thirty eight

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harry was curled up on the bed. a week had passed and still no progress of them finding a way out.  harry was scared. what if they didn't get out of here this time? what if zack got even more agressive? what if he.. raped harry again? harry didn't know what would happen this time. although zack started acting strange lately. he hadn't been making harry do anything that would piss zayn off or end up in punishment. other then kissing, nothing else really happened. he wondered what zack was doing. he had been oddly...kind for the past week. not the legit type of kind, but kind as in not physically hurting harry, or tainting zayn.

he would just walk in the room, give them food, water, have them separately escorted to the rest room by some of zack's 'people', who were no doubt just drug dealers. zack was obviously the leader of the little crew since they always did what he told them to. every so often he'd just give harry a simple kiss on the lips and stroke his hair lightly. harry was confused, he didn't know why zack was acting this way. zack was never this nice to him, even before all of this began.

harry's wrists grew sore and had now a red ring around them from being tied up. zayn was still completely bonded to the chair in the corner of the room. harry knew he had to extremely uncomfortable. but another thing harry was worried about, zayn. zayn had been a bit quiet too. aside from them whispering 'i love you' to each other every night, zayn didn't really talk unless harry talked to him. zayn seemed to get more and more upset every time zack kissed harry. not even at the kiss itself but the fact that harry seemed to enjoy it.

not that he was accusing harry of anything, he was just calling it as he sees it. instead of voicing his thoughts he keeps quiet. he wasn't angry at harry at all, he told himself, harry did it in order to safe himself. he had to obey zack, at least until they got out of here. being in here gave zayn an overreactive imagination and he was over thinking and over analyzing every action. he knew deep down in his heart harry loved him, but the dark side of his conscience kept nagging at him. he was gonna drive himself insane if they didn't get out any sooner.

harry turns over to face zayn, who is looking down at his lap in deep thought. chewing on his lip harry wonders if he should interrupt him or not. but he was feeling horrible and he really wanted to clear the air with zayn. sense they've been here he felt there was a strain on their relationship and it was at the worse time possible to be having doubts or problems. he needed to let zayn know how he felt. he needed zayn to know that nothing would ever come in between them. he wouldn't exchange zayn for anything, not even a hundred kisses would change his mind. "zayn?" he spoke softly. zayn slowly lifts his head to look at harry. he was extremely tired, the skin under his eyes darkened, and the eye area in his eye slightly red.


"i love you.." harry says. zayn nods.

"i love you too."

harry shakes his head, "n-no, zayn i love you, like really really love you. ever since the first day we met." harry says. zayn tilts his head slightly.


"ever since i laid eyes on you, ever since the first date, the first kiss.. our first time. i have loved you and i never stopped." harry says honestly. zayn is slightly shocked by his small speech and the fact that he didn't stumble over his words like he usually did nowadays. harry's surprised himself, but he means it, every word and zayn needs to know it because he can see the look on zayn's face whenever zack kisses him. hurt, anger, and annoyance. but he doesn't want zayn to feel that way anymore. "and i'm not gonna stop. and you can't stop either zayn, please don't stop loving me. i'm sorry for everything." harry whispers.

zayn's heart swells at those words and he feels wide awake now. "harry you don't need to apologize baby. my love for you hasn't gone anywhere and it won't anytime soon. i know things are rough right now but that doesn't mean i'm gonna give up on you." zayn says looking into harry's eyes from afar. "i love you so much harry."

"i- i love you too." harry nods feeling like he could cry, but he held it in. he was filled with happiness despite being held up in this horrible place. but he had zayn and zayn was his happiness. nothing could ever break the bond the two had. not even zack and his sadistic mind.

zayn smiles, "i've got a plan.." he whispers. harry's eyes widen, and he moves himself so that his legs are underneath him and he is sitting on his thighs.

"what is it?"

zayn starts to whisper lowly, stopping occasionally to make sure no one was gonna walk in and hear them. zayn was sitting there thinking the whole time of an escape plan. it wasn't too complex and he's almost positive they could pull it off. as long as they were careful and stealthy. zayn was gonna get them out of here one way or the other. he didn't care if he had to put up a fight. he made harry a promise and he intended on keeping it.

harry nods, biting his lip after listening to zayn explain his plan. harry had doubts, but he wanted so bad to get out of here before zack did something else. he grasped onto the words and held his only hope in his hand. he really hoped that this would work. it sounded pretty well thought out and it had to be certain they'd make it. he really hoped, he prayed. he prayed for one good thing to happen after all he's been through. he deserves it, more than anything.

"we can do it baby."

hopefully this would be their last day in here and their escape to freedom.

both of them are interrupted by the door barging open midday. their heads turn to look who it was and obviously it was zack walking in. but they frown when they see that zack is.. smiling? very widely might they add. he looked extremely happy as he strolled in, leaving the door opened slightly. he sauntered over to harry and sat on the bed next to him. harry immediately knew what his deal was. the red dopey eyes told it all. zack was high.

he grabs harry's chin pulling him close and whispering in his ear. his worst nightmares rising to the surface.

"i'm so horny baby, why don't you help me out?"


well fuck .

what you think gonna happen ?

love y'all . sorry if this is short.

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