Chuuya Nakahara x Shy!Reader

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"I changed my mind, Ichiyou-chan.. Suddenly, I feel ill. Maybe I should go home and rest.." you mumbled and tried to calm your nerves. Higuchi sighed. She'll never get used to your shy nature, yet she sometimes thought it was adorable. You know, you had a major crush on Chuuya Nakahara, an Executive Member from Port Mafia where your childhood friend Higuchi worked too.So you found yourself often in Higuchi's company, sneaking around and watching Chuuya from afar. You loved everything about this man. His voice, his eyes, his elegant clothing style, how he walked, you swore that you even worshipped the air he breathed. Higuchi soon noticed your feelings for her superior. Every time she wanted to introduce you to him, you fled from the scene, leaving Higuchi alone when Chuuya went to see what she wanted --- making a complete fool out of herself. This time Higuchi held your hand like a captive, so you wouldn't escape again. "Get a hold of yourself, [Y/n]-chan! You want to meet him in person don't ya? What is your problem?" the blonde female asked, annoyed. As much as she liked you, she was tired of trying to introduce you to your crush."I don't know what to say to him.. What if he doesn't like me? What if he smiles and my knees get weak.. I am not ready to meet him!" you mumbled, trying to cover your red face behind your sleeve as Higuchi dragged you through the corridors of the base. You weren't even sure if you should be here, it was the mafia after all. Though Higuchi reassured you that nobody would harm you and they would behave. "Why wouldn't he like you? You are cute, and as far as I can roughly assess, you are his type. Please don't faint when you see him." she said, pushing the door open to a fairly big room. It looked like sort of a living room with a big table and several seats in the middle of the room.You gulped when a familiar looking figure stood up, adjusting his fancy hat and made his way to Higuchi and you slowly. "Good timing Chuuya-san. This is the person I wanted you to meet. [L/n], [F/n]. [Y/n]-chan, I know you already know his name, but this gentleman is Chuuya Nakahara." Higuchi said with a smile. Chuuya raised his brow at her words. "This young lady already knows my name? How come?" he asked in confusion while he looked you over, giving you a small nod as greeting.Oh shit, he was much more attractive when he was closer. Your knee shook in anticipation and you made a decision before you collapsed before him: You hid behind Higuchi and hold onto her blazer, trying to calm your poor pounding heart. Chuuya blinked. "What's with her?" he asked. Higuchi sighed and shook her head. "Nothing against you. She's just .. overly shy." she explained, making Chuuya chuckle. "I see. You don't have to be afraid young lady. I don't bite. Well, most people at least." he smirked, making the butterflies in your stomach go wild. "I.. uh..." you stuttered and peaked behind Higuchi with your head. "It's nice to meet you, Nakahara-kun." you managed to say after 5 minutes of silently staring at him.Chuuya closed his eyes for a second before he took a step back. "Ah, and such a cute voice. No need for too much formalities. Chuuya is fine." he chuckled. Higuchi grinned. She already sensed there was something between Chuuya and you. "You are in a fairly good mood today." Higuchi joked, earning a slight growl from the male. "Is that a problem?" he hissed lightly before he cleared his throat and turned back to you. He had to hold back his hot-headed temper to not frighten you to death. "Well, I have some business to take care of. Chuuya-san be nice to [Y/n]. See you later." Higuchi winked and left. "What? Wait! You can't do that Ichiyou-chan!" you yelled after her.After the door closed, you slumped back in one of the seats, sighing heavily and covering your red blushing cheeks behind your hands. Chuuya remained silent, but you saw from the corner of your eye that he had to hold back his laughter. "Well, it seems Higuchi-chan put your head in the lion's mouth, how people like to say." he said and took his hat off to lay it on the table. He may have thought it was rude to carry a large hat during his first meeting with a lovely young lady. Plus they were alone."To be honest.. I didn't expect you to be so.. kind." you mumbled after you collected as much courage as you could. Chuuya sighed and shook his head. "Higuchi told you horror stories about me then." he joked, but you didn't get this and wailed your hands in panic. "No, no, no! She didn't.. But.. well.. since you're in the mafia I expected you to be.. rather cold and rude. Like Akutagawa-kun." you said. "Don't compare me with that brat. I am much more mature than Akutagawa and know how to treat people. And, I have no reason not to be kind. You're not an enemy, are you?" he smirked, making you blush even more. Holy.. this smirk should be a sin for it's sexiness.."I guess so.." you whispered, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. Chuuya remained silent and watched you for a while. "You look as if you need something to drink. Wanna have some wine?" he asked. "No, thank you. I have a low tolerance for alcohol." you smiled. Chuuya chuckled while he poured two glasses anyway. "Me too. That doesn't stop me from enjoying the wine though." he said and pushed one glass into your hand. "Be my guest [Y/n]-chan."