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harry's week had been so great up until now. he thought he could go a little longer like this, just worrying about school and hanging with his friends and boyfriend as well. but he should've known he couldn't avoid zack for long. he had been coming up with every excuse in the book to avoid him all week, such as being involved in school programs and doing make up tests, and staying in the class for a little extra help.

sometimes whenever he received a text from zack he would either delete it and lie and say he didn't get the message, or make up a lie so that he wouldn't have to go do whatever it was zack wanted him to do. he kept that up for a good week and a half, not having to deal with zack or see his face. just him, zayn, and his friends. but zack caught him. he was watching harry as he stood feet away from him unseen as harry typed up a lie and said he was busy doing something the school, but zack was looking directly at him and could clearly see he wasn't doing anything but fooling around with zayn and the others.

zack knows he's been lying and he truly couldn't believe harry thought he'd get away with it. so this time, he finally gets his hands on harry. he takes harry somewhere private, and here they were now in a warehouse where transactions took place from time to time. only the two of them were there. there wasn't even a place around them that was populated since this was kinda the isolated part of town, no one really came around.

zack was leant up against the wall with a cigarette between his lips, while harry sat on an old chair that was found somewhere without the warehouse, with his head down. he knew zack was mad, even if he didn't show it and he knew zack had something in store for him. he just hope it wasn't as bad as he imagined.

"so, you've been lying to me." zack suddenly speaks, blowing out a huff of smoke. harry tenses up, not knowing how to reply.

"no, i- just, i was-"

"if you're gonna lie to me again, then just don't open your mouth, cause you'll only make it worse." zack says. harry swallows thickly, closing his mouth. zack takes a long drag from his fag, before pushing himself off the wall and walking towards harry, closing the distance between the two. he kneels down in front of harry, lifting his chin up with his free hand, forcing harry to look into his eyes. "you know if there's one thing i hate the most it's a liar."

"i didn- zack!" harry cries out sharply in pain, as he feels zack press the lit up put of the cigarette against his skin. he tries to move away, but zack holds him in place, letting the cigarette burn harry. harry whimpers, still trying to move away.

"shut up, would you rather i do it with the lighter?" zack asked darkly. harry quickly shook his head.

"no please." harry pleads, tears stinging his eyes. zack pulls the cigarette away from his arm once it's burned out and tosses it to the floor. then he reaches in his pocket. harry's eyes widen, thinking that zack was about to pull out his lighter and burn him some more. so on instinct he quickly stands up, backing away from zack ready to run. zack quickly mimics him, standing up and grabbing harry's arm yanking him back and harry gasps when he feels a sharp pain in his knee from zack kicking him in it, making his knee buckle. harry falls backwards yelping, and zack immediately gets on top of harry, punching him in the face twice, before grabbing his hair harshly, glaring down at him.

"don't you ever try to run away from me!" he hisses. harry sobs, his arms covering his face. zack ignores him and reaches in his pocket, pulling out his lighter. "i wasn't even gonna use it on you at first, but since you wanna try and run away from me, you deserve it."

"zack please." harry whimpers softly. he could feel liquid running down his face, knowing that his nose was probably bleeding and he probably had another black eye. zack tugs on his hair.

"shut up, this is your punishment, you brought this upon yourself." zack hisses. he flicks the lighter, holding it for about a minute. harry makes sounds of freight every now and then, watching zack in horror. once zack releases it, he lifts harry's shirt. harry shakes his head in protest, whimpering loudly trying to stop him. but zack pins his hands down, and presses the hot metal of the lighter against harry's stomach causing the boy to cry out at the burn, squirming as he struggled to get away. but he never did.

zack burns him about six more times after that one.


harry was back at his dorm, after the torture he had been through with zack. luckily niall wasn't there and he got to take care of his injuries alone without anyone seeing. he limped around his dorm, knee still in a lot of pain. his burns still hurt and his face was in pain as well. he wish this pain would go away and stop once and for all, but he was afraid.

he limped into the bathroom, wincing when he touches his eye where the first blow was thrown and shakes his head. he reaches in the medicine cabinet, grabbing his foundation. niall had asked about it once but of course harry lied about it and told him, he had it to cover up his acne. he wouldn't dare tell niall he was using it to cover up bruises from whatever zack would do to him.

but secrets can't last forever, they never do. sometimes the truth has to come out, sooner or later. someone will find out one way or another. and maybe it was time that someone other than harry himself knew about what was going on behind closed doors. so that's when without warning, niall walks into the bathroom. it was sudden, harry didn't even hear him come in, and maybe that's because he was so caught up in his thoughts.


on instinct, of course harry turns to face him. and niall gasps. harry's eyes widen and he quickly looks away, his heart was already starting to race.

"harry, what happened to your face?"


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