fourty two

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an: trigger warning, self harm. do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.


harry sat in the sofa with his legs crossed underneath him. he was picking at his sweats absentmindedly, not paying attention to the tv that was playing in front of him that was on a low volume. he was finally home with his mum, dad and sister. having just arrived last night, they were watching harry like a hawk. they couldn't accept that they had let this happen to harry again, and they didn't want it to happen again. so they were treating him like baby and watching over him.

zayn was at home with his own family dealing with issues. zack was apart of their family, and no matter how crazy things were, he was still apart of their family. so everything that was happening was taking a huge toll on zayn's parents. they just needed some time alone with themselves and harry respected that. harry himself needed some time to think over everything that's happened. of course he wasn't fully alone though, since his family were hovering over him.

just then he feels a weight next to him, but he doesn't look up from his lap, continuing to pick at his sweat pants. he knew that it was gemma but he couldn't bring himself to lift his head. not that he was trying to ignore her, he just wanted some time alone, but it didn't look like he'd be getting that any time soon. gemma was next to him, holding two cups of warm tea, smiling slightly at harry. she holds one cup to him and his thoughts are interrupted.

"tea?" she offered politely. without a word, harry takes the cuppa as holds it in front of himself. his lips stay pressed in a flat line. gemma watches her brother as he eyes the tea with no apparent emotion on his face. she slowly takes a tiny sip of her own tea, eyes still on harry. instead of drinking the tea immediately, harry dips his index finger in the hot liquid, not caring about the way it burned. he kept it in, swirling his finger around and ignoring his skin that was begging to be let out. gemma frowns. "harry?"

"yeah?" harry answers finally looking at gemma for a second.

"are you um- okay?" she asks carefully.

"i'm okay." harry replies finally releasing his now numb finger from the tea and taking a sip. gemma sighs and places her cuppa down, bringing her legs up onto the couch getting more comfortable as she turns her body to face harry.

"harry talk to me, i'm your sister i'm here for you." gemma says in a worried tone.

"gem, there's nothing to talk about." harry says, looking back down at his cup as he starts to anxiously take sips of it. gemma shakes her head and places her hand on harry's shoulder but is shocked when harry shrugs her off.

"h, there's a lot to talk about." gemma reminds. "just please talk to me." she pleads, tilting her head at harry. harry clutches the cuppa in his hands.

"what do you want me to say gemma? i was kidnapped, not once  but twice, raped, and beat. it's not like i went on a horrible camping trip." harry says bitterly. gemma is taken aback by harry's tone. a bitter tone that replaced his usually sweet and innocent one. she was not expecting that, but maybe being in his situation can make a person moody, so she swallows and brushes it off.

"i-i just- i just wanna know how you're feeling." she says, sighing softly.

"like i want to die." he replies simply. gemma's heart clenches and she lets out at shaken breath as she looks at harry with horrified eyes. that's the last thing a person wants to hear someone they care about dearly say.

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