. "You idiot! What were you thinking?" Dazai hissed, unable to hold back his tears. This was the first time you saw him cry, though you only felt his tears on your skin. You rarely saw anything else. "I was thinking.. about rescuing my most precious treasure in this world.." you mumbled, your eyes closing slowly as you lost consciousness. "Don't die on me, idiot...!" he mumbled before he laid you beside him and stood up. Now he was dead serious.
Saeko and Minako teamed up to kill Dazai too, but they didn't expect that another person would help him.. "Gravity.. manipulation." Dazai froze at this voice. Both women were sent back by an invisible impact and weren't able to move. Chuuya walked casually past them and grinned. "You little shit" he said, turning to Dazai. "You can't even protect [Y/n] against little girls? How pathetic." he chuckled, fighting Minako and Saeko without any problems. "Chuuya.. why are you here? And why are you helping us?" Dazai asked, still holding your form in his arms. "Tch, don't get the wrong idea bastard. I am here occasionally. Though I did it for [Y/n], not you. Now we're even." Chuuya explained, remembering back then when you rescued him. He just returned the favor. "..Thanks." Dazai mumbled. "Tch. Don't thank me. If you don't want her to die, you should stop the bleeding." Chuuya said, disappearing as fast as he came by.
Dazai sighed and took one of his bandages to wrap it around your back. It was not the best medical treatment, but it should be fine until he could get you to Yosano. "You are such an idiot." he said, covering you in his trench coat and carrying to back to the Agency -- to Yosano so that she could heal you.
Dazai sat outside of the infirmary, waiting for Yosano to come out. When the door finally opened, he stood up. "How is she?" he asked. Yosano looked a bit exhausted, but she smiled. "Don't worry. [Y/n] is a strong woman. Her will is overwhelming. She is fine now. But let her rest." Yosano told him, walking past him. Dazai sat on the seat beside your bed and watched your sleeping face. You were so cute, yet so fragile. His hand traced your face to your hair, admiring the smooth [h/c] locks. "..Dazai-kun?" your weak voice snapped him out of his daze and he pulled his hand back, showing you his casual smile. "Finally awake? If you are going to die, you could at least die with me you know." he chuckled, trying to hide his relief.
You tried to sit up, but Dazai put his hands on your shoulders, laying you down again. "No, you rest." he ordered. "Don't act tough, Dazai. I heard every single word you said back then." you smirked. Now the always collected and laid-back Dazai had an unreadable expression. He sighed. "Well, then I suppose you're okay when I do this~?" he murmured and pulled you close for a kiss. In an instant you kissed him back and pulled him into the infirmary bed with you. He held himself steady with his hand next to your head and didn't stop the kiss.
Dazai was quite sensitive and gentle, since his lips moved in sync with yours. You never would have guessed he was such a nice kisser. He turned with you in the bed, making you lie on him. "Didn't you say I need rest?" you asked, breathless as he nibbled on your sensitive skin on your neck. Dazai grinned and let his hands roam freely under your shirt. "I'll just help you with my new ability." he smirked. "New Ability?" you wondered.
"No longer virgin~"

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