fourty three

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today wasn't quite like the other day. harry was no longer upset about being coddled so much, although he did get a little irritated with the constant questions so everyone toned that down a little. he didn't mind being watched over by zayn, which he actually preferred because zayn didn't always question harry, he always knew what to say and when to say it unlike his sister and his parents. don't get harry wrong, he loves his family dearly, but they just don't know when to stop sometimes.

zayn stayed over night even when his parents kinda wanted him to come back home since he'd be spending so much time over here. but he didn't much care because he wanted to make sure harry wouldn't hurt himself again. sure harry promised he wouldn't do it again, but harry was in a very bad place, he didn't know himself whether he'd do it again or not and that worried zayn to the core. harry had enough on his plate, he didn't want something else added onto it.

harry and zayn were on the sofa, zayn was squished between the couch and harry, his arms wrapped comfortably around zayn as he slept. his wrists had been cleaned up last night, and wrapped in a gauze on both wrists. and to cover it up harry wore a long sleeve. they hadn't and weren't planning on telling harry's family about it, harry didn't want to upset them anymore than they already were and he would horrible seeing the reactions on their faces. so instead they kept it between themselves.

while harry slept, zayn flipped lazily through the tv channels trying to find something decent to watch. he was mindful of harry's injuries making sure not to lean back to far again the couch and crush harry's arms that were around his lower half. zayn absentmindedly ran his fingers through harry's hair as he continued to flip through the channels. zayn suddenly froze when one channel caught his eye. the news.

zayn didn't really watch the news, unless he wanted to know how the weather would be on particular days. but as he turned passed it, a picture stopped him. a picture that he was way too familiar with and someone that made his skin crawl. zayn turned back, slowly lowering his arm as he zoned in.

"-llege student zack malik, who is the prime suspect in a kidnapping was found thursday. police say they received an anonymous report prior to thursday and were directed right to the source. a man who has not been yet identified was found dead. the cause of death hasn't been released as to the public. however, zack malik was also found within proximity and barely alive. he had been badly beaten and lost a lot of blood, but has been rushed into the hospital for further examination. while this does not mean he is off the hook, according to-" zayn switches the channel, swallowing thickly as he clutches the remote in his hand.

he think back to the day he escaped. the day he finally got his hands on zack for real for the first time. he wanted zack to pay for what he did, make him regret it, to make him suffer, make him cry. he wanted to kill zack, so bad he did. he wanted to watch the life leave zack's stone cold eyes and leave his body there to rot while his soul got purgatory where he would suffer more. zayn's never wanted to do such horrible things in his life, zayn was never a violent person nor was he as murderous as he wanted to be. and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't. he couldn't do it. he couldn't kill zack, something in him just wouldn't let him.

zayn wanted zack to suffer, of course. what he did to harry was unforgivable. but he just couldn't bring himself to go through with it, so instead, zack received the beating of his lifetime. worse than any he's ever given harry, he needed to hurt, he needed to feel the way harry felt but ten times worse. and that's what zayn did, leaving him alive but barely breathing. but something really had zayn bothered, not the fact that he had nearly beaten zack into his death bed, but the words that came out next.

words spoken by a voice he felt like he hadn't heard in years, it was the same voice he grew up, the same voice he learnt to trust. a voice that went missing seemingly a long time again. zack yaasir malik.

the real zack yaasir malik.

"zayn help."


zayn doesn't know when he fell asleep, but when he awakens he finds that harry is nowhere in sight. that immediately brings him into a panic. he sits up quickly, getting instantly light headed. he stands up from the couch, rubbing his head to make the dizziness go away. it only takes a few seconds before he rushes into the kitchen to check there first. but harry isn't there.

"harry?" zayn calls as he turns around and starts making his way up the stairs and nearly falling over. he pushes the door open of harry's room to find that he's not there either. his heart and his mind are racing and he feels like he might freak out, "harry?!" zayn calls again, turning around, he walks down the hall way. he almost gets a heart attack until he hears the sink in the bathroom turn on. quickly, he knocks hastily on the door. "harry?"

a few seconds later the door opens to reveal harry and zayn sighs in relief. harry still has sleep hair and his eyes are slightly red, but it doesn't indicate that he's been crying, more so like he just woke up. he looks at zayn in confusion and was about to speak, but zayn quickly walks into the bathroom pulling harry into a hug. harry gasps in surprise, but anyways accepts the affection. zayn quickly pulls away and on instinct pulls at harry's sleeves, checking to see if harry had harmed himself again.

"harry did you do it again?" he asked, checking harry's body for any injuries.

"z-zayn no, i was just using the-"

"are you sure? harry please, if you did just tell me i'll help you through all of this, please." zayn says desperately. harry swallows but shakes his head.

"i promise i didn't, i- i just woke up and i had to pee." harry admits. there's no evidence of a lie in his voice, and since zayn finds no new scars he sighs heavily and nods, hugging harry again. harry hugs him back resting his head on zayn's shoulder, as zayn places a kiss to the top of his head.

"i'm sorry, i'm just so worried about you." zayn admits, holding harry tightly.

"it's okay." harry murmurs, "i-i'm sorry for worrying you."

zayn pulls away slightly looking down at harry, "no baby, don't apologize okay? i just love you so much, i don't want anything else to happen to you." zayn says rubbing harry's sides gently. harry nods looking up at zayn.

"i love you too." harry says. zayn leans down pressing his lips to harry's, feeling his heart speed up. they haven't shared a kiss through the whole time they were gone and for the three days that they've been back and it felt great. their lips moved together in sync, fitting one another's perfectly. zayn pulls harry closer, his lips never leaving harry as they kissed passionately. standing in the middle of a bathroom but no care in the world as they were the only two who mattered. harry pulls away first from the overwhelming feeling and needing air. zayn places his forehead against harry's as they both catch their breath.

"god, i love you so much." zayn breaths out.

"i- i love you too."

"no matter it's always gonna be me and you. you and i against the world." zayn promises.

"you and i against the world."


welp, zack's still alive. didn't see that coming 🤐

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