... you had no choice.Chuuya took a massive liking to you after that day. He loved your shy behavior around him; it felt refreshing to chat with you and forget the worries of Port Mafia for a while. Though you had a hard time every time you spent time with him because he was the biggest tease ever. He loved to see you as a blushing mess and stuttering incoherent phrases. He loved it. And there was another feeling he started to grow when he was with you, but he couldn't put a finger down on what it was yet.Although he was a mafia executive member, he tried to be normal around you and take you to public places like every normal couple. You weren't a couple officially yet, but everyone in the Port Mafia joked around – especially Tachihara who kept asking you when your wedding would be. Of course those sentences left you blushing at the thought, and Chuuya used to it as you would collapse to no end when with him. Though he used his Ability to hold you stable.It was a bright, sunny day and Chuuya invited you to a shopping trip. At first you had declined, not seeing why he would buy you clothes, but this man was so stubborn so you gave up arguing quickly. (not to mention that you can't say 'no' to such a cute face.) And now you were here at the shopping mall. "You don't have to do this Chuuya-kun." you said, feeling slightly guilty to use his money. "We had this discussion before [Y/n]-chan. You need new clothing for the gala that the boss will hold for Elise's birthday." Chuuya explained, getting tired of discussing this with you. "He really likes Elise, doesn't he?" you sighed and looked for a dress. Your eyes fell on a [f/c] dress with many frills around the neckline and sleeves. "Do you think this one would look nice on me..?" you asked and pointed at the dress.Chuuya shrugged. "Try it on to find out." he suggested. You went into the changing room and changed into the dress only to find out its zipper was on the back of the dress. "..Chuuya-kun?" you helplessly whined. "What?" you heard his voice from the outside. "..The zipper is on the back.. Would you mind helping me?" you asked. When he didn't respond, you panicked a little. "Chuu-"„Shush, I am right here." the closeness of his voice startled you. How did he even enter the changing room without any sound? Your cheeks heated up when you felt his gloved hands on your bare back, pulling up the zipper. "T..Thank you." you managed to say and turned around. Now you realized how close you both were as your noses were almost touching. "So.. what do you think?" you asked nervously, fiddling with a frill from your neckline. Chuuya's gaze fell on your cleavage at your actions. He cleared his throat and pushed his hat down to his eyes. "It looks good on you. Though you need better fitting underwear since your bra is showing.." he mumbled, his hand pointing up.Your face was now bright red in embarrassment and you stood there, frozen. "Well.. change back into your clothes, I'll buy you this dress and then look for underwear." he spoke and left the changing room before his nose began to bleed. "W..Wait, the zipper!" you yelled after him. Chuuya stopped and touched your dress with his hand. "Gravity Manipulation.."You blinked when the zipper opened by itself without him touching it at all. ".. you must be the laziest person in the world when you get dressed." you sighed making him chuckle. "Maybe you'll find out someday~" With that and a red substance dripping from your nose he left the changing room. He was such a tease.When you were in the underwear section, you felt terribly embarrassed. Not only because you were looking for underwear, but because Chuuya was watching you and able to see every fabric you are touching -- to check if it fits your outfit. "Try this out." he suggested, giving you a color matching lacy set of underwear. You blushed from just touching the material. You went to the changing room without a word and felt really hot in this underwear. "Chuuya, I don't think this is the underwear I should wear.." you sighed and went out to show him. His face was as red as yours when he looked you over.He gazed at your long legs up your thighs, your slender arms and how the lacy bra framed your supple breasts. In other words you were absolutely stunning and that left him speechless. "Chuuya..?" you asked, walking up to him. Eventually he snapped out of his naughty thoughts and grinned, tracing his hands down your bare sides. You shivered at his touch and tried to take a step back. "Cute. Don't say you shouldn't wear this." he grinned, his hand traveling up your shoulder to your neck. You were a blushing mess again thanks to him. Your mind went absolutely blank and Chuuya seemed to be enjoying the moment."