twenty eight

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after only a week of being out of school, the guys- excluding harry were acquired to return, but instead they decided to miss another week of school to be here with harry. harry told them time after time that he didn't want to hold them back from their lives, but they just kept insisting and arguing that they wouldn't leave their best friend alone. even if he wouldn't be alone because he had his family and their families here with him. it just still didn't feel right to go back yet. it didn't feel like this whole thing was over and they didn't want to leave with this case still wide open. especially with the criminal still at large. but eventually they would have to go back.

every day was very uneasy for them, but they got through it. getting their minds off the situation with just going on about their lives. harry was still having nightmares here and there, and was still as clingy as ever towards zayn. that somehow confused zayn though. he knows harry loves him, and he knows he loves harry as well. he just doesn't understand how harry can stand being around him at the moment. he was an exact replica of the monster who did all those things to him, out him through all of that pain, yet harry just doesn't seem bothered by it and it worries him. not that he wants harry to be afraid of him, he's glad harry isn't afraid of him. he just feels off.

harry was sitting with his legs crossed on the floor, in between zayn's legs while he brushed harry's hair. they were the only two home while harry's mum was off at work. it was quiet, the tv was muted while playing a random show that neither of them were actually paying attention to. harry was humming softly as zayn brushed his blondish hair out. harry was still upset about his hair, but he pushed that feeling aside, after all it was his fault in the first place for letting it get that far. everything was his fault. even though everyone tried to convince that it wasn't, he knew it was. but there was it too late to change any of that.

zayn ran the brush through harry's hair once more before he sat it down on the coffee table in front of them and brushed his own fingers through the soft untangled hair, smiling weakly. "i'm done baby." zayn whispers. harry nods and lifts himself off the floor, before climbing into zayn's lap like a small child. zayn's arms snake around his waist and holds him. "is there anything else you wanna do?"

harry stays quiet for a second, before he pulls away from zayn's chest and looks at his, a lip between his teeth. "c-can we go out somewhere?" he asks. zayn rubs his back gently and tilts his head. just a few days ago harry was almost terrified of stepping outside, but now he was gear yet hesitant at the idea. zayn sat up a little, keeping his arms around harry's slim waist and rests his chin on top of harry's head.

"you sure baby?" zayn asks. he wasn't even sure himself if they should be outside roaming the streets with zack still out there.

harry nods, "yeah. i mean, y-you've been trapped inside of this house because of me a-and i just thought it'd be nice to get out.." zayn sighs and shakes his head lifting his head off of harry's. harry sits up and looks back at his boyfriend frowning.

"baby, you don't need to force yourself to go out just because you think i'm trapped here because of you. i'm not. i like being here with just you, making sure you're safe and keeping you company." zayn tells him. harry bites his lip and slowly nods his head, then he leans his forehead against zayn's, closing his eyes.

"it's just- you have a life too and i- i don't wanna hold you back from it." harry explains, sighing deeply. zayn cups both his hands over harry's cheeks, stroking gently with his thumbs.

"harry, you are my life." zayn says looking into harry's eyes. harry bites his lip, his eyes glistening as he stares back into his boyfriend's eyes. he didn't think his love for zayn could grow any longer, but it always did. zayn was there for him since the very day they met and it's always been that way. zayn was the most loyal and honest person harry knew. he had stuck by harry's side no matter what it was, and he had always been open with him. he told harry any and everything good or bad. and harry trusted him like no other. he knew zayn would never hurt him, and he knew zayn was always gonna be there for him. and that's what made him upset.

zayn was just so perfect and harry, he was a mess. a complete mess and zayn deserved so much better. but harry needed him now more than ever. he didn't want to lose him. was that selfish?

"i- i love you zayn." harry whispers, sniffling. zayn nuzzles his nose against harry's their foreheads still bumping together. zayn smiles and kisses harry's nose.

"i love you too baby." zayn replies, then he pulls away and his and harry's eyes meet. "you still wanna go out or stay in?"

harry sucks in his bottom lip nervously before he replies unsurely, "stay."

and even when zayn was so close to him and he knew he was safe with him, that didn't stop that weird feeling in the pit of his stomach that something just wasn't right.

he just hoped he was being paranoid.


here's an update sorry for the wait i'll update more like i was doing before lol.

okay, love you guys, be breezy ✌🏽

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