twenty five

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the guys were all taken back home, monitored by two police cars to ensure their safety. they all ended up becoming really good friends with luke and calum, mostly harry, and harry promised when he got a new phone he'd definitely keep in contact with the two lads. since they had been through a lot, they were all given two weeks out of school, except harry was given more time off from school and he wasn't penalized for the days he had missed once the school was informed what happened. so now they were all back in their dorms, packing up and getting ready to go back home. harry was still extremely clingy towards zayn, although zayn didn't mind not one bit.

harry didn't want to be in a room without zayn. he was constantly cuddled into the lad's side or latching onto his arm or neck. zayn didn't care or find it annoying. harry had just been through hell and he was just frightened and traumatized. he was also still hurting physically. they had taken him to the hospital to get him patched up. they wrapped up his bruised wrists because they started to bleed, and gave him some pain medication for his sore face and torso. they had also told him he actually did have a fraction within his knee, so that gave him a brace so that it didn't hurt so much when he walk, although he did still have a limp. but the worst part is that, he had a tear in his rectum because of the malicious rape.

harry was in a pretty bad condition, emotionally. he would cry at random moments, one second he's clinging to zayn like a leach and the next he doesn't want anyone to touch him, and he mumbles and whimpers in his sleep. zayn observed that on their way back home, which was a long five hour drive. he was also crying about how he hated his hair and wanted to shave it all off because he couldn't stand to look at it, but zayn assured him that the dye would fade away soon and he could dye his hair again back to its natural color. and once harry calmed down, he'd kiss him and tell him how beautiful he was and that he didn't need to worry about his appearance.

it enraged him that zack had destroyed him so badly that the boy literally cries multiple times a day, and can barely sleep or be alone. he shouldn't have to feel like he needs someone around twenty four seven, he should be able to feel safe when no one's around. it just wasn't right, wasn't fair that harry had to live in fear. zayn wishes he could just take it all away, he'd trade places with harry in a heart beat if that meant harry's happiness. but life was full of cruel things and there wasn't anything he could do to turn back time. he could only be there for harry and help him heal. but do scars really ever heal?

"harry love, you have everything?" zayn asked once he was done helping harry pack up his things. After about a day or two being back in the dorms, they were finally on their way back home. zayn and harry's parents lived close by so they didn't need to separate, not that harry was gonna let that happen anyway. niall, louis, and liam also lived close by, the perks of being all childhood friends and growing up together definitely was a plus. harry finished zipping up his last bag of clothes.

"yes." harry mumbles briefly without looking up. zayn bites his lip and goes over to harry, kneeling down next to him. he opens his arms and like a magnet, harry goes to him letting zayn wrap his arms around harry. they don't say anything because they both already know what the other is thinking, words don't need to be exchanged.

"we are gonna be leaving in half an hour, so we have enough time to get all our stuff in the car and meet up with the guys, okay?" zayn speaks when he pulls away from harry. harry nods and zayn leans forward to peck his lips briefly and grabs both harry's hands. he stands up and pulls harry up with him, before smiling weakly. "i love you baby, we're gonna be okay." zayn says softly. harry looks up at him and nods again, resting his head on zayn's shoulder.

"i love you too z."


it's been a while since they've been home, and home never seemed so far away until now. but now that they we're finally back after just a few months, it felt nice. harry was glad to be away from school for a while, all the stress and all the bad things. although, harry still had this tug at his heart that it just wasn't over. nothing was ever over. not with him at least. it just seems though misery always finds its way back to him no matter where he went. he felt trapped. he didn't want to think about the bad things, he wanted to come home, see his mum and sister and drown in their love. he couldn't necessarily tell them he was okay, because he wasn't, not mentally anyway. he didn't even know if he were physically okay at that.

zayn drives up to the house and it feels like forever since they've been here though it's only been a couple of months since they left for uni. he was happy to be home, happy to be surrounded by friends and family. it made him feel a little bit more safe. but he wouldn't feel completely safe at all with zack still at large, not until he was finally apprehended by the police. as soon as zayn got fully into the drive way and turned off the car, the front door of harry's home flies open. it's harry's mum coming towards the car. harry's eyes light up, his fear vanishing for a split second as he opens the door and bolts out of the car towards his mum, ignoring the restricting brace around his knee and the slight pain. they meet half way and embrace each other tightly.

harry's mum immediately bursting into tears, while harry's trying to hold his in. he's cried enough this week, he doesn't think he has much tears left. "mum."

"my god, harry. i'm so glad you're okay." anne sobs, holding onto harry for dear life, wanting nothing more than to prevent him from being taken away again. "i thought you were gone- i didn't think they'd find you but i was praying they did. i'm so sorry, i'm glad you're okay." anne cries. harry stays quiet just savoring the touch of his mum. he's missed it so much, he really needs this. he feels like a fragile kitten that needs to be cuddled and protected from the world and never let go of. they hug for what seems like forever before harry pulls away first and eyes his mum with glistening eyes.

"i-i'm sorry for worrying you mum." harry croaks. anne shakes her head.

"no harry, none of that. you were just abducted, you have nothing to apologize for." anne says. harry nods, refraining from apologizing again. he feels zayn walk up next to him and immediately grabs his hand. anne looks over at zayn and smiles widely. "zack, i don't know how to thank you enough for bringing my baby boy back home, it means so much to me you don't even know." anne beams happily. zayn's clenches his fist that's not holding harry's hand and harry tenses at the name mix up. because really? she chooses now to mix their names up?

"i'm zayn." zayn deadpans. he didn't want to be rude but it did piss him off being mistaken for his twin. anne's eyes widened as she cups a hand over her mouth.

"oh gosh, i'm so sorry. it's just really hard to distin-"

"it's ok mum." harry mumbles, and slips his hand out of zayn's, making the other lad frown at the lose of contact. harry puts his arms behind his back and stares at the ground not making eye contact. "can we just go inside? i'm tired." he says quietly. anne and zayn look at each other and zayn sighs sadly as anne speaks.

"of course, c'mon your old room is just how you left it."

harry was falling apart piece by piece. or maybe he had already fallen apart.


hi guysss, what'd you think? any predictions?

again sorry for any typos, grammar errors. i don't edit my stories before publishing, so my editing gets done later.

i love you guys xoxox

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