...What are you two doing? Chuuya, can't you at least go in the cabin with her to seduce her?" this voice startled both of you. That was Ougai's voice. You turned to the voice and saw Ougai with Elise and Tachihara -- who was carrying lots of bags. It seems they were shopping for Elise too. "It's not what it looks like!" you wailed. Chuuya chuckled lowly and pulled you close to his chest from behind you. "And if it was, what it looks like?" he whispered in your ear. "C..Chuuya.." you mumbled. "Oi, don't make her faint again. Higuchi's going to kill you." Tachihara snickered. Chuuya grinned and blew in your ear, making your whole body shiver. "At least I don't drop her, do I?" he smirked. Elise looked nonchalantly between Tachihara and Chuuya before she looked at you. "Nice underwear. Rintarou-san get me this too!" she demanded, bored. "But Elise." Ougai chuckled. "You are a bit too young for this." he said. "Yeah, at least wait until you grew some boobs-" Tachihara was knocked out by Ougai after this. "Oh, who is going to carry the bags now? Chuuya?!" Ougai grinned and turned back only to see both of you disappeared.Chuuya took you bridal style and used his Ability to escape without noticing. Now you were flying in the air in nothing other than lacy underwear. "C..Chuuya?!" you said, feeling embarrassed. "I'll pay later." he chuckled. "That's not what I meant.."-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-On the evening of Elise's birthday party, you felt really nervous. Everyone stared at you and tried to get one dance with you. Of course, Chuuya got rid of all those idiots that dared to come near you. He'd developed a sort of a protective instinct around you. Maybe he was jealous?It wouldn't be a crazy party if Dazai had not been around, taunting Chuuya and making fun of him. Tachihara told him, that Chuuya had a very soft spot for you and you lose your shy nature when drunk. Seeing this as good opportunity to get a good show, Dazai managed to put some highly alcoholic alcohol in your drink without anyone noticing. So after you drank it, you felt dizzy.Chuuya caught you before you stumbled into him. "Are you alright? You seem drunk." he said, holding you close. You snickered, cuddling against his chest. "No, I am good. Ne, Chuuya, you look gorgeous today." you slurred, making Chuuya both blush and sigh. "I'll bring you to your room. You need rest." he said and tried to carry you bridal style. However you took his hands and stared at him. "No! I want to dance!" you insisted. " can't dance." he bluntly said, stating the facts he experienced when he saw you practice for this night. "I want to dance with you!" you repeated, ignoring his comments. "Fine.." He wasn't able to say 'No' to you after all~He pulled you to the middle of the dance-floor, taking your hand and putting his other on your waist. You snuggled up against him, putting your hands around his neck. "Thank you Chuuya. I love being around you." you admitted, though in drunken state. Chuuya smiled and pulled you closer, burying his nose in your neck. "I feel the same way. Though I would be happier to hear you say those things when you're sober." he teased you and twirled you around. "Big meanie, I am not too drunk to say what I love." you responded, looking up to him. "So, what else do you love?" he asked with a slight grin. "You."Suddenly he stopped and blinked. "I love you, Chuuya Nakahara. I want to marry you and have many kids. Oh and a dog so that Dazai never visits us~" you said, while having drunk hiccups after every second word. Chuuya blushed like mad, the music stopped right when you began to confess. Everyone was able to hear your words.Your dizziness disappeared slowly after you realized your words. "Oh.. no.. no.. what have I said? I am so deeply sorry!" you bowed and ran away, your red face matching Chuuya's right now. He stood there for a few seconds before he followed you.He found you in your room, sitting on your bed with both hands covering your face. "I am such an idiot." you sighed, shaking your head. "[Y/n]-chan, look at me." he spoke calmly. "..." Chuuya sighed, walking closer. "Look at me." he repeated. "..No." you whined. He bent before you, taking both your hands in his, removing it from your face slowly. Your teary eyes shone lightly before you felt something warm on your lips. He kissed you. In utter shock your body caved in, falling backwards and taking Chuuya with you. Now he was hovering over you, kissing you passionately. After what seemed like an eternity he pulled away, grinning like an idiot. "Can you repeat what you said earlier?" he breathed against your lips. "They say, drunken people speak the truth." he chuckled. You blushed and pulled him back into a second kiss. "It was the truth. I love you Chuuya. From the bottom of my heart." you told him, making him smile sincerely. "I love you too, [Y/n]. Though I hope you don't lose your cute, shy nature. It's fucking adorable when you blush." he smirked, biting your neck lightly."You are more adorable when you blush, Chuuya." you retorted, making him chuckle against your skin. "I have an idea to make us both blush, though it is rather arousing~" he purred with a husky voice. "...HIIII." ... you fainted.Well, that was the beginning of a cute relationship..

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