twenty one

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zayn was driving the car when it happened.

he and the guys have been all over, going from town to town searching high and low for harry. asking anyone and everyone if they had seen him. going to all the places they knew, but they didn't spot him anywhere. but they did not give up. harry was out here somewhere and didn't would travel across the world to find him if they needed to. they weren't giving up on harry, not until they knew where he was and get him back here safely and alive. harry's parents, his parents have been non stop calling him. he had spoken to harry's mum just a few days after he went missing to her sobbing on the other line and asking him if he knew what happened or where he could be.

it broke zayn's heart. harry's mum was like a second mum to him. both their mum's had become like best friends a while after the two started dating. they spent so much time other at one another's house, both their families had become one big family, while also including niall, louis, and liam. they all looked out for one another and cared deeply for each other. so everyone was pretty broken down after being informed about harry's disappearance. it was just horrible and had everyone on edge.

zayn had begun to become fed up with the police calling him every now and then just to inform him they hadn't made any progress. and zayn completely flipped his shit, telling them how shitty they were and how they weren't doing their jobs. how they didn't deserve to be cops. he was so pissed and sad and just angry. he didn't know what to do. he was getting no sleep at all, he wasn't eating like he should, and he definitely didn't have his head on right. he was going crazy. he just wanted his harry back. back in his arms, safe and sound. he felt like he was so close, but he was so far away. he felt just as useless as those detectives did.

would he ever even find harry? was he even searching in the right places or was he moving in the wrong direction? he just pleaded that harry was close by somewhere, he prayed and prayed, every night. he didn't care which god it was he was calling to, or whatever religion that god belonged to, he just needed help. he wanted a miracle. he wanted harry to be found, he wanted him safe and still in one piece. he just wanted him back, that's all he asks for. why was that so hard? what did zayn ever do to deserve the love of his life to be taken away from him? and what did the love of his life do to deserve to be taken? it made no sense.

harry was such a good pure soul. full of kindness and happiness. a heart of gold. but all of this misfortune fell upon him as if he had done something to deserve punishment. he was a good fucking person and zayn hated that he had to go through this. he didn't deserve, he never did. he wishes he could just take the pain away. but he couldn't. his baby was out there somewhere being hurt and he couldn't do anything about it. not until he found him he couldn't. but he wouldn't give up, he'd never give up on harry. he wouldn't even dream of it.

sighing, zayn looks at the time on his phone. it was getting late. he looked over at louis who say next to him in the passenger seat of the car and their eyes met. "do you wanna stop for now and give your mind a break?" louis asks hesitation, not wanting to upset zayn. last time one of them suggested stopping the search early he flipped out on them and accused them of wanting to give up, then ended up crying himself to sleep from all the emotional stress. but this time instead of throwing a fit, zayn shook his head tiredly.

"we still have time, just- another hour please?" he begged as if he needed to do it. which he did. he needed it more than anything. he needed harry more than anything. louis smiles sadly and nods. the two boys in the back agreeing without a second thought.

"of course zayn." liam speaks.

"let's try checking any of the hotels, and small neighborhoods, yeah?" louis suggests. zayn nods and turns on the car. he drives out of the empty parking lot and into traffic. unfortunately this town they were in seemed pretty busy, traffic was heavy and the weather wasn't any better. if anything it only made everyone even more gloomy than they already were.

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