thirty five

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the rest of that day passed painfully slow. harry had cried and cried, the pain was too much and his skin was throbbing horribly. zayn tried to comfort him, but even that couldn't calm harry. he ended up crying himself to sleep. he was tired and hurt and the only way to escape it at the moment was sleep. zayn watched him, feeling so terrible that he couldn't physically help him. it tore him apart to watch him be hurt in such a way. even when he knew zack had been hurting him, he had never thought he'd have to witness it. it pained him the most that he couldn't do anything about it.

his baby was being hurt and he couldn't do anything but watch. he had to get them out of here. god knows what zack had planned next. but how would he get freed from these ropes? his hands were behind his back, and the knot was just above them. maybe he could get out. he just needed to loosen up the tightness a little so that he could move his hands. he groans as he pulls his body forward, then side to side hoping to loosen the rope.

while in the process, he hears harry shift on the bed and whimper softly in his sleep. he looked to be in pain as he lied on his side curled up. although his hands were still tied, the rope was long enough so that he could lie fully on the bed instead of being held in the air. zayn craves to touch him, to be able to comfort him and tell him that everything will be alright. to protect him from the monster that is his brother. just a few months ago, zayn would've never thought his brother would be capable of something like this, but now he sees his true colors. he's crazy, and he wants to hurt people. not just anyone though, but harry.

and zayn didn't understand why. if he claims he loves harry so much, why put him through this? it can't seriously be because harry rejected him. it had to be something deeper than just that. rejection can't be the motivation for his doings, but then again, when someone's insane, one small thing can set them off and make them do crazy things. but zayn just still doesn't understand. if you love someone, you don't hurt them, you spend a life time trying to prove it to them. but zack was doing the complete opposite. and zayn had to do something about it. he had to make this all stop. but first, he needed to get the hell out of these restraints. it was the only thing holding him back. as soon as he was able to get out, zayn was gonna get revenge.

his head snaps up when the door opens, and zack walks in. his face emotionless as he carries a bottle of water. instead of bothering harry, much to zayn's relief, he walks over and stands in front of zayn, who glares up at him in pure hatred. zack ignores the look and opens the bottle, holding it to zayn's mouth. "are you gonna stare at me or drink?" zack says flatly.

"why are you doing this?" zayn asks through clenched teeth, clutching his fists together. man if he could get his hands on zack, he would not hold back and he didn't have liam here to hold him back either this time.

"well, i don't want you to die of thirst so-" zack answers smartly, but he already knew zayn wasn't referring to the water. he just wanted to run that smart ass mouth of his as if this was a joke.

"this is not about the fucking water." zayn hisses. zack sighs, pulling the water away from zayn and staring down at him.

"you wanna know the real reason?" zack questions, raising an eyebrow. zayn doesn't answer, because he's sick of zack's joking and he wants to know why was he doing what he did. the real reason, not some bull shit about being rejected and not taking a liking to it. "you don't need to know that. all you need to know is that, this is all out of love."

"you don't love him! you're sick and twisted, you've dragged him through hell and back, and you just won't stop. haven't you done enough damage? why can't you leave him alone." zayn hisses, his muscles clenching as he so adult wants to be free so he can show zack what it feels like to be beaten senselessly. zack thinks he's so tough now, but zayn knows his weaknesses. after all, they are identical twins, born and raised together. they even went through the inseparable twin phase once, where they were each other's best friend and they didn't need anyone else. they knew everything about one another, or so they thought. zayn didn't know zack was this crazed maniac waiting to strike and zack didn't know that zayn was willing to do anything for harry. even if it meant saying goodbye to his brother forever.

"that just won't do. i was told once, when you want something, don't stop until you get it." zack says, smiling slightly. then his face goes back emotionless and shoves the bottle of water back in zayn's face. "do you want to drink it or not? i really don't have the patience for your wise talk." zack says. zayn turns his head away, and zack shrugs, screwing the cap back onto the water bottle and walking over to place it on the worn down night stand next to the bed. he pulls something out of his pocket in which resembles lotion. zayn eyes zack as he steps closer to harry.

"what are you doing?" zayn asked angrily, not wanting zack to touch harry. he had already hurt him so badly yesterday. zack rolls his eyes.

"relax, it's just cream, for harry's back. it'll help with the pain. you don't think i'm that heartless now do you?" zack says, placing a heart where his heart should be, but zayn isn't sure he even has one. zayn glares, as zack grabs harry, pulling him onto his knees again. harry whimpers softly, his eyes fluttering open as he feels his body being moved around. and when he sees he's back in the same position as yesterday and zack hovering over him, he starts to freak out thinking he's going to get punished again. "hey!" zack hisses, holding harry in place, getting fed up with his struggling. "stop it."

"p-please don't h-hurt me." harry cries.

"i'm not, if you be a good boy and stay still for me." zack says. zayn grimaces at the way he talks to him. harry is not a dog, nor an animal, he hated the way zack talked to him. he would never disrespect harry like that. not even dream on it. harry goes still, sniffling as he closes his eyes. zack opens the cap and lifts harry's shirt, not even flinching when he sees what he's done. red painful looking welts all over his skin. they were sure to heal, but not for a long time. he squirts some of the cream onto his hand and starts to smooth it over harry's bruises. harry hisses at the pain, whimpering. zack continues to rub the cream over his back until he's covered the whole area, and pulls harry's shirt back down.

"is that better?" zack asks. when harry doesn't answer, he grabs him by the hair, tugging his head back. harry yelps and looks at zack with widened eyes as zack gets in his face. "i asked you a question."

"y-yes better." harry breaths out. zack nods, but doesn't release harry's hair as he leans closer, staring into harry's fear filled eyes.

"you gonna give me kiss?" zack whispers, peering into his eyes. they are chocolate brown, with just a hint of hazel just like zayn, except they are dark and void of emotion. it scares harry to the core. harry bites his lip, shaking his head slightly, afraid what zack might do, but he couldn't possibly kiss zack with zayn sitting right there watching them. zack lets go of his hair and grabs his chin, leaning closer. harry releases his lip, letting out a shaky breath. the closeness making him nervous than ever, and the intimidation zack brings to him, making his stomach turn. "c'mon baby, i know you want to." zack smirks. harry's heart beats against his rib cage harshly. he swallows thickly and feels himself start to lean in. zack meets him halfway and their lips touch. it was a only a brief kiss, but that's all it needed to be to put a strain zayn's heart, to see harry willingly kiss him. he doesn't know what to feel. zack pulls away, smirking and runs his hand through harry's hair. "good boy."

harry hangs his head, biting his lip and zack backs away, turning to see zayn is seething in anger at what just happened. he smiles.

"i'm done here for today." zack says smugly, before shoving his hands in his pocket and exits the room.

and a word isn't exchanged between the two once zack's gone.


well shit . wtf hazza

love y'all don't murder me in my sleep thank you xx

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