Ryunosuke Akutagawa x Reader

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Warning: OOCness in the End xD

"You didn't have this bruise yesterday. [Y/n].. Senpai did this, didn't he?" Higuchi's worried words hit deaf ears as you walked past her after a mission you had with Akutagawa. She was right. Once again you went far beyond your limits of taking care of him and got punished. Though you knew he didn't do this on purpose or because he hated you. He just couldn't help, because you never learned otherwise.

Higuchi and you had one thing in common. Akutagawa was your first priority. But for you, he was someone special and your feelings for him made you go far more into his personal space than Higuchi would ever would dare to. Of course, he was the "heartless dog" and pushed you away, hating the affection, but that never stopped you to fully trust him and would give your life for him if you had to. Why? Because you knew him better than anyone else.


"You little, desolate brat! It would be better scum like you end up in the gotter, so our town can be cleansed from people like you!" a man who run after you, hissed. You were a 10 year old little girl and you stole bread from a bakery. But it wasn't for you, even if you were on the edge of starvation. The food was for a boy you knew. He was sickly and weak and you took care for him. But this time, the baker caught you and treatened you with a broom.

He cornered you and raised his weapon. "I will show you some respect" he yelled at you. You shut your eyes and waited for the painful impact, hoping he'll end it soon. Just then you heard a familar coughing and someone getting hit. You opened your eyes and saw the boy before you, who took the blows for you. "R..Ryunosuke-kun.." you mumbled after he broke down in your arms. "Idiot! What are you doing here?" your tears streamed down your face and hit his blood-stained forehead. Akutagawa looked at you and turned his head the other way. "I just told you.. just stop stealing food. We don't need that stinky stuff from the rich." he mumbled before he lost his conscience. You held him tightly and cried a bit more. "I did it for YOU damn it.."

[End of Flashback]

That was 9 years ago. Now, that you both are in the Port Mafia, your life changed drastically. Though you remained the same gentle and empathic person you used to be. Akutagawa was the one, who changed completely. He got cold, reckless and unable to show any emotions anymore. Becoming the heartless dog of the mafia, a ruthless killer. That was his fate. And you hated his fate.

There was a meeting at the moment and Ougai gave out missions. You looked around. He wasn't here. That was nothing new to be honest, because Akutagawa always got his missions via phone. But this time Ougai turned to you and gave you a mission for you and him: In an abandoned village, far away from civilisation, members of the Guild were spotted. Mark Twain and Herman Melville. They probably wanted to build up a hidden basement and you had to surprise them and kill them with no mercy.

After the meeting, you walked around the floors heading to Akutagawa's room. His room was separate from all the others in the living area. It seems he wanted to bring his social contacts down to zero.

As you reached his room you didn't hesitate to open the door and enter. A big mistake, you realized too late. His room was completely stricted of visiting without knocking and telling who you are.

Rashomon flies in your direction, ready to devour you with his maw. "Senpai, stop! It's me!!" you yelled and Rashomon stopped millimeters before you, leaving you having an almost massive heart attack. [Y/n].." his deep voice caused a shiver to run down your spine. "Just knock next time." he mumbled and looked out of the window. "I will.." you answered and tried to remember why you even came to his room at all.

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